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cassie sky Oct 2017
I don't know quite how
My mind works: but I do I know
It's sick and twisted
cassie sky Sep 2017
Drunk and rambunctious
I follow in his footsteps
It's only fitting
cassie sky Sep 2017
The sun, the moon, the stars
They can only be all they are

The sun cannot guide you at night
Just as the moon
Will never shine a sliver of daylight

The stars will always be so very small
But the sun and the moon
Will never know what it's like to fall
My friend told me to say something poetic, after doodling the sun, moon and stars all day this is what came out
cassie sky Sep 2017
When you’re looking back
It's quite easy to say
I've made it so far
No more troubles on the way

But the moon warns otherwise
When she is wearing crimson
Err on the side of the wise
Pay attention to warnings given

Lest ye not want to survive
She, being the great mother
Is not attempting to connive
So long as you are not a bother

She doesn't take so kindly
To those who wish to harm
To hate, to destroy so blindly
Anyone or thing under her loving arm

To see blood on our mother moon
Is a sign of trouble not far behind
To listen close won't make you a lune
Though to obsess could do so in time
cassie sky Sep 2017
If the good witch catches you
She might just let you be
But if the bad witch catches you,
She's the last thing you'll ever see
A poem I recited for the neighborhood kids who like to climb all over my porch while I smoke cigarettes.. response was "she's really weird, I'm going home". Mission accomplished :o)
cassie sky Sep 2017
When we were sleeping
We were like two crescent moons
Back to back, weeping
Hrmph. I know it was the right decision, but I miss him.
cassie sky Sep 2017
It's picture day
I'm watching the freshmen scurry
To fluff their hair
And paint their lips
As the caffeinated college kids
Help to align their hips
With the X on the floor
That gets them out the door

The funniest part of this frame
Is how the teachers also scurry
In their self-obsessed shame
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