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 Jul 2015
I am a Christian.
Do not look at me differently,
Do not roll your eyes or scoff.
Do not lump me in with every other Christian
You have ever met
Or heard of.
Do not assume that I am like the Westboro Baptists,
Or that I only believe what I do because of my parents.
Do not question my sanity.
Do not assume you know my views or my reasons,
But please, ask.
Do not suppose I will be extreme,
Or that I live under a rock.
Do not think I am naïve or a saint,
Or that I expect everyone to live
By what I think is right.
Do not presume that I fit your stereotypes, whatever they might be.
Do not take for granted that I have no idea how to have fun.
Do not associate church or my faith with being boring.
Do not suppose that you understand me or the depths of what I believe.

Please just do not assume that because you know one, you know all.
I am a Christian.
Ask me why.
Ask me about my thoughts on the world,
Or on political issues.
I will gladly tell you whatever you’d like to know.
Ask me about the wonderful moments of God I see around me.
Ask me what evidence I have.
Tell me all about what you believe.
Talk to me without reservations or awkwardness.
Ask me what traditions my family has, or how we celebrate holidays.
Ask me what makes me different.
Laugh with me about the children I babysit during Bible study.
Cry with me when someone passes away.
Look with me to see the ways God is working in the world.
Give thanks with me before dinner.
Join me at church one day to see what it’s like for yourself.
Love with me all the lost people in the world.
Love yourself.
I am a Christian.
I did this for a particular writing class, and even though the poem is rough and far from what I am used to, I wanted to put it out there. Please give me your feedback, I want to hear your thoughts!
 Jul 2015
Oh my Lord
Your name is my cure
Your remembrance is my medicine
Your closeness is my hope
Your love is my pleasure
Your mercy is my doctor and my aid
In this life and the hereafter
And you are all knowledgeable and all wise
 Jun 2015
Robert Blankenship
Why do we grieve the heart of God
With the things that we men do
If God audibly spoke
He might say these words to you

Men talk about intolerance
Yet I still give mercy and grace
Men change the definition of marriage
And slap me in the face

Men bicker and argue and fight
About a waving flag
With all that's still to be done
About enough I've had

Men **** unborn babies
Yet I hardly hear a prayer
But the pleas of the unborn
They rise to me through the air

Men have taken me out of school
No longer there am I allowed within
Men have left me at the door
Of a place where once I had been

This list goes on and on
Men know the things I mean
Why can man not read my word
And from its pages wisdom glean

There is on the horizon a day
When every man will understand
When I come down from heaven
To give justice unto men

So go upon your merry way
Push the truths of God aside
Your guilt is not upon me
For to gain your obedience I tried

I will give unto men more time
I've an abundance of mercy and grace
But know within your heart o man
You will someday see my face

 Jun 2015
Robert Blankenship
From the distance I can hear
The glorious drumbeats roll
Far far away
In the eternal home of my soul

I can feel the air
It is warm as in the spring
I hear the golden bells
As in praise to Christ they ring

I can smell the scents
Of flowers of honeysuckle on the vine
And of the pine trees standing tall
Aromas so divine

I can taste the sweetness
Of water clean and pure
In a land that knows no night
Of this I am sure

I can see the beauty
Of mountains rising high
Piercing through the snow white clouds
Up into the azure sky

Looking into the horizon
I see the things which I seek
My saviour, love and joy
And heavens eternal peace

In the distance I also see
Loved ones that I have known
With JESUS our precious Saviour
In their far away eternal home

These things to me are real
And I cannot wait
For these things I see
Through my eyes of faith


I was thinking of heaven today and what it must be like there and how I can't wait to see it.These thoughts came to me so I wrote them down in a poem.I know that heaven is far beyond anything I can attempt to imagine or describe, but the things I love I can't help but think will be there pure and untarnished by sin. The thought causes me to think how beautiful heaven must be, and with each passing day I long for heaven more than the day before.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
 Jun 2015
witchy woman
honey suckle, babies breath
rosy buds of lifes breast
the sky is blind
the sea is deaf
together, they are
at their best.

evergreens, palm trees
they all look
the same to me
through wind they speak
and sap they bleed
always in beautiful simplicity.

as children get older,
teenagers- they grow colder
she needs a man
at night to hold her
keep her warm

and he, though strong
is weakened from
the long endless nights
where everything broke,
shattered, disintegrated

he needs her gentle touch
to tickle his skin,
fill all the holes
gaping within

just as the sea and sky
and trees laughing in the wind
he needs her
and she needs him.
We all need something
 Jun 2015
Mike Hauser
     *You see me as a saint
     While I see myself a sinner
     You see me on the next page
     As I'm stuck on this one dog eared
     You see me as beyond myself
     I see me where I'm at
     You see me like nobody else
     Please help me to grasp that fact

     You see me through your sacrifice
     I fall down on my knees
     You see me through the breath of life
     In you I need to breathe
     You see me in pure love
     A love I'd love to have
     You tell me that you are enough
     Please help me to grasp that fact

     *You see me in eternity
     I see myself finite
     You see me beyond the veil of humanity
     I've yet to turn on that light
     You see me as your greatest creation
     I see all that I lack
     Over me you have elation
     Please help me to grasp that fact
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