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Take me with you,
where the wildflowers grow.
Let's travel to where the sun sets;
somewhere only we know.

To escape the pain,
the bitterness of reality.
To indulge in freedom,
and the sweet serenity.
i ask you to be patient

there are still cracks between my ribcage
i am trying to fix
and i am still searching for ways to mend
my broken, tattered wings

there are parts of me like missing puzzle pieces
i'm still trying to find
and i own many things, yet if there's one thing
i do not own, that would be time

again, i must ask you to be patient

at times my head is a storm of emotions;
thunder and lightning are all i hear
at times i will play a game of hide and seek
yet it's not you i hide from but my fears

i'm the girl who wears her heart on her sleeves
yet i hide behind closed doors
the kind who smiles bright like fire
though she crumbles in ashes to the floor

once more, please be patient

wait; i promise you'll see the masterpiece i am
for i am of many dimensions
and through my eyes, you will see
my thoughts as the stars made into constellations

i am the galaxy, and i am infinite
a firework, a work of art
all i ask is for you to be patient and stay
to see past the pain darkening my heart
Maybe the
hard times
are over.
Or maybe
they've just

All I know is;
I have to keep
finding hope
in every tomorrow,
and inspiration
from all of
my yesterday's.
Feeling inspired.
The skies fell from my eyes as you fell from the skies,
Storm in a skin, and **** did you find a way in to my peace,
i hear your heartbeat through walls, sugar -
I found you sleeping in my dreams, sugar -
and my eyes are dark with the white of your teeth
how fitting that you would be the one beneath
the stars tonight, and the grass is moon grey
as once again I shivered as you walked away
footsteps crickering on the pathway stones -
and the back of your head makes flowers in my bones
growing petals and leaves sprout through grazed knees
Oh Angel Skin, talk to me please.
He told me he loves my black dress with the collar, my dark red burgundy nails, and then he said he loves the way I hold myself. I told him I found peace in him and he said he found peace in the way I braid my hair and....
Deprive me of life!
O yer' rays to my sun.
Screech to thee mine echoes,
blare out undying sorrow.

The love ye dispersed,
vanishes  t r a c e l e s s  in the wind.
Yet scorches this man's psyche.

Pillars that once bind,
this love falleth!
One by one,
like empty tin cans.

So too the stars that lit,
the dry dread night.
Flimsy; deathbound.

Wavelength of screams,
the weary wilted weeps.
Resonant to the beating of this heart;

sl o  w   l    y    d   y  i ng

My waking holds no life.
My sleeping, struggling strife.
Oh love! scalelight sight.
Better pull out my eyes!
Better unplug my heart!

I leave love be.
Let time past without,
the thoughts of love in my mind.
This might even be my last poem for sometime.
You paint a perfect picture.

Full of firey reds
and deepest blue.
A sprinkle of gold
adds the final touch
to this masterpiece of 'you.'

But I've learned my lessons well.
Between the brush strokes,
the color choices,
the vibrant subject,
and opinionated voices.

A deeper inspection finds
a glaring exception.
The missing shadows
and darkened hues.
A blackened soul conveniently
hidden from view.

Most likely.

Deceit is your brush,
vivid lies fill your pallete.
A habit common among
those whos veneer
is as thin as your canvas.

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