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Chloe Phillips Apr 2016
Blue grew with the hope of the world
still laying in the small palms of her frail hands
Eyes full of trust,
and love
Full of admiration and
pure happiness
Those blue eyes were

Interlocking with the vine
that strung support into a quilt
So she loved deep
rooting fearlessly in the cruel world
that was slowly opening in front her blue eyes
Close them please.

Words of fear and hate
were placed on a silver platter before her
Choose they spat.

Anger boiled in the vine of support
Instinct carried the root
now full of thorns and slashes
to the front lines
For I weilded myself into a shield
to protect those blue eyes of mine ...

A knock at the door
informing the vine that one must sacrifice
to protect
Fatal flaws jumped to join
For I could not turn my back to watch
the sweet Blue
So the vines of support started
to snap
in the whisking winds

My knees became a magnet to the cold hard ground
Fear had already became embedded in the blood that coursed
through my body
But this fear was a new taste
Feeling vulnerable not for yourself
Vulnerability of not protecting the ones who are the last standing
keeping your heart afloat

The frail small hand came to be placed
softly on my shoulder
Suffusing me with the support I had been giving
Epiphany finally marked its territory
chasing dark doubts away
The soothing Blue that I had been trying so dearly
to protect its innocence
Became my support.

With my Blue close behind me
we are unstoppable
in this crushing spin of life.
No darkness will taint her blue eyes
I won’t let you pass
So try
Daringly try to come near my support
to come near my Blue
For I will always protect her
and she will always protect me
she is my blue eyes
-For my loving little sister who is always my backbone
  Apr 2016 Chloe Phillips
Isn’t it funny how our minds work?

We write novels of how our lives should be.

We make up stories to comfort our thoughts.

We imagine that our crushes are perfect, and that we’re meant to be.

In other words, we believe in the impossible.

Chloe Phillips Apr 2016
I loved you until you abused your own heart.
I tried lifting you up, but you kept pushing yourself down and away from me.
How can someone love a person with a broken heart?
You can’t love them fully because they have missing pieces.
It’s not fair.
I loved you and believed in you for the longest time, but you never got better.
You put on a fake smile, and acted happy. Do you know how ****** that makes me feel?
That I’m not enough to make you show a real smile.
To be truthfully happy.
It’s ******* that I have a crack in my heart for you that will never be filled.
Will someone ever fill it?
I hope...
Chloe Phillips Apr 2016
It was a sad story
She started out weak
but grew strong with the support
of that wicked smile of his
Under a spell
she was crushed by his sadness
and depression
She became everything he
His smile ran away
with the remaining support she leaned on
So she blamed him for becoming weak
Happiness boiled into anger
and love crumbled to dust
of a forgotten memory
She grabbed
that anger by the horns
and used it as a shield
to prove she was no weak little girl
anger became her strength
anger became her friend
who always stood by her side
So she pushed all other
bothersome people away
and trusted only anger
One lie.
That’s all it took for her world
to come to an end
All the reasons she forgot him
left him broken and dead
had the base root of one lie
The girl lost her support
Movements slowed
and breaths shortened
All the anger left her
and alone
with no support
Because of that one lie.
A lie is a toxic addicting drug that we all give into at some point
Chloe Phillips Mar 2016
Almost as if he had been made
with sin itself, he grew
still a bud on toxic liquid love.
Loving the sweet lies

as the sun loved the moon.
Demons themselves
hide their nightmares in his reality,
with the same canvas crescents

like his.
His waist was sturd
thick as war walls
or a boulder’s heart.

His ears are the bridge
and threshold of a tardigrade,
his hands a dog strayed
with anger in newborn cities.

The heart lifts,
by another he floats
living a sentimental life
of the compressed truth

that has frozen and crackled.
The casted leg
pushes sideways to a safe
cold corner.

Who will say ‘man’
to his boy like core?
Who will say ‘smile’
to his twisted face?

And his plank knees,
a board more similar
as a newly painted fence
the cause of the breaking marriage.

In a doll house,
three old hearts and soft body
out of a picture book,
behind the curtains,

and now he hides
old models in my memory.
Using what little he borrowed,
the setting of pieces back in their place,

plastered on the wall
with sugar coated smiles and merigold lies:
with the help of a finger
too snagged itself

on his passing limbs
with the actual weight
of a lost boy,
still trying to be found.
I used the format of a poem called The Grauballe Man.
Of course it may seem similar to those who are familiar with that poem, but it is completely different. I based this character off of someone I hold dearly close for strength. More so, I'm living off of an illusion of strength so I wanted to show you how powerful illusions are.
  Mar 2016 Chloe Phillips
You heard everything I said in silence...
I'm once again speechless.
Chloe Phillips Mar 2016
Let’s lie.
About the fact we are dying
Closing in on our ending
Can we try out what people call happiness
and move along with that sweet dream?
Forget about the crumbling world
suffusing us with the stinging pain of worry.
We should dance to the music
of the wind chimes
that cry out to the moon
I’m going to love to my last extent of breath
and disperse my worries
with that smile of yours
So be happy with me for a little longer.
Let’s lie.
Isn't life a bittersweet tragedy?
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