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One day baby...

Years from now …

We will be sitting on our front porch,

Drinking coffee together as the sun  goes down.

Your face full of life

Your hair full of silver

And your eyes full of wisdom.

But even then, I take your hand,

With its wrinkles sewn

With time in mine,

And I kiss it softly

As we silently

Rewind these memories in our minds.

Tears began to form in my eyes

I knew I was a lucky guy

But only then did I truly realize,

The changes we made

And love that we made

With every year that flew by.

It wasn't luck…

It was  a blessing to share this life,

With you by my side…

Then suddenly as one lonely teardrop fell,

I  realized,

Just as our eyes

Watched our children grow and change with time.

We watched ourselves grow and change also,

With each turn of the page in our book of memories....

We had without knowing, wrote a story of passion, love and beauty...

From all the years shared between you and me...

I can  see our love grow deeper as we grow older.

I can see our relationship take shape as each chapter unfolds.

All these  trails we  left behind in the dust

The narrative of our trials and  perseverance,

I watched  our relationship form

How we learned to listen

How we learned to trust

I watched as  our lives became one…

Held within these bindings in our minds.

I  find a reflection of how we came to be us.

The story we had no idea we were writing,

The story of ...Us.
A foreshadow of a memory.
Through the eyes looking back in this mirror I see.
Love lost and heart break, shrouded in disbelief
I see forgotten intentions and half hearted lies.
Cold neglect and unspoken goodbyes.

Mirror mirror,
why show me this shame?
I chose to forget, I buried this pain.
I've changed my ways, this past is behind me.
But once again im reminded, of the man I used to be.

Mirror mirror, please let me forget?
I can't continue living in constant regret.
Everyday I read the story these eyes sadly tell.
Im reminded of the hurt, the loss and the hell.

As im reminded of this dark past behind me
I remember the reason I chose to be free
Mirror mirror,
I understand,
Now I finally see.
Remembering these sins is what keeps them beneath me
Through the smoke and the rain,
Your eyes met mine.
Every girl I've ever met faded away,
Instantly they were all erased from my mind.
You had me and I knew it.
I was scared as hell, but your touch helped me forget
All the pain and all the scars.
They all washed away with the rain,  
From the hood of your car
Talking about everything for hours under the stars.
I had a little piece heaven,
wrapped up in my arms.
Holding you in my arms trying to wish away the sunrise.
My head was spinning trying not to think about goodbye
That look in your eyes as each drop fell from the sky.
I wanted you right there always, shining by my side.
Not even the moon and the stars could outshine your light.
I know now baby,
everything before you was a lie.
So let me hold you forever,
higher than the clouds in the sky.
Because, baby you're my angel,
and you deserve to fly.
Wrote this for this special little lady that  i am blessed to have in my life. I originally wrote 3 parts to this being pt. 1 of the three... but I dissected the last 2 and used them within lyrics I was writing at the time. They served a better purpose and were more literal in a sense as song lyrics...this one alone was didn't need any sequels.
Looking away as you begin to speak. . .

Your words were slurred. . .

Your voice was weak. . .

Night after night. . .

You pour another round. . .

Bottle after bottle. . .

I watch as you drown. . .

I wish I could tell you how badly

this hurts. . .

I see you suffer everyday, while your drinking gets worse. . .

But, I stay silent, as you stumble and fall. . .

Deep down I know this burden is not your fault at all. . .

I remember back when we were

younger. . .

When you were sober,

Just a year or two before the alcohol took over. . .

Back then you  spent so much time with me and my brother. . .

But our relationship slipped away as the years carried on. . .

And slowly, you  shut down. . .

Pushing away your own sons. . .

You burned many bridges. . .

You sealed many doors. . .

You  didn't have time friends,

Or loved ones anymore. . .

Almost like a sickness once it  began to take hold

With no way to stop it. . .

We sat and watched alcoholism unfold. . .

We would catch you as you begin to lose balance every night.

We help you in to bed when you stumble,

You hold on to the walls,  
Wobbling  and stumbling the harder you tried. . .

Even with us helping you to bed you would still curse us

We tried like hell to lift you...

And if we ignored you. . .

You would try to fight us all instead...

Including my friends. . .

You would think this process would. . .

Eventually get old to someone. . .

But for you. . .

it never did. . .

We still see the same thing  everyday,

And yes,

It's just as sad each time it repeats. . .

But we continue this routine. . .

Watching you **** yourself slowly. . .

Drowning yourself daily,

In alcohol, pain and misery. . .

day by day. . .

night by night. . .

“Dear Lord please, show him a sign. . .

Clear his mind so he can know and see. . .

The hurt , the loss and the sorrow.

covered with a wave of lies shadowed on it's lable. . .

The problem here is very clear...

Actually , at the bottom of  that bottle. . .

Is all the proof you need. . . ”

“I  pray that one day you get a chance to see our faces  once more. . .

To truly see that we are still here. . .And we still care. . .

Through those glazed over eye's of yours."

“Please dear lord, consider this prayer I ask of you.
He isn't lost show him the way to you. . .
Show him the love we have for him. . .
Please God… Just let him see the truth. . .
God, from my heart, you know these words are  true.
Thank you Dear Lord for listening like before.
Thank you, I love you Dear Lord...
In your name I pray...

“Lord, I put all my faith in you.”
Edited and extended, fully re-visited , version of one of the earliest poems I posted on here.
It extremely personal but even without the personal connection or anything...I still would have felt like it needed a second run with y'all ....the old one got deleted along with two of my other earlier pieces that I have edited or re-visited to create greater quality pieces. I'll post so be on the look out for em and tell me which ya like best...revisited or original version
(Verse 1.)

~ Baby, I never saw this coming.

~ I was caught off guard without ever knowing, the direction we were going.

~ I never thought it through, I just remember knowing... I was falling for you.

~ Baby, everytime I close my eyes, I can feel your hand.

~ As I held it softly in mine.

~ I remember, baby...I remember everything...

~ From every wave that crashed to every single drop of rain that fell that day...

~ I can still feel, the chill of the wind on our skin, as we made love there in the sand.

(Verse 2)

~ I can feel your warmth

~ Your body and mine,  side by side, and the depth of your eyes, girl...

~  Even the  glow of your silhouette...

~ And  the way the moonlight danced through your hair,

~ I couldn't believe my eyes, I fell harder and harder...

~  Baby do you remember...

~When we...

~Sang along...with every song...

~ Rolling around.  Laughing out loud on that beach, all night long...what went wrong.

~Oh... Do you remember?


~ Baby…every single night...

~ Everytime I close my eyes...

~ I can see you laying there, dripping dry under the moon light.

~ Feeling the water dripping softly from your hair,

~ The chill on my chest as each drop fell. And the smell of rain in the salty air

~ I can still see that smile on your face, oh girl you shined that night.

~ While you lay there in my arms,  silently I  pretend...

~ That this  moment was forever... that this night would never end.

~ But, that morning Sunrise soon began.

~ Do you remember... Oh, do you remember girl?

~ Everynight...Every **** time I close my eyes.

~ I see you laying there,  waving your fingers through the air.

~  You signed  your name with every star in the sky

~ I laughed but you don't care...

~ Every night... Every time I close my eyes...

(Verse 3)

~ The look on your face as you looked up at me.

~ The taste of the salt on your lips.

~ And the sound of your flip flops,  flopping on your feet.

~ Baby... I never thought you would ever sink that deep.

~ But, I still feel your touch.

~ Your fingers, as they pulled away from me.

~ Oh girl... I can still see those tears

~ I kissed you as they began to stream down your cheek.

~ Baby do you remember?


~ I know I should be sleeping

~ But ****** baby...

~ Your memory,

~ These scars you left me, keep repeating...they keep reminding me..

~Baby do you remember?

~ Do you remember?

(chorus 2)

~ Baby... Every **** night...  I  dry those eyes.

~ Every **** time ... We say this isn't goodbye.

~ But baby... Every night, we lie

~ Oh girl.... We lie...

~ Everynight...

~ Every **** time I close my eyes.

~ I can see you laying there,  your fingers in the air.

~ Signing your name with every star light in the sky.

~ I know you don't care

~But I still hold you every night, every time I close my eyes


~ Oh baby... Every night

~ no there is never,  enough...time…

~ Every night...  Every **** time I close my eyes

~ It's never enough

~ No matter what I do, there's never enough time

~ To re-write you...

~ To re-write…you…
A set of song lyrics I wrote earlier today. Hope yall enjoy
"When you look at me baby, what do you see?"
You said, as you softly rest you hand on my knee.
Briefly, my eyes broke free from your piercing glare and as if my mind was gasping for air,
I gently ran my hand through your hair, still feeling the warmth on my face from your stare,
With a low, mellow voice and a sigh, I finally found the words to speak.
"Darling, if only you knew how often this question comfronts me, how often this question has silenced me. With every passing day I share with you beside me, this question. apears in my mind and slowly
it cripples me."
I could see the confusion grow in your eyes as your mind danced in disbelief.
"You see, this question has not haunted me daily because of an answer I fear, if that were the case my thoughts would be clear.
This question repeats in my head with asnwers that have no end,
It digs deeper with every glimpse of understanding, accounting for many nights without sleep.
This question I think, is meant to be answered another day.
Not today, this question can only be answered when there are no other days ahead of me."
I let my hand brush  against your cheek slighty, just before resting under your chin.
Lightly I lift your face towards mine and just before our lips meet, I softly say.
"So baby, let me hold on to this answer,
let it grow within me. Just as my love for you grows with each passing day, the light  i see in your eyes grows elegantly. When our days together finally reach their end and we lay our heads down to sleep. I will take your hand once again, look into your eyes and explain every detail of this angel I see before me, then I will kiss your lips one last time. Laying you to rest with a smile as we close our eyes …"

A question without an end, can only be answered, once you reach the end..."

- Brandon Stephenson
This ones pretty deep...
I brushed the silver hair from your face,
Kissing the tears away, as they streamed down your cheek.
" Hold your hand in mine doll, we will be alright."
We turned away, watching in the rearview, as years of memories faded out of sight.

All the mountains we climbed and all the fires we prevented,
Every chapter that opened, as the previous one ended.
We fought many battles and o b overcame many struggles to stand where we stood yesterday.
But all the years of fighting arent worth much on paper today.

"We may have lost the four walls that once protected  our necks from the wind,
We may have lost the roof that sheilded us from the rain overhead.
But darling, I still have your back and you still have my heart.
Together that gives us somewhere new to start."

Just as I spoke those words a familiar, dust covered book struck my eye.
I reached down into the box of old records and papers bringing the book into the light.
The words on the front stole my breath as i read…

I passed the forgotten pages off into your hands
And with a deep breath you blew away the dust
Reavealing the words we once said.

"I got your back, you got my heart girl.
Whatever struggle has us searching,
These pages hold the truth.
A reflection of our love that conquered all and stood true."
A forgotten book of memories found by a couple that they had put together earlier on in their lives as a reference for them to review if times get too rough.
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