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The sun is shimmering on the trees
as the wind whispers through the remaining leaves
The limbs wave back and forth
as if saying good-bye to a summer soon forgotten
The leaves hold on by a stem
until it breaks away and they flutter around in the air
Looking like large raindrops falling to the ground
where they tumble rampantly across the field
As if a puppy let outside to play
the leaves then lay still for a moment
Until the breeze catches them again
seemingly in a never ending game of tag
If you hurry, you can rake them in a pile
jumping, screaming in glee as you land in them
Or just stand still with your face to the sky
watching as they flip flop in the wafting air
In a kaleidoscope of red, oranges, and yellows

As you revel in the beauty of Autumn
People held close
But yet as carefree as the wind
Such as a family
A place to call home
Where you feel the love
As if nothing will change

Yet all must change
A door to close
And leave behind love
Like a clock you wind too tightly
Can come apart when you leave home
But you always know you have family

Those gone are still family
But they chose to change
Nevermore to come home
The family bond is no longer close
Like dust on the wind
All gone even the love

It will come back, the love
And once again be a family
Like seasons changing with the wind
Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but change
Those you love don’t always stay close
But we all have a place we can call home

There’s nothing like going home
Surrounded by people you love
The ones that are always close
Your family
Death is the only change
Then they are butterflies dancing in the wind

The feathers of the wind
Gone but it is still home
As if nothing ever will change
Forever feeling the love
Not far from my mind, my family
So far away, but so close

It’s nice to go home even with the wind
Of change, for the love
Of family always keeps you close
You make an announcement
To your family and friends
Meetings with the preacher
Seem never-ending
No big deal or celebration
Just a trip to the courthouse
To sign the papers
Two rings, two hearts
A few words from the judge
And you’re done
Everyone shakes hands
You came as a couple
But leave alone
She was only 34, so much life left to live
But the CANCER was stronger and just wouldn’t give
It wasn’t detected until it was too late
And so on Sunday she had a date
With the angels above to fly with them high
Now when we want to see her we look to the sky
She looks over her kids from way up above
And they look at her picture with hearts full of love
The CANCER, it beat her and took her away
But now she’s not hurting or trying to be brave
And though we are sad and wondering why
We know she’s our new ANGEL learning to fly.
I lost my innocence when I was small
It was what had caused me to build up walls
The older one you are supposed to trust
Made me cry with his pubescent lust

Just five years old when it began to start
Eleven when he had a change of heart
The smell, the room, the feel of the bed
Are the very things that stay in my head

I could not tell for who would believe
That this boy would do this to his niece
Not all can understand my shame
Or even know where to place the blame

The small girl with blue eyes and blonde hair
Or the pre-teen boy with an arrogant air
At five you don’t understand that it’s bad
But you always know it makes you sad

I have since came to terms with what happened to me
An innocence lost that will no longer be
Nevermore will I hide this shame
I will forever refuse to hide his name

I have confronted my demon from my past
It is his disgrace that will now last
Small, blonde, blue eyed girl kindergarten age, but not yet six
Brown haired eleven year old boy going through puberty
She trusted and was innocent
He betrayed and committed a grave sin

The upstairs bedroom with the twin beds
A bed with smooth sheets and curtains closed
A single light bulb burning bright in the ceiling
Outside behind the garage with car parts and a burn barrel

Memories a five year old shouldn’t have
Actions an eleven year old shouldn’t take
She didn’t know it was wrong
He coaxed her to keep it a secret

Innocence forgotten, walls erected
Shame she felt as time went on
Terrified to place blame
Years passing, it all stopping

Sadness knowing what transpired, never telling
Afraid of accusations of lying
An uncle a young girl should love and trust
Instead she learns to loathe

Discovering she was not at fault
No longer will she be ashamed
Confrontation is a step towards a demon destroyed
Soul soothing, enabling the skeletons to be released

His denial is his shackles of shame
Innocence lost never to be recovered
I am compassionate and a daydreamer
I wonder what would happen if I was more assertive
I hear the whispers of the wind
I see an amazing purple and blue dragon in a green meadow with snowflakes falling all around
I am me
I pretend to be brave
I feel reality is a myth
I touch thunder
I worry that what I write is bad
I cry when I think about loved ones lost
I am me
I understand I try to be invisible
I say my kids are my world
I dream to look different
I try to do well in my classes and still be the best Mommy I can
I hope for my wishes to come true
I am me
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