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 Jul 2020
Carlo C Gomez
Dying is not a crime
But for playing God
I'll probably do time

Pretty little euthanasia
My disconnected phone
Always going home

That open window
To the fire escape
I am the center of a lake

The kids next door
Liked to play with me
Now we don't see them anymore
Thomas W. Case's Historical Figure Poetry Challenge, Dr. Jack Kevorkian.
 Jul 2020
Carlo C Gomez
To entertain
means to be starkers
and dance with veils,
to exoticize war
and tremble in
a thousand rhythms.
Bejeweled as a spy,
don't know why.
Eye of the day,
and a dozen matchlocks
had me inertly settle
upon my knees,
before bending at my waist
to take one last look
at the fiery heavens.
Thomas W. Case's Historical Figure Poetry Challenge, Mata Hari.
 Jul 2020
The day betrays again,
Pallor crawls over my entirety
Mirrors are no longer the truth
Ashen grey swallows the only moon

My blood rejoices
My tainted, traitorous blood!
Your blood.
Cascading through my veins

Fated to this murk,
Shackled to your presence
Fading into a daze, slowly,
As frost singes this dread

This will not be my ruin,
I will decide my own doom
This curse shall be undone!

O Count De Ville
My dagger shall impale your heart!

-Mina Harker
For the BLT and Thomas W Case challenge

Mina Harker, female protagonist of the novel- Dracula, along with her friends plots against Dracula. Knowing their plans, Dracula bites Mina three times and also makes her drink his blood as a revenge giving him access to her thoughts and ensuring her fate as a vampire should she die,  due to which she switches back and forth between consciousness and a trance-like state. Van Helsing, Dracula's arch-nemesis, uses this link to his advantage by hypnotizing Mina to find and destroy Dracula.
They said I gotta write some things down
But I don’t liketa write and what can I say.
I disappointed my Mama and I’m real sorry for that
I tried to stop once, I truly did.  But it was so much fun.
I enjoyed cowboyin’, and all the guys too
They called us The Wild Gang.
Them months in jail was not any fun.
I promised 'em that I’d be good, but
The banks was there, the trains was there
They called to me and I had to answer 'em
I don’t feel bad for them that died.
They all had it comin’
I finally got tired of bein’ chased,
And me and Sundance tried to lay low,
But there wasn't no place to hide any more.
Both Robbers Roost and Hole in the Wall was known to all.
And them dad-blamed Pinkertons was ev'rywhere.
So we lit out on a boat, and Etta tagged along.
San Vicente was pretty, but the bank was a’callin’
Nothin’ else we could do but hit it.
Hiding didn’t work out so well that time.
All in all I think going to Bolivia was a big mistake
That’s about all I got to say.
My pittiful attempt to take part in the challenge set up by Thomas W Case and BLT to create a poem written by a historical figure.  The funnest part was reading up on him.
 Jul 2020
The hanged me high and tight
My boardinghouse had secrets and helped Confederates
Wasn’t raised or schooled to do this
Had a much better upbringing
Nevertheless what was done is done
Hated that Lincoln
What a nuisance with ideals that disgusted me and many others
Ran a boardinghouse after my Mr. passed
Booth and our friends had a plan
My boardinghouse was where it was conceived and hatched
John had a lot of help at that Theatre
Never admitted guilt and still won’t
July 4 wouldn’t ever matter to me or my kind of person
School kids only learn about me when a teacher makes an effort
Cause my name is not in most American History books
Mostly Booth
My name is Mary Surratt

Historical poem challenge write about historical figure who is it a poet.
Thanks To BLT and Thomas Case
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