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 May 2016
Makenzie Scott
My frame fits your frame perfectly
you hold me into meekness
into mutual surrender
and whispers claim the soul whole
without hesitation

My body heeds to your wants
following you into unconditional yeses exchanged in a kiss,  as the night enfolds our unspoken ascent unbroken, exhausting each limb
releasing the weight of our soul in synchronized breaths

grant me the promise of my next breath as I take in the strength of your gaze and return ever so light to the grace of your arms' embrace
 May 2016
The Dedpoet
I am lost in the forest
        Of your hair,
You sleep as the dream awakens,
        Darkness turns to light

The sun dawns over you,
               Over me,
   The day gives birth to us.
 May 2016
Because I've lost my sight,
I cannot find my way to you.
Because my ink is dark,
my pages have a purpose,
my words leave a mark.

Because my tears are glitter streaked,
doesn't mean that they don't fall out of despair.
Because the years go on,
you fade away in my mind.

But I would still recognize you
in a crowd of those I love,
Because my heartbeat hasn't changed.
It stayed the same for you.

Because the white hot fire eventually
dulls to a soft red,
Because I wish to forget you,
and all the things you said.
Because there is no happiness without
the twist of dark.

Because I can't stand invisible ink,
I want to leave a mark.
 May 2016
Alexandra J
Saying too much is regretful.
Saying too little is poignant.
But what is it when you feel
you've  done both at the same time?
There are words left on my tongue,
shards of sentences I'll never utter
shards that I had to swallow.
They cut deep into my flesh
and my insides turned into
a patchwork of glass, scars and blood.
And yet my mouth is dry,
tired of everything I let slip through my lips
when it should've never seen the light of day
or reached your ears
or reached your heart.
I keep thinking I should've known.
But I shouldn't have.
My mind would've gone mad
had I not released it
of some of its burden.
My heart would've dried out
had I not let
a few drops of your ocean
seep through.
 May 2016
Makenzie Scott
I feel the end in your embrace
A never type of forever where we both become the water we drown in
Its not the kiss that leaves me reeling it's the taste

And the dust that becomes the stars that set
Is the dust that makes us as we rise
We are the morning, even in our twilight*

I fear no end in your embrace, the kiss of young stars on our lips will fall
and burn this love into our sky
the fading light will bind our souls when all the suns have set
A collaboration with Torin Galleshaw*

Thank you Torin for this gift which flowed so effortlessly from your poem "I want you to love me when I am old." It's a pleasure to be among so many wonderful writers - a ceaseless source of inspiration.
 May 2016
Akira Chinen
If there is any gold in my words
It is only because I stole it from the mines of your heart
If there is any beauty to my thoughts
It is because they came from my dreams of your light
No more reason to live
When I've died here in this most beautiful death
My heart forever yours in this single moment of eternities breath
Infinity passed and frozen in place
Never more alive for the dying
Never more inspired from the loving
Never more anyones
Than I am yours
 May 2016
Rainey Birthwright
Lids open like blooms,
Blush of lips on skins,
Light sparks as we feel
Each touch of impress
Out of dark, into a sol,

Morning on the shores,
With hands leafing new
We branch over water,
Palms unlatch on lochs,
Tied bodies unhidden.
 May 2016
South by Southwest
When you sing
                                                                ­                           I cry

When as stars you shine
                                                                                    I wonder
                                                                ­                   and sigh
You live in the hollow
                         of my moon

               eating my shrooms

You glitter bright
               to my arms delight

Your comet eyes

Milky way smile

Star cluster hair

Nebulous wiles
and cares

Have caught me intentionally
                                                   ­   unaware
 May 2016
David Ehrgott
Flying by
Where does it go?
Where it stops
Will we ever know
\Going round
and rounder still
To the other side
of the mountain hill
\Landing now
With band in hand
Can finally say
I am a man
She wrote me
and my memory
cannot write her off.
Ma ; 23 years and still counting
 May 2016
I just want to tell you I love you,
Over and over,
Until your nerves know, that when they hurt, I hurt too
I know we don't know what tomorrow will bring,
But I love you, and here's the thing,
Tomorrow could be a bed of roses, or a basket of nails,
It doesn't matter,
I just want you to realise,
That if we face it together,
It'll be okay,
And a single sunrise, or a million to go,
As many as there are in store,
I want them with you
I love you
 May 2016
shaffu shafiq
If i'm a sunflower
You are my sun
Your warmth & light enlightens me
& Bestows energy to my soul
When you rise up
I always turn to see your face
When you come to me in the morning
I really start growing,my darling
When you come to me in the noon
Floating,tossing & dancing in front of you
When your rays kiss me
I bow down my head and shy
When your brightness hugs me
I happily move and bloom
When your light shades
By God my face fades
When you hide behind the clouds
My crying voice louds
When you become sad
I also feel so bad
When in the evening you show red light
Me turn pale,old & lose my sight
When you go away to home
My loneliness starts killing me
When you say good bye
I finally wither,fall & die

By shaffu ....
Shaffu@ 9/5/2016
 May 2016
A speck of paradise
A miracle abandoned
Only waiting for the clouds to change to gray
Hanging in those dark untitled spaces
Her petals are a useless perfection
Her poetry a moonlit someday

A messy galaxy
A teardrop infinity
Grace doesn't paint amorous feelings
On headaches in the space under the bed
Her flower blooms a bruise
Her worlds are dying words
Dedicated to a friend
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