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Chloe Phillips Jan 2016
Her heart was captured in the snare of unrequited love
It started out with a little girl’s crush.
He was rude, and closed off to her
so the answer given to her by all
was that he liked her.
So she started the fire up.

Middle school came up with curiosity.
Puberty was laid on the young girl,
but he was experiencing the unfair rules of life and breaking.
They became close hearts when nobody was watching.
But the fear of being isolated ran through his blood
Just enough to not want to be seen with the tom boy.
Her heart was understanding
so she watched him from a distance,
and always stood behind him to break his falls.
Because she loved him.

Years of high school followed them.
The caterpillar grew to a butterfly.
Excitement of newly sprung love brought pain.
He allowed her to be by his side,
but didn’t turn his head to watch her.
She became familiar with the peace of death.
Tears were hidden, and broken bones were scattered in a hurry to hide them.
He didn’t watch her.
She watched him.
Calming his quick breaths with a warm embrace in the absence of hers.
His eyes didn’t see her saving him,
but she didn’t care…
Because she loved him.

The times of adulthood sulked in.
Sinking was the obvious answer to him,
but her heart was big enough for the both of them… for the time being.
She knew he was in the arms of another.
The eyes of a woman can see all lies if they allow themselves
Watching him torn down by that doll filled her with anger,
but she kept her tongue to stay by his side… as a mere friend.
Because she loved him.

A third corner was brought into the light.
For once someone took interest in her sold heart.
The one person who could have stopped her from the closing in pain
encouraged her.
Her smile became a mask of disappointment.
She left his side silently
still holding her sold heart out on her sleeves.
Because she loved him.

The wine ripened,
and his eyes were opened.
Meals that were always prepared for him seemed to disappear.
Encouraging conversations went missing.
He looked to the current woman
but didn’t feel the same.
They were little things
but most of those small acts made up his life.
Puzzle pieces were lost
So he decided to watch her
because he realized…

Bruises grew with each hit
He sank because of the absence.
Looking at her fall into a heart of another broke him
The want of confession laid heavily over
But he couldn’t conjure
So instead the anger came out on the third corner
He wanted to hate him,
but after seeing her ear to ear smile
the urge left him.
She was happy for once
The need to look after someone who never looked at you
was lifted off of her shoulders,
and she looked honestly happy
So with pain
he decided to let her go
because he loved her.
I Have A Second Part If Anyone Likes This Piece And Wants Me To Finish The Story
  Jan 2016 Chloe Phillips
Spike Harper
Let us commerate this tragedy.
Soil our hearts with fascist taunts and pointed fingers.
Let us put our hands together and bow.
Good, everyone is still standing.
Praise be to nothing.
There can only be one.
And none of these heathens shall strip me of what's due.
For having lived a tough life.
Or fallen from loves favor.
Search yourself for justification.
Another excuse.
To make the day go by a little faster.
With a world filled with sinners.

Can one person really do.
Anything at all?

For even the previous days.
Turned a blind eye.
Right when the ground became solid again.
Regret just bellow the aching mealstrom.
Even as we embark on that familiar road.
And then all that's left to do.
Is to look towards the furture.
As we blink for the past.
Sometimes we walk the same road over and over again, but fail to realize that the path extends further than one is willing to go.
Chloe Phillips Jan 2016
Tear down my walls.
Make me fall
but into your arms of safety
Don’t hesitate like the others did
Carry me away from my
addicting misery
that I write about in my everyday life

Bring me the gift of happiness
and show me how to use it
Teach me how to dance
knowing no one is watching my flaws.
Hold my hand when people are looking at me
with their judgemental eyes
Help me conquer not only my small enclosed world
but the reality of life
I know…
I know that your forces can knock down
my tower of hell
because it’s your force that I want
to wake me up
There Will Come A Time Where You Want Someone To Open You Up And Love Who You Are
Chloe Phillips Jan 2016
Shall we cry?
Cry until every tear of fear drips away
Shall we smile?
until our lips tremble with excitement
Shall we ignore?
till all the judgmental eyes
find it tiredly annoying to watch us to our core of flaws
Shall we run?
so far that we could almost touch the sun fading on the horizon
Shall we sing?
with every breath so that our lungs cry out for the precious gift of life
Shall we love?
carrying each other’s heavy hearts with true love hanging at the tips of our lips
Shall we scream?
Scream until we start laughing at our foolish outbreaks
Shall we dance?
With our feelings lingering with our swings
Shall we dream?
Allowing our minds to exceed emotions higher than substituted drugs
Shall we charge?
Head on into society’s lies
Shall we try?
Try to make a difference in someone’s cold life
Fix broken legs
so that they can stand to lift you up
Shall we?
For Anyone Who Feels They Can't Exceed In The World
Chloe Phillips Jan 2016
Walking side by side
fingers almost brushing
Snowflakes of winter surrounded us
but I felt hot
So hot that I wanted to run away
but this moment felt nice
My face was caked with the coldness
but I still couldn’t contain
my ear to ear smile
Our fingers tingling with excitement
My eyelids lifting from the sidewalk
to see my home
We sighed with disappointment in sync
and turned with eyes full of embarrassment
Dear frost, Thanks
my foot settled on the step
only to be followed by a slip of fear
But that slip of fear never came
For he caught me
Eyes remained locked
Our warm breath of fog just inches away
In this moment I knew
you were going to be my first
So the beginning of my first love was placed before me
As his sweet lips touched mine
I gave him the biggest smile I had ever given
Dear frost, Thanks
Chloe Phillips Jan 2016
Reporting live
from the current status of the world.
Where kids are put on extreme measures
to conquer the world
in the place of their parents
Where people turn backs on those
crumbling behind the scene
Reporting Live
in a time when money and lies
is all that is needed
to acquire happiness
Something only a person
of high status can achieve
Reporting Live
in destructive world
that no one cares to fix
They’ll be dead by the time comes
So what does it matter to them?
Reporting Live
where most people conclude
that giving up
is the best choice in answer
A place where adults have the worst living experiences
that abandoning their child
seems the only option
Reporting Live
from a time
when children rather reject their precious gifts of life
then carry on
Because no hand is there for them
when they reach
Reaching… and falling back into their pits of darkness
Reporting Live
in an era where the saying
every man for himself
has became normal path of life to walk
Wars rage on
but the people who fight it don’t
Reporting Live
Chloe Phillips Jan 2016
I see frozen blooms.
I see the peak of light,
struggling to break through the grasps of the leaves.
I see thick fog
heavily coated with bitterness.
No chance did they have anyways
For they were shriveled from the start.

I see gardeners shaping the flowers
into what is wanted up them.
Expectations held high, and dreams kept low.
I see false hope making its way
into the heart.
Filling it with agony, and pain.
It could be stopped,
But she wants to see.

I see waves made into ripples
as petals fall.
I see flowers springing to life full of color,
but they are not his.
A single bloom sitting still in time,
unable to move forward.

I see pure white snowflakes melting
before they had the chance to dance with the wind.
I see a path that has already been walked
and an escape for the next.
As if it was prepared for the following.
For she always had one foot in
and one foot out.
Waiting would only bring more pain.
But she took her chances
because she wants to see.

— The End —