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 Jun 2015
She stands for solidity
A force to be reckoned with
Her name comprised of two syllables
Ebbing and flowing effortlessly like ships on a calm sea
Unmistakable beauty radiates
While people are drawn to her presence like a moth to a flame
This girl has a spark which is derived from her selfless soul
The way her eyes smile when she speaks
A true taste of simplicity.
Radiance, compassion
A true friend to have
Kelsey, my cousin
The girl who came from the sea.
Drawing inspiration from someone close to me.
 Jun 2015

As we gaze
                into the distance,
           where clouds are painted
             in watercolour wishes
    and silent shorelines
                      greet marshmallow capped
             waves chasing sandpipers
                         happily dancing beneath
           the evening’s first star,
          I take your hand,
   feeling your love
                 rush through me,
         my heart quivers
                     and I am reminded
          once again that,
        reality is so much
                     *more than a dream
Good night Beautiful
 Jun 2015

If I could
read your mind

In every thought
I’d view

All I would
hope to find

Is that you
*love me too
My heart breaks for you whom deems yourself unworthy to be love.
My heart breaks for those of you whom are caught up in addiction.
Or whom are struggling with sin and feel to a shame to ask for pray.
My love for each of you is genuinely real and unconditional my Friend.
For I understand what suffering is, but when you learn on God strength.
Things become easier to understand as well as seeing in an new perspective.
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
For my heart desire is to see you strong and firm in the Lord God.
With his strength helping you to overcome all of the obstacles before you.
That your hurts, sorrow, and suffering becomes more manageable.
My burning desires is not about riches nor gold.
Nor about security or about owning an house.
It is not about safety from this evil world here.
But its about people being healed from their brokenness.
Its not about me being comfort in this world either.
Because some day in the future with you in heaven.
I shall have all of this then, throughout eternality.
But in the here and now it is about people finding you.
Its about leading them to you and revealing the real you to them.
Love like there is no tomorrow to worry about.
Love like your heart is unbreakable forever.
Love like your life depends upon it daily.
Love others as you want them to love you.
Love like Christ loves you, unconditional love.
Trust God to fix your heart every time it breaks.
Love others unconditionally and you shall be blessed.
For if you do this then people shall know you are his.
For this is exactly how he loves us unconditional.
Christ creation is truly something to behold.
When you get a glimpse at a beautiful sunrise.
Whether its in Florida or California or anywhere else.
It takes your breathe away, the beauty of it all.
For Christ creation does take my breathe away.
Seeing the leaves change color on the tree tops.
The greatest part about it no one can charge you.
To see all of this genuinely beauty is free of charge.
So get your camera out and start shooting pictures.
 Jun 2015
AK Bright
There's no secret
just stories to be told
of Love anew
or lovers of old

Not just of people
But love of things
Perhaps a flower
Or bird as it sings

Whether it be nature
Or matters of the heart
The simplest of occurrences
Has a poetic spark

marrying fantasy
begetting reality

A poet's table
Is a smorgasbord
Consume all you like
There'll always be more
Be not afraid, the Spirit of Christ aka Holy Spirit.
Connects to Christ to speaks his truth to you.
So whatever you  do be not dismay but calm.
For the Spirit from Christ shall protect you.
For unless there is some great purpose at hand.
He shall never allow anything evil to befall you.
For he is the source of all gifts from Christ.
For as Christ told all of his disciples here.
The Helper aka Holy Spirit takes from the Father.
Then gives it to us whenever we need something.
So do not give up on your purpose here on the earth.
But trust Christ to finish the works within you all.
Dearly beloved follow the truth which is the Christ.
For the wicked one shall continue to try to mislead you.
But as long as you stay in the Word of God chew it up.
Then shallow it so that nothing nor anyone shall deceive you.
 Jun 2015
poetessa diabolica
Your love is like skydiving,
   an unnerving thought,
breathless & intoxicating
  elevations beyond exhilarating,
  as it transforms life's panorama
    nothing seemed ever the same,
         after the thrill of the fall
 Jun 2015
poetessa diabolica
evermore eyes so bright
they could pierce starlight,
a twinkling wonderment
     of an infectious smile,
the ultimate sentiment
   'pon a captivated heart
  in a tender child's
    earnest devotion of
       unyielding adoration
 Jun 2015

To the world,
I share my words.
Expressed in verses
through Rhymes & Rhythm
It bleeds my life
as I unload my burdens.

I thank those who understand,
who cares to read
and relate
to the art of expressing

this is a little thank you note to all my friends who reads my scribbles.
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