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 Feb 2014


A mere *wIncE
deals a fatal blow
 Feb 2014
As close 2u as close can be
w/o a thought of u and me
unspoken it was always "we"
now it's just what used to be
 Feb 2014
Have you ever just wanted to hold someone so desperately, and hope against hope for the days that hugs used be magical and heal all that ails? It is now that a tear falls, because 1000 miles is too far, and my arms aren't long enough, and I can't change that.

We are all depraved
                   You just embrace the darkness
                                          Most choose to ignore

All I want is to hold you and let you eat me alive so that your emptiness is filled with me and you are never alone.
A Haibun
 Feb 2014
The ****** of a soul
In the form of ultimatums
 Feb 2014
I am heavily

Is tantamount
To **happiness
 Feb 2014
Crystal ***** ignite a dream long thought erased by time
Reflections show nothing more than truth perceived by emotion
Yearning for a life in Technicolor, belief is based on hope
Copyright©PrttyBrd 16\12\12
 Feb 2014
Stepping out
On stepping stones
Cracked and ready to crumble
The slightest pressure or lightest weight
Bring the depths instantly closer
Plummeting to the unknown
Facing the unwanted
The sunny sky turns tunnel
Turns pinhead, turns black
Vertigo, no sign to guide
Nothing to lean on
No way to track the bubbles
As the drowning ensues
Searing pain, like lightening
Blinds or enlightens
A flash of what's to come
For an instant there is tomorrow
In that instant hope renews
A hint of up or down
A choice of direction
A path to glory
A way of life
And the sun will never be lost again
- From Sunset to Sunrise
 Feb 2014
When I said that I'd be bad company
I meant that only you could brighten my day
The sound of your voice is my sunshine

When I offered for you to let me be
I meant that I would never force you to tolerate me
But hoped that you would want me by your side anyway

When I pushed you aside, however delicately
I meant for you to not want to go
For you to just sit with me for awhile

When I said I wasn't in the mood to talk
I meant for you to sit with me
In comfortable silence until you kissed me happy

When I sent you a message warning of my grumpy
I meant for you to call me
And make sure I was alright

When I said that I couldn't
I meant for you to show me that you believed in me
To help me believe in myself

When I set you free
I meant for you to not want to leave
For you to stay with me always
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/10/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
 Feb 2014
It lifts my spirits, even when they aren't down
It resonates with all things happy
Makes me tremble to the core
The expectation of its warmth
Comes as waves of unforeseen joy
When the ride ends it is always bittersweet
Until tomorrow
Until next time
When that time draws near
I wait with bated breath
In hopeful anticipation, I linger
Almost as an afterthought in throaty air
Like distant thunder in a cloudless sky
With a deep rumble and a Southern drawl
Sweet dreams always follow
copyright©PrttyBrd 26/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
 Feb 2014
is it the dream or the possibility
the want or the need
the pull within is ripping
at the fabric of my being
who I am and how I am made
are too quickly blowing away
the goal of the long term
is changing now, today
the past begets the future
that is on the verge of change
and dreams that lay awake
can cause your plans to rearrange
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
 Feb 2014
Tiny pieces of you
Linger in my very being
Burning embers of brimstone
Sulfur fills each breath
I stop to smell the roses
They turn to ash at my touch
At you within me
Particles spread as I cough you up
Multiplying in the air
Dancing with joy
At their new-found freedom

Tiny pieces of you
Rotting my soul and consuming my spirit
Burning pinholes in my brain
Memories burned away
Shadow of pain still sore, still raw

Lingering, lingering, lingering
- From Sunset to Sunrise
 Feb 2014
the story of her life
is such that it has no real beginning
a child thrown into adulthood
still treated like a child
abandoned and reclaimed
altered and unnoticed
The words were never spoken
no one ever asked
decades pass and they forget
she carries the nightmares, alone
it is time that it unfolds for all
time for the ugly to be shared
and room to be made for better things
now that it is time, there is no telling
there is no tale
beginning where, as a child
at the tragedy, after the pain?
it must be told,
it is her story
but the words won't come
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
 Feb 2014
You are love that’s unabated
You are soul forever sated
We are eternally fated
We’re our cause of hearts elated
Joy divine

Surprises come with every turn
With every breath our bodies yearn
To be explored without concern
With every smell and touch we earn
Less inhibition

A lifetime blinks and dances by
More joyous tears than sadness cry
A softly singing lullaby
Peaceful slumber
And when the angel comes comply
I’ll not encumber
In Burns' Stanza

copyright©PrttyBrd 29/05/2010- From 14
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