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 May 2015 C
erica court
"hey *******, let's meet"
        i'm glad you've come to that premise
                the rain - its slick concrete
                     and so narrow
               staining the streets,
                  i would shelter you
        but here we are
                at coffee dropping hello's
          and following the pack
             to high ground
i would
from melting in the rain turning to snow
        but little did i know
          i should have given it to you
to keep you from turning the snow red as strawberries
        these fall days you'll never know, here we go again
                to define a relationship whose particular lusters ferry
                        us together, i don't see an end, but if you bend i'll know when
to go.
i like the way you smile, here in this quiet coffeehouse
        despite you arguing with me, that is the cornucopia i offer
somebody is like, "erica your poetry is too long"

then don't bother reading it? lazy ****
 May 2015 C
erica court
 May 2015 C
erica court
i heard the stories
how you claimed your
                 body for your own
it is not a temple
          if you believe in nothing
        a sanctum for whichever
        number you want to place
in pairs or triplets of sixes
                       you took your body
           and you made it god
        perhaps they killed a good guy
        or an mutual enemy of your enemy
i want to stroke you
and stoke your desires
until the fires span across your
              etude - fire is what you use
              to sing and show them
that you don't need a god to stand
          in awe
For sarah, baby, the only person with a ***** i'd ****
 May 2015 C
Víctor Manuel Serna
If you were a coloring book,
I would be mad,
That after opening the cover,
There's no spaces left for me to color.

If you were water,
I would freeze you,
And gently stroke my fingers across your surface.

If you were wooden,
You'd be the finest sculpture,
That I would burn with every touch in every crease,
And leave ashen.

If you were an egg,
I'd take the utmost care to not drop you,
And the only place I would break your shell,
Is at the bottom where I'd fit perfectly.

If you were a string,
I'd tie you up tightly around me,
So that you could never leave me,
And I could always feel you on my skin.

If you were lava,
I would gladly burn off my flesh,
And I wouldn't hesitate to go inside you,
Because I'm used to feeling you down to my bones.
In response to WickedHope's poem "If I Were An Egg".
 May 2015 C
Víctor Manuel Serna
The more you know,
               The more you know you don't know.

I feel like I'm getting to know less of you...
              ... If that makes any sense.
 May 2015 C
Danielle Shorr
Nobody ever speaks of
The sadness that can be felt
In your bones
The kind that can be
By your whole being
Nobody ever tells you
How to manage
Feeling like a stranger in your own body
I am a stranger to my own body
Is a term that
I have come to know all too well
I have come to know
What it's like
To watch life happen
From a distance
To feel
Persistant and constant
Nobody ever told me
About the depression
That can take over your soul
While simultaneously
Forcing you
To watch it happen
Without any ability to stop it
Sometimes I feel as if
I can't feel anything at all
And that in itself
Is truly terrifying
But I am trying my hardest
To take hold of the steering wheel
I refuse
To let it take control
In the past I have
Locked all of the doors to myself
Thinking that
If I was the only inhabitant
Than nothing could get to me
But lately
I've realized
That letting people in
Will not be the downfall of myself
I've realized
That opening up
Is the key
To finding answers
Is the key
To finding help.
 May 2015 C
Larry Li
Mirror on my side.
Walls paper thin.
Empty shell on a bike.
Soulless soul count to ten.

Read my words
and hear my sorrow.
See as I have seen
into the depths of hell.

Serotonin flows within me once again
as I write this poem.
A soul filled soul
breaths once again.
 May 2015 C
Víctor Manuel Serna
It's a bright new day,
There's dew on the grass,
The sun is shining,
A slight breeze rustles the leaves,
It's not too cold,
And not too warm,
One might say it is a perfect morning.

Yet why don't I feel it,
The joy and peace of nature,
Why do I,
Who has trained his soul,
Who knows his soul,
Who is one with his soul,
Only feel the darkness,
The sorrow and the loneliness,
The depression.

One might say there's something wrong with me,
Indeed, maybe there is, but would I know?
I would not,
Because all I see this day,
Or éveryday for that matter,
Is that you are not with me,
That you do not want to be,
And most painfully so,
Not for you, but for me.

You said,
     "If I leave him now,
      He will lose nothing."
But this could not be further from right.
Shall you leave me now,
I will lose you.
Which is to say,
I lose everything.

Please, come back.
You can make it,
This I know,
For I shall be your strength,
You needn't move one step.
I shall go to you,
Just hold on a couple more nights.
You needn't worry,
I will relieve you of
Ev'ry trouble.

We will be together,
We shan't say goodbye yet,
We will have our time,
And we will be happy.
For you have said you love me,
And I, even more, love you.
 May 2015 C
Ivy Swolf
You can taste
the psychosis on my
lips but there's no
guarantee that I will feel it.
There's an umbilical chord
holding me down to ***** reality
and depending on my
it either looks like a
dog leash or a

Inject a sedative with a rusty
needle at the end of my
nervous system. I'm immune; there's
misery mixed in with my
white blood cells that swallows
all sense of introspection. When my
soul plummets down like an anchor
and the floating stops
feeling safe, I welcome the chest
pains with open arms. The pins and
needles in my lungs are better
than burning them.

Look through my eyes
and sometimes nothing is real.
Live through my heart and
it hurts like hell when
I'm not drowning in air.
Think with my head and
either you will want to get out,
or it will kick you out.

— The End —