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"What a lovely thing this is... to triumph,"
I whisper as I sink to my knees on the cold hard ground, unable to cease the flood of anguished tears that flow from my face.
The problem with sharing a body
Is how hard it is to tell who you are
Tears are just fragile pieces
Of dreams broken and souls as well
You can pick them up and try to glue them
But will that ever be enough?

Nobody can turn back time
Chances lost, no heaven nor hell
We all look down, grasping pieces
Some get cut, my surface rough

Inside we go like there’s no tomorrow
Apart from another, locked in a shell
And so it runs, our precious time
Shortening lifespan with every cough

They emerge like we’re attached to them
But is there a chance to always tell?
There’s time for that, yet always tomorrow
It seems like nobody gets to laugh

And in the end the pieces will bring us
Back in time, for then tomorrow
We can bring them all we have, but
At night all curtains will be shut.
A poem from the 16th December 2024, starting from tomorrow I will post some new stuff again.
I really tried playing with the concept of time in this poem and also played with a new style of rhymes. Hope you like it!
With love,
there were so many words i tried to say
some good
some bad
but none could make you stay

the days since youve left werent easy
some were good
most were bad
everything felt uneasy

there are so many sleepless nights
none were good
it was always bad
tortured by nightmares at midnight

i miss you.
all the good,
all the bad,
make me feel blue
just want
to be

who are the words
i could use to
capture you? to
translate you
to all those
who'll never get
the chance
to see you do
those giddy jumps
you do when we
walk together.

i could start with
your hair; just above
the shoulderline that
taught honey how
to flow. your cheeks,
flushed like a late
spanish summer. eyes
and lips like a dare,
your dimples like
a prize. every bit
worth a page.

i couldn't forget
your collarbones
or your waist
or your navel
or your hips
but you are more
than whatever
my poetry
can describe.
you are moments
i see throughout;

the pixie-ring of
tulips, the heron
patiently fishing,
the cloudform
pareidolia i see
from my rooftop.
i feel about you
how i felt about
the mediterranean
sea in my lungs.

those poor *******
can write
and describe you
how they wish.
i will carry on
catching you
in the corner of
my eyes and over
my shoulders
until i can see
you again.
for you
I love the rain, but you dote on the sun
I sing for spring flowers and life-like trees
I gaze at the stars when the day is done
But you hide from the dusky canopy.
Your eyes are violet, but mine are not
Your hair is auburn, mine is like night
What I think each day are not your thoughts
Neither are we wrong, nor in the right.
Beneath the veneer, behind given names
I walk my walk and you do what you do
Despite the differences, we are the same
A heart beats in me as it does in you.
Together, let's revel in being alive -
Dance to the beats of the rhythm of life
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