Maybe I'm not
supposed to be
the knight who rescues you
Maybe I'm not
your one true love
Maybe I'm not
Even someone who was good for you
I came to this realization.
That I might not have even been good for you
That maybe I suffocated you
That I loved you too deep and too much
You didn't ever come close to loving me like I loved you
Not even close
Your eyes shone like stars in my life lighting up every corner of My heart into phantasmal beauty.
Your lips pressed on me like fresh cut roses with each kiss ripping Into my soul and I could still taste the thorns on your tongue.
Maybe I loved you too much
Maybe I was too much
Maybe I wasn't meant for you
Maybe his eyes will burn brighter than mine
Maybe his lips will love deeper than mine
Maybe he will be kinder
Maybe he will be stronger
Maybe he will be... better
Because for all intents and purposes to you I was a placeholder
And you need him, whoever he is, not me.
With this I leave my edifice
I loved you
I love you
But maybe
Just maybe
You were waiting all along
Just not for me