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 Feb 2014
Last minute rendezvous
No time to plan
Letting time unfold
Embracing each moment
Living in the now
No thoughts of tomorrow
Happiness in the everyday
copyright©PrttyBrd 15/08/2010- From 14
 Feb 2014
To say that I love you
Is an empty gesture
Overused and meaningless
You know my heart
You see me through the darkness
You know beyond all reason
That it is you
and you alone
Those words will not be whispered
Their sweetness will not pass my lips
My heart is held deep within you
Waiting to be filled with all that you are
Yes, waiting for logic
To catch up with longing
And trust to override fear
Words don't matter here
In this altered reality
In this space created just for us
You know what you know
And it is I who lays in wait
 Feb 2014
One foot steeped in reality
the other testing the waters on the other side
The side where fantasy comes alive
And there is truth in dreams
A world of possibility that tempts and taunts
where dreams, once thought dead,
are resurrected in full force
The power of perhaps shades all views
It beckons to follow as it flutters beside
Reflecting all the things ever wanted
the shackles of reality feel like a lead weight
tethering you to who you never wanted to be
Responsibility removes true choice
Yet dreams yearn for release
Opportunity bangs the door down
and shakes the shackles free
Left between shadow and light
Lost between the good of both sides
split in two by desire and need
time stands still in purgatory
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
 Feb 2014
Drowning in verbosity
Lost in time
For I cannot express
In prose or rhyme
The beauty that enlivens
Kindred by chance
A victim by choice
or circumstance?
A victimless crime?
A passionate flare
Unexpected rawness
Enter, enter if you dare
Challenges accepted
Without hesitation
Jump into darkness
Accede consummation
Oh my pretty, pretty one
Whatever have we done
With hell deep in your eyes
The claiming has begun
Every calculation
And each strategic move
An action for an action
Every step it does behoove
How easily the game is played
When lines are drawn in black
Maneuvering each bitty piece
Not giving any slack
Training like a solider
Satisfying every need
Holding on to nothing
The past promised to impede
Eating demons in the flesh
A Knight in rusted armor
Feeding darkness innocence
Inherently a charmer
There you are so handsome
Seemingly sweet and kind
Hidden far behind those eyes
Lives a *****, evil mind
 Feb 2014
Boiling blood and angry eyes
Boil over in tears that do not cry
For this idea, one last good-bye
Is a selfish notion
Proximity breeds what hearts belie
Jagged emotion
So this, our little rendezvous
I swore that I would never do
Until, of course, you asked me too
The doorknob's turning
Now, it must be followed through
My heart lies burning
Ferocity to match my own
Intensifies this time alone
The love has long-since been outgrown
There is no forgiveness
Just pleasure like we’ve never known
This time, I’ll win this
Then finally, you’ll realize
I’ve grown into these golden thighs
That seem to have you hypnotized
Within their power
And far too late you realize
You’ve been devoured
By the woman who stands glistening bare
Watching you with tainted glare
In a flash the passion flares
Drunk acrobatics
Bring forth new heights our bodies share
Now spent and static
Breathless and dripping wet
As close to hate as love can get
And this amazing last duet
An exclamation
In this goodbye lives no regret
No indignation
Inspired by Spite Akimbo by David Thomas

copyright©PrttyBrd 29/05/2010
 Feb 2014
Something is amiss
you begrudgingly beat
blood barely flows
in survival mode

Your rhythm echoes
as habitual hope
lacking in conviction
weary and wary

Do you hibernate
unable to sustain
in a landscape
frigid and barren

A passionate void
fills with apathy
dreams lie dormant
awaiting your awakening

My foolish heart
i asked you
to be still
not to stop
 Jan 2014
My oh my
how friends do lie
the then and now
don't satisfy

changing places
what's gone is gone
there's no rewind
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/01/2014
 Jan 2014
there is no sleep for tired eyes
as chance gives way to circumstance
backed into a corner, truth explodes
tainting all that ever was
coloring honesty with doubt
in hues of broken dreams
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/01/2014
 Dec 2013
Come back to me
For I cannot close my eyes
Come back to me
So I can calm the silent cries
Come back to me
So we can share a tender smile
Come back to me
For the chance to reconcile
Come back to me
copyright©PrttyBrd 31/12/2013
 Sep 2010
D Conors
No need to say a word,
it's morning in the country,
leave the chirping for the birds.

Lay your precious head,
against my caring arm,
be silent now instead,
let me keep you safe from harm.

Each day I get to hear you,
speaking merrily to me,
I treasure all you say and do,
that lends a tender mystery.

So, take your words and tuck them,
deep inside your caring heart,
your eyes say everything they can,
and that's a wonderful way to start.
D. Conors
08 September 2010
 Sep 2010
D Conors
...sitting here
across from me again
(in my mind's wishful eye),
sipping coffee together,
light talk, some danish,
and an omelette, too
(i made it the way you like it,
just for you),
happy to be here
as the flaming
sunstreak rise lights up
the tender tips of the flowers
outside the window,
i fingertip-kiss your lips,
as the morning bird
breaks into song,
waking up the world,
whilst you and i
carry on
and your eyes
reflect the new day's skies,
it's nice, it's nice
to see you...
D. Conors
07 September 2010
 Sep 2010
D Conors
I spy,
the morning mist, outside
the window that is not mine,
rising from the river,
sunshine tries to sneak through a sliver,
I, with thoughts only
here and now
for thee,
my new and gentle mystery,
who came to me on a silver stream,
made subject for my pen,
my dreams,
and this misty morning,
where I wish to be,
across from you
smiling back at me.
D. Conors
06 September 2010
 Sep 2010
D Conors
today you took me by surprise,
bright smile, dancing eyes,
loosened the noose on yet another lonely day,
wherein the depths of these shadows I do lay,
again, you came a-light,
golden skin, heart a-flight,
taking the time to share some of your life with me,
the very essence of your softly sweet vitality,
beauty, you breathe the skies,
today you took me by surprise
D. Conors
September 2010
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