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Sep 2020 · 140
Cara May Sep 2020
Her ghost lingers
in my mind, and yours.
she whom coloured you in the past,
she whom shattered your heart in the past..

She is etched to my mind,
buried by you.. you shattered me..

I wonder,
is she your trauma
or is she your love eternally.
I'm confused, who am i to you.
is he still thinking about his ex?
Nov 2018 · 265
Twin Flame
Cara May Nov 2018
Have I known your soul for eternity?
for my heart scents familiarity
as you passed by me...

Have we merged in other demension?
for my body to scents your carasses
when you're miles away...

Velvet as your touch,
the connection had touched my heart.

and for eternity I wonder,
are you my perfect mirror?
until we meet again in our next life...
asking if anyone in my life is my perfect match...
Nov 2018 · 167
Classic Rock Love Songs
Cara May Nov 2018
You loved classic rock love songs
but you've never loved me like the lyrics...
One day I found out
we are in The Three of Wands tarot card relationship...
I understand now...
He told me he likes listening to the classic rcok love songs but the way he treated me were opposite and one day I found out, I was only his side chick... I was devastated and.. now I understand, all the songs were for his main chick.
Oct 2018 · 590
Cara May Oct 2018
I'm paralysed on a field of wilted roses and sunflowers.
weeping.. on the cold ground.
Have you painted my skies winter solstice.
merciless and intentionally..

I'm drowning,
gasping for air, I'm cold...
When you got played so hard by the one you loved... turns out i'm just a toy he played when he's bored.
Jun 2018 · 235
Cara May Jun 2018
One month and a half
my heart was aching
but i'm watering my soul
so it turns from black to yellow.

One month and a half
I swallowed your black pills
you gave me when you walked away
and i'm a few pills away to recovering.

One month and a half
our minds and souls were disconnected
and the flame in heart was fading
when you knocked on my door one night
begging, kissing me with the word "I still loved you"
a hundred times.
Well love is ****** up. He came back I don't know why.
May 2018 · 221
Cara May May 2018
Goodbye was your body
long gone before your love.
Goodbye was your voice
love, and words.
Swift as the wind,
excruciating as the sun flaring my skin...
Your ghost stayed,
lingering in my mind, and heart.
Pinching my heart,
every single day.
Unfair, it hurts.
break up *****.
Apr 2018 · 146
Cara May Apr 2018
my heart pacing in steady states,
beating the same as the days
we were strangers
when we were unison
in status
but not in mind, heart and soul.
Feb 2018 · 112
Cara May Feb 2018
This longing is toxicating
I’m high of emotions
Bad ones, sad, anger
I long for that soft touch
Of your hands on my skin
And your velvet voice to whisper
On my ears
I long to know you
Your skin, hair and lips.
I want to hold you.
missing someone hurts so much
Dec 2017 · 141
Kissing Death
Cara May Dec 2017
As days passed by
kissing death seems like a great escape
as my soul is too weary to carry on
too lonely to live.
Nov 2017 · 204
Kiss myself
Cara May Nov 2017
When you walked away
you took half of me
my strength,
my confident,
my laughter,
my colours,
now i'm as dim as i was before
you whisper the word love.
How can I not love someone
who made me kiss myself in the night.
losing someone who makes you loved yourself
Oct 2017 · 175
Stupid girl
Cara May Oct 2017
stupid girl
you're different, complex
stupid girl
you're not a princess, flawed
no one will love you baby girl
she's your only friend,
you yourself.,
stop believing you'll ever be loved.
need to stop believing somone will love me, and accept the fact i'm going to die alone.
Oct 2017 · 379
Cara May Oct 2017
2 months my heart is in the darkest place
shattered by him
and finally
I can grow sunflowers in my garden
and burn the wilted roses he gave
and floats with waves of fate.
moving on
Oct 2017 · 205
Cara May Oct 2017
my nights and days
content of hours of loneliness
i'm living in the space of
gigantic silence and yearning
to be touched both
soul and body.
since 96, i'm engulfed by loneliness.
i'm tired of being alone.
Oct 2017 · 234
I missed you
Cara May Oct 2017
I still remember
The sense of comfort
Came with your laughter
Sync with my laughter,
It sends electric down my spine
And butterflies in my stomach.
I missed that day,
I missed you,
I'm missing you.
Love is stupid
Oct 2017 · 344
sea of words
Cara May Oct 2017
I curse myself
for consuming and
for surrendering myself
to your toxic words.
I drank your rosie sea of words,
treacherous yet tempting
and now i'm drown
and dehydrated as my soul
and mind and heart
are shattered and devastated.
the danger of falling in love with words.
Oct 2017 · 238
My first love
Cara May Oct 2017
The sunshine and storm

are the package he came with.

I felt in love

hoplessly and unconciously with him.

Because of him

I unwillingly tasted

the true heart break

and the sorrow of falling in love, being in love and falling out of love.

My first love, him.

Now i'm scared of falling in love...
For the first time I felt in love, and he breaks my heart
Jul 2017 · 394
Cara May Jul 2017
I let you kiss my heart
and ignite the fire within,
with only 3 seconds eyes stare.
But I dive in to deep
and now i'm burnt by the fire
while you're staring at me in the car
you made out to me with your charming smile.
Now i'm haunted by the fire
and the scent you left on my body
after we made out,
after our summer vacations.
Jun 2017 · 636
Cara May Jun 2017
I painted a world full of happiness
In my mind
I painted it with words
Of rainbow and fairytale (poetry)
Because the reality is dark and poisonous.
The world is my paradise.
Jun 2017 · 294
Cold midnight air
Cara May Jun 2017
Cold midnight air nudging me
With memories of a room
Painted and built
With bitter sweet memories
Where our bodies and souls collided.
I was in the past that night
Echoed by your laughs
And the smell of the room; smell of you
Vividly fills my lungs
And I'm cried
Because that was 2 years ago
And I knew
you're someone else's now.
Jun 2017 · 199
Cara May Jun 2017
Your words cloths in sugar

sweet to my ear; to my soul.

Your words are sweet yet are made of fire

and my cold heart fell for the treacherous warm.

My head is giddy full of your red roses words

and I'm basking in your words like a moon shining on me.

But I know you're lost and your soul is blue. Now.

and I'm the red wine

soon will be forgotten when you're red again.
Rebound, second option.
May 2017 · 197
the day I met you
Cara May May 2017
The day I met you
Is the day when i started to read love poetry
Is the day when I started to write some
The day I met you
Was the day I cried
Watching romantic movies
Was the day I dance to
Love songs.
The day I met you
Was the day I knew
I'll be ruined
But you're the flame
And I'm a moth
You're beautiful and I'm
Drawn yo you
May 2017 · 182
Cara May May 2017
She drinks the soul of innocence
to fill in the void
every night like her favorite red wine.
She couldn't bear the emptiness
so she poured words
and lures the souls
and devoured them,
dismisses the fact she'd ****
their hearts.

She drinks the soul of innocence
to fill in the void
every night like her favorite red wine.
She couldn't bear the numbness
so she touches their skins
and kisses their necks
and turned them blue,
dismisses the fact they'd ****
her with diseases.

She is lost...
Apr 2017 · 273
Cara May Apr 2017
Young blood
narrowed mind
made of adrenaline
high on 420 in front of policemen.
Apr 2017 · 228
New Lover
Cara May Apr 2017
Have been dancing
under the rain
wrapped by red roses thorns.
I screamed and weeped
and my heart bleeds
but you look at me
with sadness reflected in your eyes
but you just stand still
with your arms by your side.

I dance under the stars
and the moonlight bath my skins
with new red rose on my hands
given by a new lover.
Moving on
Mar 2017 · 256
Cara May Mar 2017
The day I met you
I know my dark side
would capture your face
and made you her lover.
I know you'll be the thunder
that'll send electric all over my body
and be my wish on 11:11.
now i'm left with nothing
but my dark side,
and the sparkle eyes you gave
and charming smile you cast on me.
Mar 2017 · 237
The Lyrics
Cara May Mar 2017
The notes I play on my guitar
sings the perfect flaws that you have,
the perfect scars you have on your skins
the perfect nose that you hated
the butterfly bat of your eyelashes
the perfect weird ways you laugh
the perfect riddled words you said.

The melody capture
the yearn of my heart
to be one with yours,
that is owned by her.

The lyrics I wrote
are the memories that we had,
the way you open your arms
to hug me
when I'm cold and distant
and the way you offer me the dance
when I was as bitter as the coffee
and made me dance like a child.

You're the lyrics that I wrote
coloured by my blue vibe,
splashed with my tears
while you're dancing with her
and kiss her pain away.
Mar 2017 · 506
Cara May Mar 2017
i'm giddy
because of the oxygen
and the thoughts
I'm lost and i'm alone
crying and screaming to the sky
asking when will my time come
to not be alone in this forest of despair.
I'm just a human
and the person that I cared,
pushed me away
and one reaction
produce another chain reactions.
I'm so tired, my tears are almost blood
of being alone, crying alone,
bottling my emotions and feelings
Mar 2017 · 213
Butterfly's Wings
Cara May Mar 2017
The velvet part of me
is my enemy.
My tears are inexpensive;
I cried at littlest things.
I cried listening to slow songs
I cried watching indie movies,
sometimes cartoon.
I too cried reading novels
I cried when people left.
I wish I wasn't fragile
as butterfly's wings.
I wish I don't stay on the ground; to not feel too much
but high on the cloud nine; to feel less.
Mar 2017 · 268
My Writer's Block
Cara May Mar 2017
My mind is clogged
and my hand is locked
by the thoughts of wanting to be pretty.
I can't pour anything else on the paper
but the words of misery
and bleeding heart,
pleading for beauty.
I'm sitting for weeks
and all I could write on the papers are
I wanted to be pretty.
I'm having writer's block at the moment.
Feb 2017 · 342
When you loved someone
Cara May Feb 2017
When you loved someone
it feels like you're laying down
on a lavender field
gazing at the stars;
thousands of them

When you loved someone
it feels like the wind
and the sun are unison;
just enough to caress
your delicate skins
and make you feel warm inside.

When you loved someone
it feels like you're venturing
into the wilderness
at the back of your hometown's house;
treacherous but exhilarating.

When you loved someone
it feels like you're dancing
to your favourite songs
in the rain
and the thunder is rumbling;
fearsome but thrilling.
The feeling you have when you loved someone.
Feb 2017 · 183
Grey II
Cara May Feb 2017
I saw you again today and I'm confused. I asked god why? I have liked you and I wrote about you but this is reality and you're hers. And today after so many years and tears and bad poetry, I can look at you like I look at some strangers-I feel nothing.
Feb 2017 · 235
Bad poetry
Cara May Feb 2017
You're the reason
I write bad poetry.
Because you're
on my mind constantly
so I have to write you down
because you made me
and I'm brimful
of emotions and words
because of you.
It was a curse to have you
in my life
but you're also the muse
to my beautiful poems.
Feb 2017 · 176
Cara May Feb 2017
I often have a detrimental thought
of my existence
my purpose on earth.
It took my energy
and my glow.
It made me fade from yellow
to grey; sadness
Because I couldn't join the puzzle.
To produce a new life?
but I'm not pretty
To be a healer?
but I'm not smart.
It remain a mystery to me.
Feb 2017 · 1.3k
Love at First Sight
Cara May Feb 2017
Mystery attraction between human
electric attraction felt on the body
is it the neuron interacts
or the star dust found it's complement particles?
Only the physical form
triggers the longing
and then
chemical and eternity bond.
How is this possible?
How is face triggers love?
These linger in my mind until now.
Feb 2017 · 284
Daughter of sadness
Cara May Feb 2017
To be the daughter of sadness
Is exhausting
My soul is worn out
Everytimea my tears drop.
And the worst part
it's eternity. For now.
I don't know when will this melancholic feeling disappear.
Feb 2017 · 259
My words
Cara May Feb 2017
You said my words are magic
and I smiled while I cried
because my words come from
shattered heart
and bleeding soul.
Some of the great poetry comes from broken souls.
Jan 2017 · 269
Cara May Jan 2017
I fell deep into my mind again.
as I  listen to the whispers of the red eyed.
I hated myself again; face and body.
when is this going to end.
I need help
I'm sad again.
Relapse again
Jan 2017 · 258
Cara May Jan 2017
Poetry is Mona Lisa,
beautiful, mysterious and sometimes chaotic,

Poetry is the garden of secret,
full of craved trees with memories
of yesterday, today or tomorrow,
memories of dancing to the joyous melody in the living room
or memories of weeping due to sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Poetry is the purple hand
touching the haggard and joyous souls,
towering hearts on cold dark night and sunny loud night,

Poetry is a diary
to souls impotent to pour the spectrum
of colors in the heart and mind
onto blank paper.
this is what poetry means to me
Jan 2017 · 483
What's scary
Cara May Jan 2017
What's scary?

What's scary
is when you don't feel happy;
you can't smile under the azure sky.

What's scary
is when you see all the skies are forever grey;
you can't taste the sweet in your favorite chocolate.

What's scary
is when you look into the mirror
and you can see
your eyes are empty.
Jan 2017 · 173
Cara May Jan 2017
You turned me from black to grey
and now I'm learning
to colour myself with every spectrum
of the rainbow.
You showered
my chaotic scorching heart
and almost lost your colours
But you never gave up,
and now I'm smothered by your colours and lost in the rainbow; confusing but sweet.
That person who brings out the happiness buried inside of you that have been buried by the cruel world.
Jan 2017 · 197
Hand and heart and mind
Cara May Jan 2017
The time past
and so do memories.
My mind is numb
and I felt nothing,
but sadness.
I'm empty
but my hand
my heart
are not unison.
I'm curious
but I'm scared
for I no longer can write
because now night time
is just darkness
and an empty room literally.
These past few weeks I felt sad and empty but somehow I don't have anything to write and I'm scared that I'll stop writing
Jan 2017 · 216
12 a.m.
Cara May Jan 2017
Aesthetic lights, stars and souls,
crowding the place consuming the blithe vibes.
Happy musics reflected on the hearts
of hundreds of people whom seek to feel alive.
On the one night all hearts are union
ending the chapter of one book,
starting the chapter of other book
with fireworks as the starting point.
Happy new year everyone!
Dec 2016 · 409
Question mark
Cara May Dec 2016
Your face is a question mark
so does is your words.
you smiled and laughed
but all I could see is questions.
I tried and touched your heart
and mind,
but still your fences are towering.
You're the riddle
of missing pieces.
some people won't let you in no matter how hard you try
Dec 2016 · 526
Cara May Dec 2016
The word men used
to describe pretty woman
with art on her face.
He loved her face
but not her heart
which is also an art.

Now he's full of rage
when she wiped the art
from her face.

For it should be beautiful
and admired
because she's naked; vulnerable
not despised.

She loved her art
for that is her nature
and men, remember to
See the art on her heart too.
Some guys claimed guys should not trust woman with make up because it's a lie that some of them thought of breaking up with their girlfriend after seeing them with no makeup.
Dec 2016 · 764
Cara May Dec 2016
Melancholic soul
born from
comparison of superficial beauty
from the society.
Made her sing melancholic songs
and howl at the stars at night; crying and wishing she could
be Aphrodite.
being compare to other girls is hard especially the pretty girls
Dec 2016 · 224
Merry Christmas
Cara May Dec 2016
Santa Claus is coming
delivering sun
on this cold winter day.

The sun that change sour face
into cotton candy sweet,
happy face into rays of sun.

Santa Claus is coming
bringing love
to warm our cold bodies.

Santa Claus is coming
wishing merry Christmas!
Santa Claus is your family and friends.
just a quick wish to those who are celebrating. have a good one! :)
Dec 2016 · 298
Indie boi
Cara May Dec 2016
I glimpse at you
And you spread glitter on my heart
I can't help but to write you
Because you're a masterpiece
Of skin.
The shade of purple
You projected  
Is beautiful as poetry.
Superficial attraction
Dec 2016 · 228
Happy pills
Cara May Dec 2016
I destroy myself to feel alive
I destroy myself to feel sane
I destroy myself to feel content
Dec 2016 · 231
Heart (II)
Cara May Dec 2016
be careful boy with your sweet words.
broken girls fall in love easily
because void heart is dangerous.
Be careful boy,
she'd **** herself in the name of love.
Dec 2016 · 374
Cara May Dec 2016
the way you played my heart string
send me to the abyss
shattering my heart into pieces.

you're killing me slowly
with your beautiful deathly diseased mind
and i'm your slave.

you're making me high in ecstasy
with your red rose words
and i'm addicted to your.
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