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 Nov 2017
I end up stopping again with an empty and long sigh.
 Nov 2017
Jonathan Witte
We are watching the clouds
bandage an incarnadine sky,

we are practicing our best knots,
weaving an army of tourniquets,

we are slow-dancing
barefoot on the edge
of a razor.

We are watching
a demolition derby
in the driving rain,

the smell of motor oil
mixing with gasoline,

the hard melancholy
of dying machines.

We are waltzing from room to room,
smearing our names on the floor,

we are keeping time to slow music,
bleeding out behind closed doors.
 Nov 2017
i talked you asleep last night
our eyes could light up this fire
so tired and contrite
we were cold, yet burning in our lies

my heart rate dropped till 3
not worth a **** to emphasize
correlating all our fears
and dying deep inside

we tried to meditate
those breaths, called on me
sunrise lit up the sky
where is love without a fee

where is love without a fee...yea
where is love without a fee...yea

i walked you to the right,
hadn't taken a left in years
our veins consumed by blight,
withering away from our tears.
You speak those fabled favorites that I've yet to hear, and casually confront my years,
You speak those fabled favorites that I've yet to hear, and casually confront my years.

lying in the cradle,
as sin falls on me,
my arms are still unable
to hug your belief,
hesitant from the labels
you branded purposely.

i talked you asleep last night....shhushh. yeah
 Nov 2017
I rub the tears out from my eyes,
and remind myself not to cry.
But it doesn’t help at all.
 Nov 2017
i was looking at an old and tattered black and white photo of my grandfather
a man i never knew and wondered about

his existence
like a horizon of dissolution
his soul enshrined in my own
and like him and all creatures
ultimately i remain defenseless
against realities magnitude

while my father loved me as a child
he grew unkind over the years
and we where set bitterly against one another other
his tyranny and my disobedience

as i gathered strategies craft
by machinery of thought
and festering gall
he, the bully
got bullied back
by me and old age
as we in tandem set fire
to his sadistic golden age of disillusionment

and here we are now the living and the dead
still locked in a grudge
a recurring spirit of revenge
in a valley of tears
before i myself join the ephemeral legions
in a pile of stones and ashed corpses

are we not
a procession of long struggles and short pleasures
a history of terrors and creatureness
stooges bound by the wheel creation
crucified by desire
and the apathy of obliterations aftermath
an archeology of death
ruin upon ruins

has God
sinned against man
or bestowed his grace
perfect and beautiful
beyond measure
yet to be discovered
in an alternate reality?
 Nov 2017
Please be patient with me,
I know, sometimes I get angry
over rather stupid things.
Usually because I want your time,
your affection...
I know in the end,
we're not disconnected.
 Nov 2017
can't seem to put my finger on it, yet all eight tend to try,
there's no hidden agenda here, just my thumbs, me and i,
"your wild nights have done damage," they say,
white coats think i'll take that news sly.

can't seem to pull my digit, there's only one that tries,
spun the wheel, one through six, can't be denied,
my demise tastes like metal and was cold as ice,
so i ended it once, but decided it twice.

"pardon my late night knock,
so sorry to intrude,
i've been selected to be the bearer of bad news."

"what is it officer?
what are you trying to elude?
i didn't see this one coming, not one of the few. "

"i never like doing this, but it's apart of my job,
your son shot himself in the back of your saab.

slow your mind ma'am and remember the laughter,
slow your heart, as it will never beat faster,
i understand ma'am, these desperate measures,
you will fall apart, but he wrote you a letter."

"dear mamma, there's so much to say,
you've watched my path and it's visual fade,
do you remember that time on the promenade,
when we were laughing so hard and fell into the lake?
please dream about that and not your blood soaked babe,
it's not your fault, the knife was a present that day.
forgive my selfishness, don't waste a tear,
my wrath was overwhelming, even for me to bear.
by the way, if i wasn't man enough for the blade,
i loaded dad's little snub nosed 38."
R.I.P. Brutha
 Nov 2017
Eating meals together
Sharing the same drink
Buying the same things
Walking home together
are you are friend or a lover?
whatever, whoever you are
The times spent with you were always beautiful

Clumsy mistakes that brings forth
Laughter that could reach the heavens
The times spent with you were always beautiful

Consolation by your kind words
Comfort upon your shoulders
The times spent with you were always beautiful

Beauty fades
Washed away by the river of time
Brings forth my friend's betrayal

Innocence fleeting like dreams
The memory of you brings forth sorrows
The pure feeling with you will never return
The times spent with you are still beautiful
 Nov 2017
"You didn't even love me"
Dont say such sad words
Our love might have ended
But the feeling we felt that time were real
The pasts was once was our today
The melancholy was once love
SO please
do not say that it wasnt true
it might have ended
but that love was real. it was true
I did love you
 Nov 2017
Rebel Heart
Seldom does one write an emotional poem
Not relating to death and depression
Nor the dark demons caged within...
A shard of the dark side of the soul
Can be found buried within
The depths of each poem carved onto the page
With the ink of the beating heart...
And maybe that reminds those of us
Who live and bleed between the words spilled
That only in the suffering
Can we truly begin to understand
And only in the understanding
Can we truly begin to live...
Because we live
Only to spill these words
So that others may have a chance
At the second life that blooms
From all the heartache...
All only so
The world can be seen
In the different lights
The aching words promise
Bits of a writing assignment buried back in time about the topic "Why is the 'best' or the most historically popular poetry depressing?"... Leave your thoughts
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