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 Nov 2015 Chineze
Before I took up poetry,
I had no way to express myself
I didn't talk to other people,
They wouldn't care about how I felt
I've always found this difficult,
Uncomfortable to speak my mind
Ever scared to make a fool of myself
Of being judged and pushed aside
That I never spoke of my worries,
Not my doubts, or my fears
I kept them buried deep inside,
And ignored them all these years..

I don't remember when I started writing,
Only when I did, I wasn't scared
My thoughts no longer caged inside,
And my poetry I shared
Before I took up poetry
I was lonely, confused, and afraid
Poetry helped me find myself,
Brush aside old habits and forget mistakes
And slowly through my writing,
I'm healing every day
Poetry can save lives
Don't believe me but I'm proof of it all the same
Poetry can save lives
Poetry saved mine
 Nov 2015 Chineze
uzzi obinna
As i jumped from the plane intending to take my life,
All i could think of was my darling wife;
how she'd left me a few days ago,
And how her departure has made me low;
She took my kids with little to say,
But a few lines indicating that she'll be far away.

i remember the good old days, how it used to be,
And how i thought that we will be for enternity;
I was very wrong- it is clear to see,
I resort to a song to drown my misery;
There was a time when she was all i had,
And the thought of it then made me glad;
I would ride on my cycle with a smiling face,
Today all of it have become utter disgrace;
she gladly told her friends about me,
Our tender kisses and how i tickled her fantancy;
in eachother's arms, we'd talk of the kids we'd have,
Not knowing what exactly that life would serve;
and many more but little time to say,
For all my folly, this is how i repay.

"My dearest" is what she said,
"For all these years i felt i was dead;
you break my heart with the love that you give,
When tremendous bashing is what i thought to recieve;
i spent the nights thinking you were insane,
You never felt hurt nor did you feel pain;
these kids are mine but none are yours,
I despised our *** but desired the other *******;
i have gone with the kids foerever from you,
And will tell them that you being their daddy, was never true;
you have loved me so much all these years,
My heart wanted adventure, no wonder the tears;
now i take this big leap out to be with this man,
Whether he loves me or not, he is my ideal man;
and incase you wonder who he really is,
i am glad to tell you-he is the one who gives me peace;
goodbye my darling, do what you have to do,
Incase you live or die, i will never come for you."

As i plung through the sky rehearsing these words,
I hoped to meet my makers- my waiting gods;
but here i lay with my eyes wide open,
Still on earth and not in heaven;
all i can feel is excrutiating pain,
From a broken body and self disdain;
i have lost every limb of my body,
No love, nor hope nor family;
what kind of life is this that i have lived,
That even when i wanted, i am not deceased?
I laughed after writing this. Why its funny is still unclear to me but i just enjoyed it.
 Nov 2015 Chineze
hiding in the siren silence
within sight of invites of violence
in the sky the plight of tyrants
righteous mighty fighter pilots

biased bombs in flights of guidance
goliath might, the fire of giants
without a fight or try of defiance
set alight in frying alliance

in the final piles of subsidence
the dying cries of compliance
the price they paid is the highest
the siren silence finally quiets
 Nov 2015 Chineze
I pity people who don't like reading,
the ones that only see a story without feeling it,
those who cannot immerse themselves in words,
for they aren't truly reading,
to read you have to lose yourself within a character,
disappear into the story,
manage to escape from reality,
to the sanctuary of a story's words,
suspended between worlds,
holding you in its spell,
to read you can't be you,
become someone else,
awaken in a new reality
 Nov 2015 Chineze
Hold my hand while we fall
Kiss me until we break
Whisper sweet things in my ear
Until we meet our future fate.
Love me today
Remember me tomorrow
When the day comes for me to walk away
Let me go and do not follow.
Turn away and don't look back
Our paths do not combine..
We were toys to the gods,
You were never meant to be mine.
We met at a crossroads,
In the middle of an X,
It's written in the stars
That you eventually go right, and I go left.
Truth is I don't trust you
But you must know that already,
With so little that you know,
How can you say you love me?
I see deceit in your eyes
I foresee nothing but pain
You're a womanizer and a heartbreaker
I see right through your habitual game.
 Nov 2015 Chineze
Tahirih Manoo
Like the sun's transcendental glow-
His positive energy is illuminating  

Like the sun is an almost perfect sphere -
His personality, character and qualities are almost flawless

Like the sun is the source of  Earth's bio -
His very existence sustains my joyful life

Like the sun being our universe's calm, steady and powerful center -
His presence occupies the core of my thought, word and deed

Like the sun radiates a strong magnetic field -
His embodiment allures me so intensely yet effortlessly

Though the sun's light reaches Earth in 8 minutes -
His light extends to me in an attosecond

Though the Sun contains 99.86% of the mass in the Solar System-
His accommodation in my heart encompasses a full 100%

Though the sun may one day run out of nuclear fuel and burn out
His love for me and my love for Him will remain eternal, everlasting...

*Unfathomably, Spiritually endless...
There can only be one sun in a universe, I know not mine.
1:58 pm
2nd November, 2015

#unknown soulmate. I wish for such a love...
 Nov 2015 Chineze
Bor ehgit
The clouds still remain and the sea still crashes to shore. I don't know how I wrapped myself up for so long. I almost forgot the feeling of sunshine on my skin, the weird satisfaction of seeing your breath in a winters mist. I forgot these things because I simply had no space for them. I held so tightly to the things you said my own voice began to fade. I've missed you everyday since. I realized I became nothing more than a person trapped in a photograph to you. I could have been anyone on that day and that wouldn't have changed a thing. So today I will I dig a hole on the beach and sleep beside it. I will allow all the beautiful memories to leave my head one by one as I dream of them. They will eventually settle inside the sandy hole I've dug for them, and wait to be swallowed by the tide. I will awake tomorrow without knowledge of your existence and I will begin to remember myself.
 Nov 2015 Chineze
SG Holter
Sit with me in silence.
Hold my hand with the hand
Of your mind.

I'll be your shadow; you be mine.  
We'll rest in two dimensions.
Watch ourselves in 3D.

Safe in the warmth of
Our common intentions. A womb,
A room for you and me.

Let's communicate like mountains;
Be like solid, silent giants.
Sit with me in silence.

A river dug into purest stone after
Uncountable years reflecting
Sunlight, moonlight, stars and blue

Skies unrejecting. Dark clouds too,
In some divine alliance.

*And deep within it's deepest deep,
Two single, uncut diamonds.
Until we're ground to grains of sand,
Sit with me in silence.
my open wounds have finally
turned into scars

the past sometimes linger
and leave scars on the inside

my heart shines love and compassion
upon myself and the little boy I once was

today i carry my scars not with shame,
but with love knowing that it's all part of life
growing pains
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