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 Jan 2016 Carina
In Nature
 Jan 2016 Carina
She drew her arms out to the crowd
the creatures pulled her in
Simply beauty, make no sound
the forest is seen within

Trees stood high
the yellow birds flew
She stared at the life
and the wild woods grew
 Jan 2016 Carina
Matty Allgauer
I was told it can't rain all the time
But thurderstorms ravage my mind
Wind whips sweet memories
Into such dismal scenes
And lightening strikes at optimistic ideas
Leaving burnt tree stumps of thoughts
But I was told that it can't rain all the time
 Jan 2016 Carina
 Jan 2016 Carina
simply, in my humble opinion
the old man said
you are not magnificent
with an odd twinkle
in his grey eyes
and his shot of white hair
glistening in the moonlight
yet I hold a compass, a pencil
and a mind to will
no, I said
I am only not
as such
to you
 Jan 2016 Carina
Love and lust

cannot be found without the other.

Love has a hidden hunger,

while lust seeks for comfort.
A short poem.
 Jan 2016 Carina
Teenage Mess
All colliding into one.
Mingling together,
Keeping the flame of lust burning as bright as the mid-noon sun.
Cool breath fanning over burning skin.
The love they feel never wearing thin.
Wrapped safely in her lovers arms feeling far, far away from any harm.
 Jan 2016 Carina
Bianca Reyes
I am the queen of what ifs
Sitting on a throne of could've beens

My fears are my loyal subjects
Escorting my dreams to the gallows

My ambitions are now prisoners
To my court of procrastination

I, the queen
Reign over all of this regret
May we never forget

I, The Queen ©

I GOT DAILY POEM!!! Wow, thank you to everyone who read, commented, shared and liked this and thanks to anyone who reads this and does the same. Yay :)

Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 11, 2016. Copywrite and all rights reserved under Bianca Reyes
 Jan 2016 Carina
It took him awhile,
To decide to dance,
He was always the first,
To roar, to prance,
Nevermind his sweaty palms,
As he pushed off the wall,
As he bowed,
Before her cotton dress in a graceful fall,
His hand hung for eternal seconds,
As she decided; looked around,
But, ah! Lo! His eyes, they beckon,
And as the entire room gawked,
At the bold, beautiful ****,
As he bowed before an ugly, pimpled nobody,
As if she were a queen; the most beautiful in this here, his flock,
And as the ugly, pimpled nobody,
Dared to consider, to frown, to appear unsure,
Of this, what was sure to be pure allure,
Finally, she ended his wait,
With hesitant nods, the innocent wide-eyed child,
He smiled beautifully, leading with a mesmerising gait,
They alone swept the floor,
She was surprised at this happiness,
And he was relieved of disappeared nervousness,
For he thought himself lucky,
To dance with one such as she,
The people they can stare,
He don't mind it, he don't care.
In memorandum of Weird Love.
Everyone is beautiful and there are people out there for each of us, so when finally your love....your real true-blue love comes along, no matter who that person may be, from the moment you see them forget the people.... Don't mind it, don't care!
I love you HP Community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh...and I also dedicate this one to Giorgio! I love yah babe! ( he stalks me on here; refusing to
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