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  Jul 2015 black butterfly
darling, you may not understand,
but it's more heartbreaking to leave
than to be left behind.
A quote from the prose that I made.
You gave it your all
But unfortunately it
Wasn't your best
Because your best
Is never good enough
When you lay your
Heart down in
The wrong hands to rest.
  Jul 2015 black butterfly
We hate good-byes, yet we say it too often. After a phone call. After a visit. When classes end. When we leave a restaurant. Perhaps these tiny good-byes are said too much to prepare us for the greater good-byes of the future.

But isn't it just strange how the things we hate are often what our mouths are full of? And with the same mouth we whisper the sincerest 'I love you's'.

We love. And the ones we love leave or the love we have leaves us as time passes by. Perhaps it is not good-byes we hate. Perhaps good-byes, themselves, aren't painful at all. 'Cause maybe it is the loving that we hate but we never truly admit it. 'Cause maybe all along we knew, with loving comes good-byes, and that idea is what's painful.
I just want  you to know,
I mean to say im over you right now
Im trying my best to forget you
All you've done and said to me the moment you gave up on us

I guess we are not meant for each other
At least there will be no hesitation for me to be with someone else since we're over
I wish the same thing with you
Goodluck in finding a girl better than me

I will never talk to you again
Except when you're the one who starts the conversation
Enough of the chases
It is really tiring and unworthy

Have a good life ahead.
I don't want to retrieve the poems back.
I don't love you anymore
This is not really my last poem. Inspired by the red notebook of my brother, that is why I am dedicating this to him. hahaha
black butterfly Jul 2015
I've tried understanding you
Though you always complicate things
You asked me to hold on
But it is best to let us go

I am always the one to blame
For everything that went wrong
It is like you were floating
While I was falling

You'd never sang me a love song
When I have written a hundred poems about you
I know you're lying when you said you still love me
Still believed in you anyway

Where's the good in goodbye?
Found it when I finally said,
Goodbye tears
Goodbye love that hurts
*Goodbye us
Finally I am letting go of you.
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