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 Nov 2015 burning bright
Next time, I hope you fall in love with someone who always chats back and never lets you fall asleep thinking you're unwanted.

I hope you fall in love with someone who holds your hand during the scary parts of horror movies.

I hope you fall in love with someone who sees galaxies in your eyes and can write sonnets about them, and hears music in your heartbeat and laugh.

I hope you fall in love with someone who tickles you and make you smile on hard days and on easy ones.

But beyond all that, I hope you fall in love with someone who will never leave you behind and will never take you for granted, someone who will stand by you when you're right and stand by you when you're wrong, someone who has seen you at your worst and has loved you still.

I hope you fall in love with someone who kisses you in the rain and hugs you in the cold and wouldn't have you any other way..
I just saw this one while browsing the internet from THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI. And i thought they're the same words I wanna tell you..
 Nov 2015 burning bright
With absolute freewill a trigger is pulled
and the same fingers can caress a lover.
There is something deeply amiss with Mankind
a thirst for death masquerading as life giving.
You are so much more

than this longing and this ache.

You are art in form.
 Nov 2015 burning bright
no more june songs
it's november now and
I celebrated daylight savings
with two days in bed
thinking of you
and reading poems
I would've been better off
never writing.

no more june songs
it's november now
it gets dark at five
and one of these nights
I'll delete every poem
that you inspired.

no more june songs
it's november now and
they'll never be able to prove
that I loved you.
 Nov 2015 burning bright
I tell him that I can not love him
Because my heart is held prisoner
By the ribs that cage it
Excuses excuses ...
grain of sand
flows through
palm of
our hands
galaxy knows
A car is a coffin for popcorn
lost in the back seat

we've driven to Land's End
& are standing at the crossroads

between destinations
I'm twelve or fourteen, I can't remember

on holiday from starched uniforms
blazing red & pins & needles-ridden morning assemblies

I'm not yet a European
not yet a Third Culture Kid

longing for cans of baked beans
whilst sampling new delights

my heart is still intact,
my soul is full of hope & dreams

& my hair is long, the way
mother & society wanted it

the signpost is pointing to America
now my lost hope
Land's End is a place by the Sea in Cornwall, England & often visited as the Western most point of England & has a signpost there that tourists like to photograph themselves with, pointing to places like New York & saying the number of miles between it & England.
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