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 Sep 2016
Corona Harris
I think mainstream love is overrated
It's over played and over used
There's more broken hearts and pieces
Than there is bandages to fix them
People think love to be too limited
"You must love me and ONLY me"
Well that's why we could never work.
Why can't you just have the queens quarters of my heart
A Kingdom can't lead one person
I believe too deeply in Agape Love
Unconditional and Unselfish Love.
Love that doesn't have to be physical
Love that isn't even tangible
Its just understanding the heart of another
I understand too many it seems
My type of love is taboo to my peers
Unconventional and Wrong
But the only form of Love I've been able to agree with
So if you disagree please stop loving me
But know that I will always love you
 May 2015
Laura Withers
Looks can ****
so they say,
but words can't hurt at all.

But whoever came up with the idiotic saying,
"Sticks and stones can break my bones,
but words can


hurt me."

Has obviously never had a dictionary thrown at them.

Because words do hurt,
they think we can ignore it,
but the breaking point,
when is that?

They say it'll stop eventually,
but what if eventually isn't soon enough,

The Breaking point.

The breaking point,
no one knows where it is,
but it kills,
everyone dies in the end.

But others aren't that lucky,
when they aren't looking,
tragedy happens,
and it sneaks up on them,
it forms,
from their own thoughts,
a knife,
it will ****.

they are called words.

Words make the breaking point,

the breaking point,
where no one knows where it is.


It kills

Words are the deadliest of weapons,
they cause death, destruction,
and everything.

Wars form from...

They are the destroyer of the human race.

So next time someone tells you to toughen up,
or that stupid saying,
or that it will eventually go away,
don't believe them,
it won't,
you have to be strong and break the words.

Like a wall,
they block you,
destroy them,
be a wrecking ball,
because they will come down,

and you will be,


You will win against...

*The Breaking Point.
stop bullying please. They don't know, it hurts.
 May 2015
Florence Maude
There's this boy
Of course there is
This is how it starts

Your eyes meet
Something changes in his face
Something you just can't place
Something special and new

You say you don't deserve him
When you do more than you know

So dear Marie
Listen to me when I say
You  deserve to be happy
In every way
For my dear friend Marie
 May 2015
Laura Withers
There's that tea shop
Down the street
You never enter
You never mention

There's that tea shop
Down the street
On the corner
With your love

If you'd only
Risk your afternoon
Is it possible
That you could have met them?
I tried...
 May 2015
Florence Maude
They can't tell how the other feels,
They can't see that there's something real.

What bitter sweet tragedy,
That they can't see.

She secretly loves him and he secretly loves her,
A mystery how such thing can occur.

They don't tell one another,
How much they love eachother.

Such a shame,
That life had to put them in this game.

Keeping the truest of love apart,
Never giving it the chance to start
 May 2015
Laura Withers
You tender hand,
held me gently.
Like a rosebud, not yet bloomed,

But as you held,
And caressed me everyday.
Watered and cared,
and watched for hours,
waiting for me to let you in.

I did.

For you alone I bloomed.

I let you know my deepest fears,
and my heart's desire.

But lately all you let me know,

*Is that you let me down.
I feel as if the world is a flower. It must be caressed. It is kind to some, and harsh to others.
 May 2015
God gave the wisemen their wisdom,
and to the poets their dreams.
To father and mother, their love for each other
but He left me out, so it seems.

I went around brokenhearted
thinking life was an empty affair
but when God gave me you,
it was then that I knew,
He'd given me more than my share.
these are the lyrics to a camp song that I kept hearing in my dream last night. I didn't write this. sweet, isn't it? it's a bit slow, kind of like a lullaby.

— The End —