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 Jan 2016 Aztec Warrior
The most deadly disease suffered by mankind is the disease of wrong mind-set.
think right=live right
Wounded Knee--December 29 1890

The icy wind blows through the trees
The Lakota tribe brought to its knees
Red stained snow marks the shame
No one left to take the blame
History of a settlement marked in blood
Euphemized for the common good
In all of time the land defiled
with the spilled blood of a native child
In Washington the politicians sleep
But I know why the willow trees weep
125 years ago today

Wounded Knee
(December 29  1890)
The day was icy cold as winter gripped
The Lakota Sioux were on their reservation
The division of the 7th cavalry
arrived to disarm the tribe
the weapons were handed over
in general compliance to the order
An older tribesman was deaf
he did not understand
and refused to give up his rifle
insisting he paid much money for it.
In the altercation his rifle was discharged
The cavalry started firing indiscriminately
at the mostly unarmed Lakota
the few remaining armed tribesmen
were quickly suppressed
men women and children
were killed and wounded
Blood covered snow
strewn with bodies
was the final scene
in all at least
150 men, women and children
of the Lakota tribe lay massacred
some state the number to 300
The bodies of the Lakota
were buried in a mass grave
later twenty cavalrymen of the 7th
were awarded the Medal of Honor
We say things are complicated.
Truthfully it is not
Simple as it is. 
We can understand.
But we choose not to. 
We have the understanding
As deep as the sea.
We have the enduring love
Like a mudfish can survive
Without water.
But we have a faith
That is weak
Much like a wind
That goes and disappears
With just a flick of a hand.

Remember this
Love is not in the air
But within us.

before a golden
bowl she stands
crystal sceptre
in her hands
exquisite form
bone china face
possessed of
perfect poise
and grace
hair so fine
lustrous, rich
like cornsilk platinum
to bewitch
eyes of wisdom
seas untold
revealing naught
but deepest
encrusted sheath
shows hips that flare
diaphemous sleeves
lift with the air
oval jaw
cheekbones strong
her lips move
in elvish song
what does she know
that lights her eyes
but sadness fills her
as she sings
she can't possess
The one
mistress of
the wooded lands
before a bowl
she casts her spell



(C) 12/30/2015
all rights protected

as a child i was fascinated by
JRR Tolkien
especially with the elves

was one of my favorite characters
beautiful beyond compare
wisdom profound as oceans

i wanted to be like her
but in my humanity
could not

yet i
The literati are moaning
about the crowning
of a comical smiley-face
with tears of joy
springing from its eyes
as Oxford Dictionaries 2015
"Word of the Year"

it's historic
indicative of a generation
raised on media shorthand
though some people think
the distillation of thought
to acronyms, symbols, emoji
is a bad thing too

but in these icons
heavy black heart
face throwing a kiss
reversed hand with ******* extended
even the simple : )
I see emotion
stripped bare

the whole gorgeous
heart-rending, horrible
hateful range of it
illustrating the dark
and light
of who we are
as a human race

So I say hail and welcome
to the "tears of joy" emoji
may his vivid counterpoint
shine around the world
eclipsing all the words
we've learned this year
for hate.
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