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13.0k · Jan 2015
Britty Bruce Jan 2015
His signal shines up in the sky.
It always seems like he can fly.
He is my favorite hero!!
With him around, crimes go down to zero!!
Batman, the one who creeps in the dark
If your bad enough he'll eat your Heart.
I <3 Batman!!!!
1.4k · Dec 2014
Sorry mother.
Britty Bruce Dec 2014
I am so very sorry  mother.
Even to my only brother.

I made one of my biggest mistakes..
My promises are the ones who breaks.

My idiotic maturity.
they make my soul impurity.

I beg of you mother, please forgive me..
You don't know just how sorry I'll be.

I love you mother and im so sorry.
Just sit with me and look at the sky, Isn't it starry?

Please don't be mad.
Im trying so hard not to be bad.

Im sorry*  mother*.
I'll try to be another.
To my mother the one who is my forever friend
1.1k · Dec 2014
Britty Bruce Dec 2014
The most beautiful time of the year.
But not for me my dear.
My most closest has departed,
Just when my little soul started.

Mother misses you.
Don't worry I do too.
Why did you have to leave?
Now we all sit and greave.

There is so much cheer!
But not over here.
The snow is so very white.
It glistens with fright

Christmas, So beautiful..
But deep and dark is the only truthful!
My grandfather had passed away on my very fist Christmas so Christmas would not have me as any fan.
931 · Nov 2014
There was a girl.
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
She's the one who makes others feel better.
her heart seemed to come to a slow pitter.

Nobody noticed the fake smiles and hidden scars.
covering her arms and hiding her feelings she looks to the stars.

How could someone so perfect learn to hate her own guts.
despite all of the many cuts, she is beautiful.

But as she was falling into the fade.
A boy came and fell as well, he fell as her hearts aid.

Once he left he tore a piece away from her heart.
Now she sits low, trying not to let herself scatter apart.

She just couldn't take the pain inside, she didn't want the monster.
she grabbed her razor and ripped and cut till she finally felt numb enough that the monster was gone.

But the monster ended up being her own emotional mind.
She dug into her arm while she was just a little blind.
828 · Dec 2014
My Darling
Britty Bruce Dec 2014
My dear little darling.
You have become my beautiful starling!
They always say love is blind.
But i always have you in my mind.

Words are beautiful.
But they would never compare to you.
Don't look at me like a fool,
But you will always be my joule!

I love you and you should know this.
I look at you always feeling lovely bliss.
You are the moon to my night sky.
I count stars but never forget your cry.

You and me wont be the couple that lasts forever...
We will be that couple that last a forever in eternity!
You, Only you could ever steal my heart.
You my darling rose are the one who will be my start!

Start you make question, Start of Happiness!
I love you my darling!
Be mine sixever, you disintegrate my sappiness.
You are my starling!
Yee for me girlfriend
801 · Jun 2015
Britty Bruce Jun 2015
By my side.
was always you.
even when i would hide.
you knew exactly what to do.

actions speak louder then words.
you once told me.
now you fly high like a bird.
your finally able to be free.

I know mommy.
here with us is were you want to stay.
when we say no you become balmy.
i'll always talk to you when i pray.

I wish this was a dream.
Mommy im your really gonna be missed.
i can hear myself begin to scream.
your new life will always be blissed.

Mommy i love you.
I know you'll always love me.
even when i dont know what to do.
ill think of you while i sit under a tree.
for my dying mother that is so loved and precious
799 · Nov 2014
Pain itself
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
Broken dreams, forgotten lives, and careless mistakes made by unloved misfits.
Why does there have to be so much constant pain that we must dread on.
this is how pain shows itself, sad isn't it yea well that's just the start of its storm.
796 · Nov 2014
Inside of the mind.
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
I can hear the voices.
That make me question all my choices.

If a heart is broken..
Is it just a lose of a token?

Are we really living?
Or are we just believing, Believing in the false thought that this world is glorious.

When we are high
do we see eye to eye?

If drugs are illegal.. why cant the government tell us why?
is it because it shows us the real world instead of the image that will die?

The mind is a tricky thing.
It does nothing but ring.
ringing its bells of Screams!

Why do we question, is it because we want more or is it just the fact that we start to feel our dreams fade?
Is this all just a rade?

Inside the mind.
There we find the secrets behind.
We have the wish that this all could be divine.
772 · Feb 2015
two broken hearts.
Britty Bruce Feb 2015
You made me think.
We had everything together.
Look im starting to drink.
You had told me we would be forever.
Now I sit in my room.
I found my best shiny friend.
When we play there's a mess, cant use a broom.
One day mr. silver will help me find the end.
He scream about love and pain.
Crying cause he says my beauties deep.
One day ill find my beauty in vain.
After I find it the boy might get to hear me weep.
He was the one to make the dreams.
The ones where I cant help but scream!
Love.... fake, my friend says.
Im here to help you sleep.
There wont be no suffering for days.
don't have to worry about the tummy deep.
they would be better without breath.
so we can give the boy what he wants. two deaths.
he broke the two hearts.
with his lieing darts.
thank you mr.silver....
a boy who broke a girl after giving her another life to deal with so she lets her "friend" take her away from everything
709 · Apr 2015
I miss you.
Britty Bruce Apr 2015
Im taken.
But you I cant have forgotten.
I know I shouldn't feel this.
We both moved with bliss.
You hate me at the moment.
But I cant find myself to own it.
Now your gone.
Now its not the same when were done.
The one who has me I love.
But you I will always be inlove.
I hate you.
But I love you an don't know what to do..
I cant do this no more.
I feel like a used *****.
I miss when you acted dumb.
when we only had a few drinks like a ***.
even though we didn't make it through.
Ill still be here for you!
Im sorry for all the pain.
But your love was deep in my vain.
Just something tht I wrote to express my feelings right now.
707 · Nov 2014
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
Screaming but nobody can hear you.
Breaking and there's nothing you can do.

All the voices make you insane.
The demons make you feel drained.

You feel so alone.
You wish that they had known.

Are you drowning?
Watching everyone around you breathing, your stuck falling down.

That my friend, is called depression.
Your soul has now been blacken.
This is how I feel, I have been diagnosed with depression. I have been told to just breath but why would anyone want to breath in the toxins in the air.
658 · Nov 2014
The girl who smiled
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
There was a very sad little girl.
her whole world was in a wurl.

Her mother was sick.
Her father was a ****.

She prays each and every day.
That she could at least be gay.

After she lay awake, she saw a shooting star.
She made a wish that one day she will go far!

The next day her mother became well.
Her father didn't have to dwell.
She had a chance to smile.
And she done just that.
she smiled Forever!
Things do get better keep your head up like this little girl
653 · Jan 2015
Broken Fights...
Britty Bruce Jan 2015
I try so hard just to scream!
I feel this is only becoming a dream.
Why can't I even breath?
is it all because my grief?
I think im beginning to sink...
or is it just me staring at the water on the outside of my drink?
I think this is called depression.
so sad how fast a brightly world can be turned blacken.
Im already drowning.
I know, I can see you frowning...
please give me your hand..
i'll be your biggest fan.
if you don't its okay, I guess im not really scared.
in death im just alittle tared....
you're the one who broke my heart
you should be happy to watch me break apart.
but sadly im afraid I can't stay for very long....
Cause don't you see that im already gone...
639 · Nov 2014
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
You say love lasts forever.
Is that why it's more like over?

He left with my only heart.
now im falling apart.

Death do us part..
Am I another piece of your art?

Im heartless?
So what does that make you?

You will never give me the chance to say how much im sorry.
You make me hear all the demons glory.

You don't want to hurt me?
You have already broken the broken hearted me.

You want me, but you don't even try anymore.
What's wrong, did you think I was like that of a *****?

I miss you I really do, but I cant wait.
I cant wait for the day I met my fate.
About a boy I once knew to well...
566 · Apr 2015
Britty Bruce Apr 2015
She walks through proud.
Her smile screams it loud.
She knows shes worth it.
Her past was the painful ****.
Nobody can knock her down.
But the unwanted frowns.
Her heart is the biggest!
Believe it or not her smile is the thickest.
She is so beautiful and happy.
Her actions are alittle slappy!
Her soul was just above.
She was called love.
Just a happy poem for though's tht think they cant find love its all around you.
446 · Jan 2015
Nothing ever lasts
Britty Bruce Jan 2015
Age 5, your my world I love you baby girl.
Age 7, Baby I want you to be careful this world is cruel.
Age 9, Your getting older but no boys okay?
Age 11, See boys break hearts please just sit and stay.
Age 13 (you realize everything you start to self harm), your to old or your not that old.
Age 15 (you run away things get worse and you have suicide attempts) Your just a bad child I wish you were gone your not good enough, you should have been sold.
What happened to me being your babygirl...
What happened? I guess your right this world is cruel.
I was so happy then I felt alone.
I know I did bad things but so did you when you were grown.
Hey daddy, Hey mommy... Look at my wrist.
I ripped a blade across it feeling Bliss.
You should have seen it, it looked like there was a ******.
The boy I loved left me, he was my only girder.
Nothing ever lasts...
Im only reminded of my past.
423 · Dec 2014
Britty Bruce Dec 2014
What doesn't **** you, Makes you wish you were dead.
Your alive but you never bleed.

I'm alive? But im barley breathing...
I feel like I've only been dreaming..

Hello my name is Britnee.
Its okay, I know you didn't here me.

Please don't let me fall down.
Im about to drown.

Pull me out alive!
Have you arrived?

Save me from myself.
please fix me, before I become the death of oneself.
373 · Jan 2015
Britty Bruce Jan 2015
The moment you want to cry.
you cant stop it.
its would all be easier if you were to die.
not dealing with everyone making you feel like ****.

Why cant anyone hear?
The blade screams my name.
I'm shaking from fear.
I walk by in shame.

Every day I try to confess.
I feel invisible, please see me.
Even if I look like a mess.
Im drowning in a black sea.
336 · Dec 2014
That girl.
Britty Bruce Dec 2014
She's the girl that nobody every knows.
She has her own special glow.

Everybody is so blind.
But she has one boy in mind.

She wishes and dreams about him.
Why does she feel so grim?

She hates having crushes.
She always blushes!

She doesn't know why she's so invisible.
Why don't he see her visibility?

She sits low.
She has a birthday and she blows.

They clap without the thought of her wish.
She wants to be dead, She just another broken dish.

Sorry my lovely's.
I wasn't strong enough for anymore shoves.

That girl, who was never known...
That girl, Who is now known.
324 · Jan 2015
Britty Bruce Jan 2015
I always want to cry.
It gets so bad that I slowly die.
There is just so much pain.
It wont stop even with a sharp blade to my vain.
I got to watch the blood as it slowly spilled out.
I never even had to shout.
I felt numb, maybe the monster had gone.
I was dying, but finally I was done.
I felt happiness no pain, no shame.
But the sad part of it all was I was saved and I was to blame.
about me
314 · Nov 2014
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
There once was a boy.
He had played me like a toy.

He gave me a look into his fiery eye.
There i witnesses the most deepest guy.

His games that we played.
In the end i was the one who was betrayed.

What is love?
there is always two sides to every story above.
There is love and there is inlove.

Thoughts and fears and everything interfers.
You let that one person disappear, into your soul and into your heart.

Now tell me was i loved or inlove?
love in its state of being...
306 · Jan 2015
Britty Bruce Jan 2015
How much can you love someone?
why cant I just leave and be done?
why do I have so many questions..
not a doctor but I think I have depression.

Im stuck, inlove and in pain.
I once took a blade to my vain.
I wanted it to stop.
I just felt sad enough to drop.

I was blinded by a boy.
who acted like I was nothing but a whorish toy.
I still loved him, it could have just been the fact that he was my first.
I hated myself I hated him but he was the answer to my thirst.

How do you get ride of your thoughts.
the one that for the longest of time you fought.
it is shameful I know this but it is also a lesson.
even if its all done you can feel the lingering essen.
just a thought
297 · Nov 2014
Missing him.
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
You left me with a broken heart.
Is that why I feel like I was shot with a dart?

I still love you but I hate you.
What are you going to do?

Why do I have to be torn apart?
I feel like a black art.

I wonder what you think.
Even when you don't drink.

Do you even know how to love?
Would you realize love, if I was sent above?

I miss him..
Even if he thinks dim.
I don't know just random
295 · Feb 2015
Her heart is his.
Britty Bruce Feb 2015
Her heart was so fragile.
But a boy came an it's broken.
She only thought it was natural.
But you came with a tocken.

Your voice,
all day in her mind,
She loves the noise.
with you she's just fine.
288 · Nov 2014
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
Don't you ever feel alone?
You want to cry and scream but your mouth is sown.

Tears are meant for joy, but there often used as a pain mechanism.
Tears don't only just show the good but it shows what has been destroyed.

Tear drops fall.
Tear drops crawl.
Down your face they go.

Its okay to cry.
Even if you ask why.
It means that you have been strong for to long.
Its okay to cry it shows how strong you actually are.

— The End —