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 Jun 2017
I consumed a small
vial of courage today.

And it got me out of my mind,
my aches
and my bed.

It got me showered,
and out the door.

It helped me on the bus,
through the rumble of
the exhausted engine.
It deflected the stares from eyes
who seemingly judged.

It placed me at work.
Fuelled me through
the sledgehammer ticks
that echo never ending seconds.

And I eventually find myself home...

So I consumed a small
vial of courage today.
And I'm brave enough
to admit that I'm afraid.

Afraid that I may be running out.
 Jun 2017
If only a glimmering pond to view
   a shimmer to ease my fear
of being cursed to look
   in an unreflecting mirror.

My sight is sufficient
   as I can see the first break of day
before the **** calls his warning
   or the horned owl beds away.

My touch is sensitive enough
  but I know not what I feel,
the pain of ancient splinters numbs
  when I touch the spinning wheel.

No, my sight is not the cause
  of my inability to hear
the sounds that I must make,
  it is the unreflecting mirror.

Perhaps outside they watch with me
  as I shyly shed a tear,
I cannot see our faces, though
  in the unreflecting mirror.
 Jun 2017
Ashley Black
It's easy to see broken clocks
aren't ticking
but I prefer broken people
Clocks get stuck
in their last instant
At least people keep on living
 Jun 2017
Ashley Black
We all speak the same language
but communication is dead.
A barrier of understanding
built from graphite and lead.
An impasse of meaning
wreaks havoc in our heads.
We all speak the same language
I don't know what you said.
 Jun 2017
My Type
Not with your pear-shaped eyes which are a perfect colour of brown,
Or what they do to me when you look my way.
Not with that deep-bass voice of yours that's so **** ****,
and how it keeps me glued to the phone.
Not with how you have this way with words,
and how you sound so charming and cheesy all at once.  
Not even with that, half naughty-half innocent crescent between your cheeks, and how it's stuck, when we share an inside joke in public.
Not with that strong musky scent of yours that reels me in so bad,
Or how it turns me on when I just think about it on my skin.
Not with how you make me laugh at you and then with you,
and then even wipe my tears of laughter.
Not with just these things.
They have been loved enough.
But, I do want to fall in love with everything about you...
that the others never did.
 Jun 2017
Francie Lynch
John and Tuesday slipped away,
I remember well the day.
Working in the garden,
Just a few corners away,
That Tuesday.
I was planting, turning spades,
Adding compost to gaunt soil.
John wasn't in my thoughts Tuesday.
Not like today.

The garden thrives.
The splash of water
Transports memory's eye.
We sit outside The Trout,
He reads to Paul and I,
Below an Oxford sky,
Under cap and pint:
*Think where man's glory
Most begins and ends,
And say my glory was
I had such friends.
RIP John Callaghan. Master teacher and friend.
Yeats: "The Municipal Gallery Revisited."
The Trout is a pub in Oxford we frequented when we taught together.
 Jun 2017
you enchant me with your soft, glowing light
 Jun 2017
there are others.
others who whisper sweet nothings in my ear and sneak their hands onto my thighs.
others who try to break their way into my mind, enter my thoughts, search for any way to connect with me.
others who laugh at my jokes, a deep roar that implies simply that they think their laughter will make me let my guard down.
others who breathe life onto my neck, who kiss their way down to my passions and motives, who try to slip themselves into me looking for answers
sometimes, i play along, looking for a little excitement.

but it’s never the same.

because what the others don’t know, is that it’s always you on my mind.
you are always in the back of my head, reminding me that nothing anyone else could do would ever compare to you.
it's only you
 Jun 2017
phil roberts
The priest puts his trust
In martyrs and miracles
Clutching his rosary and his celibacy
To his bursting breast
And humanity walks
Through a series of cages
Every day

The ***** puts her trust
In bordellos and bodies
Clutching her money and her condoms
To her brassy breast
And humanity walks
Through a series of cages
Every day

The lawyer puts his trust
In regulations and rules
Clutching his charters and his decrees
To his dusty breast
And humanity walks
Through a series of cages
Every day

We each put our trust
In roles and rituals
Clutching convention and convenience
To our timid *******
So humanity continues to walk
Through a series of self-made cages
Every day

                 By Phil Roberts
 Jun 2017
This unnatural light
like the last summer
before the last winter
sends the grackles
into the cedars
rattling their wings
in the evergreens
making a sound like Ishmael
casting his bones
on the deck of Ahab's ship.
 Jun 2017
often tough times taught us to write.

© pax
I'll leave this quote to everyone...
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