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 Aug 2015
SG Holter
She removed some clothes
So the hug would

The innocence was more intimate
Than ***.
Finally held, safe from enemies

On all fronts. I served my time
As a human shield,
If only

For seconds, as sharp claws
Let go and warm, caring hands


I'll be summer sandbox for you.
You be child for a while;
Rest as only kids can;

Lulled and safe, drifting away
To the sound of adults talking

So you'll sleep, despite the fever.
Warm with sofa, blanket,
And *little.
 Aug 2015
E Damaris
Like a kid in a candy store
I was loading up big
Filling arms and hands
'Till nothing else fit

But up at the counter
They gave me the bad news
The price was work and time
And I was overbooked

So I pushed aside the pile
And picked up one tiny thing
Hoping it was worth the price
Of all my other dreams
 Aug 2015
E Damaris
I am
A freshly broken heart
Not yet grieving
the aftermath

Holding my breath
On the edge of a cliff
Frozen in step

Looking out
At a million paths
With feet planted
In quicksand

In a sea of thoughts
Of the days ahead
And the days past

And everywhere at once
As much as I can

It starts to sink in
Everything I knew
Is spinning
 Aug 2015
I carry your heart in the
middle of my chest.

Between my *******.

A place where it's safe
to rest.

Your heartbeat is the lullaby
that helps me go to sleep.

It's the medicine that heals
me as it's fast and cheap.

I carry your heart wherever
I go.

Through ice and snow.

Through rain and storms.

I carry your heart through
it all* ~
 Aug 2015
If I were to make a poem
About how you
Make me feel
It would contain
Waves of sadness
And mountains of doubts
heavy rains of anxiety
And tornadoes of thoughts
Forests of innocence
That the fires of passion
Would burn out
Lightning bolts of panic
And whirlwind of emotions
That’s all your about
You left me a mess.
 Aug 2015
You caught the butterflies,
Put them in a jar.

Please let them out,
I miss the feelings,
When they flutter.
 Aug 2015
Mitch Nihilist
The fuse towards self destruction has finally been lit
it’s a slow burn to the moment to where i finally quit,
i’ve had everything I’ve ever wanted, yet not needed
I’ve sat listening to these demons whispering
as i pleaded for them to stop,
I’ve made a name for myself within this city
one that drips across my sanity and carves
paths for demons to tip toe to the back of my mind
and surface whenever i seem to find
a situation of serenity, or an instance robbing identity,
numbness has conquered inclination with help
from lacking reciprocation,
a scarred back easing into a bed
with dangling threads from a home knitted
form of stability, a bed that straps any form
of mobility, leaving a struggling being
beneath the shackles that confine
a mind that finds time to rewind to when
sleep was sheep counted and not a moment
where peace was surmounted by nihility,
where the only versatility comes within
which ways are easier to **** me.
each day awoken leaves the demons’
mutters unspoken
aesthetics show nothing but a painted
demeanour that dredges only when
the edges of the bed tremor as the
pillows inhale every scream and plea,

mornings are mournings for
how much I died the day before
and how each night brings
awakening as nothing to ever adore,
paralyzed limbs, everyday, find way
to slide off the mattress,
stand up feeling backless,
stare to my hands and see
shakes as the burden of
consciousness snakes its
way through aspirations
like rolling fog that weakens
foundations for social relations,

step out the door to broken
pavement, and whistling trees
that shower leaves to the dampened
green, bringing the melody of
tires to wet gravel
crushing the goal to unravel
this falsified disposition
writing todays edition of
“why the **** didn’t I stay in bed”

the sun goes down with the *****
so smooth to my throat keeping this body
staying afloat for one more night,
bottle after bottle, drink again and
feel this swaying ocean of liquor
rip an anesthetic of amnesia
knowing i can never please her,

the time has finally come where
i dip my hands into the keyboard
and plea for a release as my
eyes hide under a blanket
of stained glass masking
a pained past;
toxins flow slowly to my brain
through the uneasy flow of
each vain, poising every figment
of liver, as I ***** up every promise
I failed to deliver
 Aug 2015
Maria G Vagelakos
Favorite song while having ***?

The sweet vocals of his moan
as he tears into me...
The perfect percussion of his skin
roughly colliding with mine...
The lush, panting rhythm of his breath, as he loses himself inside me.....
Collapsing onto my back...
Sweat drenched and
He is my favorite song!

 Aug 2015
Joanne Heraghty
I wonder if birds count themselves lucky
To find themselves free in the sky.
Knowing they can escape up into the air.
They just have to spread their wings and fly.

I wonder what happens if they somehow fall,
And they find themselves bound to the ground.
Do they just accept their fate,
And fade away without a sound?

Or do they thrash and yammer
Until they can't anymore.
Then, just lay there and look up,
Remembering how it used to be before?

Do they fear that they are prey,
Another species' meal?
Or do they lose all their senses,
And choose not to feel?

I wonder if they're left just a little bit hopeful
That help may come along,
So they don't completely give up,
And try to keep themselves strong?

Or if they just lay there,
And wait for their eyes to close tight,
And slip away happily.
Surrendering without a fight.

I think, if I were a bird,
Who fell down from the sky,
I'd fight, thrash, yammer and hope..
Until the day I found myself capable of spreading my wings to fly.
4th August 2015

© All Rights Reserved Joanne Heraghty
 Aug 2015
SG Holter
I know the back of your
Hand like the back
Of my

 Aug 2015
Where they poured cement
in an attempt to turn the world grey,
the seed finds a crack
from which it bursts forth,
petals unfurling
in glorious revelation,
rushing towards the sun
in exaltation,
breaking borders
and denying monotony,
standing tall,
a velvet fist
raised in victorious salute.
 Aug 2015
Alex Hoffman
In the hollow space inside the soul
It is the universe and the atom.
In a space of good fortune and rebirth, so close to death—
It is present moment and past; divine and crippling; boundless and mortal
Golden with ecstasy and layered in the decay of sorrow  
For a brief moment we are able to see it.
Silently we stare at everything that is
Nostalgia already dripping from every moment
pooling at our feet in the regret of lost time.
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