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 Mar 2016 brianna
Daniel James
Don't tell, but -
I missed my flight and...
And thought of you today.
That time when
You were working – a TV job...?
The details fade.

I was in the taxi
On my way
When suddenly the truth sank in –
I was not going to make it.

I almost called you
But I stopped myself -
You’d be at work,
I’d have to leave a message,
You’d call me back...

And the morale of the story
Would be - I am an idiot.
That’s all. An idiot.

I’m sorry and I feel stupid
And I want to call you now.

Now that I have
Something to confide
And no one to confide it in.
 Oct 2015 brianna
Bones forgot the pull,
the tug and the grimace
that happens
when someone burrows
between the lungs to live.
Bones forgot the burn and sting
that heart feels when it stops,
when it jumps to throat, skips.
Body forgot that emotions
meant brain AND heart,
eyes, tongue and lips.
Girl forgot that boy
could kiss and make
her forget
all that was forgotten.
 Oct 2015 brianna
 Oct 2015 brianna
I thought I could swallow my fear,
But I guess you could taste it in my kiss.
 Oct 2015 brianna
 Oct 2015 brianna
Remember when we were careless?

When we abandoned sleep to watch the sunrise

Snuck out at 2 to see what was out there

How our eyes glimmered with excitement

How our chest pounded to the song on our lips

Do you remember when were dancers?

When we put down our drinks to let the music be our poison

Cranked up our song to the height of the sun

When we sang it the morning after

With the windows down in Ally’s car

Me in the front, you in the back

Because I did paper and you did rock
You always did rock
And I always won

Was it to see the smile on my face?

Was it so to watch me sing uncontrollably to our favorite song?

Remember when we were stupid?

Remember when we got high in your basement?

Thought it would be a good idea to steal a signpost

Took your dad’s wrench and a step ladder

When it started pouring and we ran home in the rain

When I looked at you and rain stood still

Remember when we were animals?

Remember when we snuck out to the park

How we would drink spinneys champagne in plastic cups

How we didn’t own a bus card but took the bus everyday

How we didn’t own our own pipe but were addicts

How I loved you but never had to say anything
You could just feel it
In the wind
In my laugh
In my lips

Remember when we were young?
summer 2k15
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