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 Oct 2014 Britany
Meenu Syriac
And she sang - sang to the night
To the moon hiding behind the clouds...*

Waters receding, tears fall like ink,
Damaged within, like a withering flower,
She wrote pages upon pages,
Day and night, night and day.
And as the fire calmed down to embers,
And as the embers forgot the warmth.
Her eyes wet from tears,
Like rain, they fell to the ground.
A quiet girl once sang by the shore,
Her voice sang lovely, the heavens adored.
And when the night crept in as silent as the wind,
Watching the lights in the distance,
She sat wondering why she was alone.
Within those pages,
This poem she wrote, her dreams, she etched between lines,
And her thoughts she painted without err.
Her words gave life,
Her words added color.
Her soul saw love,
Through another pair of eyes.
Her melancholia was the source,
To every picture painted,
To every succinct detail,
About the life around.
This poem she wrote, among the many,
In those pages she filled without fail.
This was her song to sing,
Her story to tell.
This poem she wrote,
About herself,
As she sat by the dying fire,
Looking out at the moonlight,
Dancing with the waves,
Kissing the shore.
©Meenu Syriac
 Oct 2014 Britany
Michael Humbert
"It's going to get worse," you wrote,
Your disappointment drenched me like a cold rain

And all I could do was apologize,
Insist I didn't mean it,
Beg you for another chance

But saving this was like trying to resuscitate a man shot 56 times

We all lie in the beds we make,
But the worst part is wondering,
*"What if?"
 Oct 2014 Britany
 Oct 2014 Britany
not by day
in the time of dream
your blue mist
those clouds you wear
that red of your lips
i had forgiven you
left you behind
but you talked

just like a little fish
fish on ground
fish by air
Not so close to me
not even desireable
my solitude drifts away
dragging my own self
If we are broken we are mercury
We can never been destroyed
Bury us 6 feet under but
We still *RADIATE
 Oct 2014 Britany
Wide Eyes
A leaf swooped down from my overgrown mane
And embraced her lovely little frock-the hue of the rain.
Day after day she basked in my warmth, and I in hers.
The pages of a fairy tale flipped by tiny fingers.

A leaf swooped down from my plentiful mane
And embraced her long lustrous locks in vain.
As they danced, she blushed; the wind began to hum.
Prettier than my flowers young love did blossom.

A leaf swooped down from my sparse mane
And embraced their picnic spread- artistically lain.
With adoration-filled eyes, she beamed at her kin.
Twin infants danced around me; laughter and din.

No leaves prevailed on my naked frame.
Summer, spring, fall- were all now the same.
Branches that once swayed and loved her like their own,
Lay lifelessly still as they beheld her lonely gravestone.
Arbor Vitae is Latin for 'tree of life'.
The sunflower dreams disintegrate, leaving dust. I see you there through the plexiglass wall, and wonder if you can see me too. The wax drips from the tip of the candle. Five spots, six-seven. Nine. I burn for you. The red runs crimson down my thigh. I reach for you through my condemned klonopin haze. Once again, I was too weak for you. The pressure builds, forming cracks in my psyche, making me wonder who I am or where I’m going.

Blank spaces. The canvas between white and black, the words that don’t fill the spaces in between I love you. And I don’t know what you want me to do, so I sit outside and chain smoke and listen to the birds who are confused, because it’s raining. I’m sick, you say, as if that straightens out the jumble in my mind. We’re solving the world’s problems one puff of nicotine at a time.
We turn blind in faith
war for religion

stick stiff
to own belief

give gods name
invoke them

and our dogma goes so far
as to turn us

 Oct 2014 Britany
 Oct 2014 Britany
When you close your eyes
At the moment’s peak
Do you hear life’s lies
Whenever you try to speak
That demise you held on
That guilt you deny but prolong
You try to get out
But this weir will only make you drown

You try to shout
But nobody listen
The darkness subdues
You’re numb but not frozen

You let it in
The agony that you breathe
You mold it all in
Yearning for that rapture
Is that all you desire?
For that temporary bliss?

Not realizing you've fallen deep
*Into the unending abyss
Don't let it consume you.
You are better than this.
Addiction has its decisions.
For better or for worse?
(Inspired by true events of my friends that passed on and the film Donnie Darko)
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