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 Mar 2016
Robert Blankenship
Some beautiful morning
Some beautiful day
Christ will come
To take me away.
Away to my home
Beyond this lifes shore
To live with him
Forevermore .
 Dec 2015
Ann M Johnson
The busy day of taxing
  became one of relaxing when  in hushed
silence they stared at the Bethlehem Star
Did the star sparkle with colors that made
people silently exclaim  oh and awe?
In star stuck amazement the Shepherds left
their tasks to behold the Bethlehem star
Did the star shine like a beacon to light the way
to bring people safely home
In case I forgot to mention it got peoples attention
from near and far who wanted to get a closer look at
the Bethlehem Star
Did the constellations align in the shape of a mother and a child
making it a very rare sign that drew the Wise men from afar?
  To the Baby Born that day the star lit the way for people to find him
What a unique invitation to every tribe in every nation
What a joyous birthday party invitation
  Sometime later the star might had dimmed but for those who trust in Him the light is still shining today, there are pieces of that light shining in all the hearts of everyone he calls sons and daughters
  The light still shines like a beacon for those who are seeking for Him
His  invitation still stands today for every tribe and every nation
  No need to RSVP, he will  just meet you were you are if you will believe and except his invitation  He is waiting for you to receive the free gift of Salvation that He already paid the price for, He is a friend like no other invite your sons and daughters and friends too
There is a celebration party with all the angels in Heaven when he welcomes us home
In Heaven there are many mansions He is preparing a place for you it does not matter if you are rich or poor He will receive you all
May the light of the Bethlehem star shine brightly not just on one day but all year through and every year after that for You
 Nov 2015
Alyssa Underwood
God's love is delight itself
it is beauty itself
it is tender yet fierce
sweet yet wild
steadfast yet unpredictable
enveloping yet freeing
captivating yet boundless
protective yet empowering
certain yet never boring
relentless yet gentle
secure yet mysterious
trustworthy yet exciting
all-consuming yet unfathomable
He is everything
you’ve ever hoped for, dreamed of,
longed after or imagined
and so much more
He is the Lover of your needy,
thirsty soul and He fights
continually for your heart
 Sep 2015
John Stevens

The canvas of a child’s mind
Is blank when he is born.

The mind of a child is like a garden in the spring time
It is planted, watered, and nurtured , and over time grows
into something beautiful.

Many times I just need to stop what I am doing and listen… listen to what the “still small voice” is trying to tell me. Taking time to smell the lilacs, so to speak, to soak in the beauty around us, to reflect that God really is God and not a figment of our imagination, is what life should be about. Turning off the things that interrupt our mind (tv/radio/neighbor/spouse ;-) , etc) and listening and seeing the simple joys in life, gives me peace for today and hope that tomorrow will be even better.

My joy these days is in a 24 pound little boy who entered this world 13+ months ago not under the best of circumstance but loved just the same. I would not trade him for all the money in the world. He is the light of my life. When I come home very tired, it would be easy to do what I want… rest, but the look on his little face when I come into the room somehow sparks a little more energy in me to pick him up. He lays his head on my shoulder, gives a sigh, and all is well with the world. Actually, all is well for both of us. Sort of like laying your head on the Lord’s shoulder.

In the spring time, gardens are planted and begin to grow. For him, (my grandson) his mind is like a garden. The seeds planted in his early life, the time taken to talk and play with him, watered with love and compassion, will grow and develop and hopefully the beauty of his garden will crowd out the **** seeds that the winds of the world blow in from time to time. Love always triumphs over hate if you never give up.

I know many kids never had a chance at an early age to grow and bloom into a beautiful garden. Years later, **** killer (God) was applied, the soil tilled by His hand, revealed the potential of their garden. The gardens they grow are beautiful in the eyes of our Lord and Savior. When someones garden is getting a little dry, we need to help water their garden with love, compassion and understanding from our abundance. The small things that don’t cost much but have a big impact on the growing beauty of a garden are important not only to children but to big people as well.

Is there any better way to spend our time than to nurture a growing garden? I think not. I may not live to see my grandson’s garden bloom and produce great things as he becomes a man but I know God will honor the planting and watering I do beyond the day He takes me home.

Time has passed and my grandson is now three. What an age this is. New learning, every day, is taking place and I am a part of it. It is a great honor to help plant God’s love in this little boy. Now that I am retired we are out and about many days of the week. We are still chasing squirrels, watching for fire engines and high flying jets, and meeting new people in the park. Some of the new people are pretty nice and Tony knows which ones they are.

A reporter followed us around last October during one of our many visits to the City Park in Twin Falls Idaho. She did a great job of writing a story about nothing of importance, but it was and is important to Tony since it was about him.  “Walk in the Park” search in the Times News will get:­ue

Well it is the day after turning 65, my feet hurt after a morning of “walking in the park”. Tony rode his trike and I got some needed exercise. Today is a great day. Yesterday I was not feeling all that chipper and may, yes just may, have been a little grouchy. It happens when my glucose level gets too high. I made a comment to one of the family who brought home a burger in a paper sack… “you got any grouch pills in there?” A few minutes later I heard Tony say to someone, “we need to find Grandpa’s grouch pills.” It cracked me up and we did not need to find the “grouch pills”. The little guy has a way of shining a light in the darkness and brightening up the whole room. I imagine God is laughing and I suppose God finds our “grouchiness” to be rather silly. Actually it is rather pointless, non-productive, and self-centered activity that gains nothing… oh where did I leave those grouch pills. Aaah yes, thank you Father. I needed that. When you can’t find your grouch pills just look up and se Jesus.

Time has passed... can you imagine that?... and I’m still here at 77.  Tony is now 16. He has great plans on what he wants to do. May it happen. He will be driving the old man now.

Probably 6 years ago October 31 we were in McDonald’s. Tony and Lucy were dressed for the occasion. The lady behind the counter asked if I was going to dress for Halloween. I told her I was already dressed... that I was going as a grumpy old man.  Been practicing all year. She just laughed.  See what I have to put up with???
Some stuff I had laying around
If you need some grouch pills the source is unlimited.
 Aug 2015
M K Whitmore
Dad, I miss you the most on days like these.
God has brought my future husband to me.
I wish you could meet him; you’d bond I know.
In a year or so, down the aisle we’ll go.

I love him; I know you would love him too.
He’s an outdoor lover, dad, just like you.
He seeks the Lord Jesus and loves Him first.
My little heart feels like it just might burst.

I miss you, you know and I always will.
You are the only one that place could fill.
In the sadness, immense joy I have found.
In my Heavenly Father love abounds.

I’d be lost and lonely and feeling bare,
But the Lord Jesus is always right there
 Aug 2015
Robert Blankenship
What shall I do on Sunday?
Is the question on Saturday asked
I find it is oft repeated
And to give an answer I am tasked

Could the answer be that I
Within my own selfish thought
See myself on Sunday
At home for church is naught

Or could my answer be
Next Sunday I'll make amends
Not knowing that I so mortal
May on the morrow meet my end

Could it be that I shall rest
Sleep Sunday mornings hours away
Then when told "We missed you Sunday"
What is the reason I shall say?

Why do I seek excuse?
To stay away from church
When my absence leaves me a weaker soul
And the heart of Christ it hurts

I shall change my priority
Take Jesus inviting hand
Go with him to church each Sunday
And in His presence stand

No harm can be done
Where the word of God is told
Now each Saturday I have my answer
Tomorrow to church I go

 Jul 2015
Mike Hauser
If you want to know

Just where I stand

I'm with the beginning

That has no end

Leaning on

The promises made

To righteousness

I am it's slave

Holding tight

To Jesus Christ

The cleansing blood

The bread of life

The precious hope

That is to come

The continued grace

I fall upon

To the very one

I owe the most

Father, Son

And Holy Ghost

If you want to know

Just where I stand

I'm with the one

That died for my sin
 Jul 2015
Rachel Rose Oommen
Always know there’s room to grow
And God will walk with you, through every storm.
Through seas of turbulence and deserts dry.
He’s your constant, when everything’s changing.
He’s the rock that can never be shaken.
 Jul 2015
Robert Blankenship
Why is Jesus condemned ?
Why is he despised?
Why is he rejected?
Why is he belied?
Why is he forgotten?
Why is he treated with scorn?
Why is he viewed as venom?
Why is his character torn?
Why is he detested?
Why is he treated with hostility?
Why is he abhorred?
Why must he suffer such cruelty?
Why is he the bête noire?
Why is he vilified?
Why is Jesus hated?
When for you he was crucified?

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