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Mar 2017 · 549
Since '99
Aya Domingo Mar 2017
Our bodies share the same age,
Not separated by much months, yet
I believe I have yet to find the gold
That runs through your veins,
Or the bright youth that lines your soul.
Can you help me find the rose-tinted glasses
You see the world through?
Will you tell me how I can radiate with the sun's blessings
As you do?

We have been surviving the same bullets,
But by ourselves.
Yet, somehow your wounds seem to heal faster.
I watch you get up and go while I still tend to my own.
Oftentimes I have to reach far to keep up with you.

Despite the unkindness of circumstance and proximity,
Somehow I feel that I have held your hand through it all.
And sometimes, in the small moments of reality
That peek through the stage lights and camera flashes,
I feel you hold back.

And in that moment, we are just seventeen year olds again.
Just that, nothing more.

Can I be eighteen with you too?
170211 ; for l.c.
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
Aya Domingo Jan 2017
I have found out that
Home isn't always a where,
It is a who: you.
a haiku for you: l.c.
Dec 2016 · 2.6k
Child of the Cosmos
Aya Domingo Dec 2016
You are the closest I've ever come to seeing space up close.
With the multitude of galaxies in your eyes,
And the way light bounces off your honey-hued skin,
I'm convinced you were raised amongst the stars.

Did you not spend your younger days hitching rides on passing comets,
And catching asteroids like fireflies in the palms of your hands?
Are you sure you didn't take a bite out of the sun
Leaving its embers stuck between your teeth?

I think the universe is smiling right now,
Knowing that a piece of it is safe and living here; glowing ever so brightly.

And if my chest is an open window,
I know that it's you pouring through it.
for h.j.s.
when all my curtains were drawn, you came into my life like a ray of light. thank you.
Nov 2016 · 860
super moon.
Aya Domingo Nov 2016
they say the moon hasn't been this close to us since 1948.
after hundreds of cycles and phases, maybe it waited for just the right moment
just so you and i could share this one.

it's gravity pulls me closer, like the tides that separate us both.
but tonight, it's sliver fingers interlock mine with yours
and i feel the warmth in my palms even as the cold whips around me.

i feel like i could just pluck it right out of the velvet night
and hold it in my hands for a moment before i give it you
in all its full and glowing glory that reminds me so much of you.

i'm glad that we live under the same sky.
i wonder if you are looking at it the same time i am.
because for once, you don't seem so far away anymore.
a poem i wrote during the night of the supermoon.
Nov 2016 · 744
Friendly Reminders
Aya Domingo Nov 2016
your hands are too rough
for a boy with a heart
as soft as yours.

let your soul and spirit flow
from your eyes and from your lips
it's okay if someone notices.

you can learn what it feels like to fall
gentle and warm in the hands
of someone else. mine are always open.

you don't have to be scared of breaking open;
i will hold you so tight that all your broken pieces
will come back together again.

the person you were before this
is still living in you, hiding behind your eyelids.
i'm sure he likes the view.

you are a hurricane.
you are the universe in full force.
you are loved and loved and loved.
for l.j.h.
Nov 2016 · 741
Aya Domingo Nov 2016
For a moment,
We were both here.

Some part of me knew when you arrived.
The sun burned a little hotter, the moon lingered a little closer;
Flowers seemed to point in your direction.
I could feel the wind change its course whenever you laughed.
But while you swam through clouds and crowds
I could only watch from afar as I had to push past the forces
That pulled every part of me to where you were.
But you were here. And that was enough for me.

How funny that the streets I can trace like veins in my body,
Were so new to you, strangers to your eyes.
But for that single, fleeting moment,
You walked through them, not minding the newness of scenery,
Leaving your trace with every sneakered footstep.
I hope the city held you like I would.

My language must have tasted different on your tongue.
The words were as foreign in your eyes as yours were in mine.
For the first time, I could see your fingertips piercing through the barrier,
And God knows how close I was to connecting mine with yours.

Our stories were finally synced,
Finally on the same page.
I didn't mind that I was one word in your book
And you were a whole chapter in mine,
I was just fine with being any part of your story;
Even just for a moment, even if I wouldn't be a part of it again.

Now you are there.
And I am still here.
But I look for you in every thing I see,
Wondering if you saw the same.

And then, you are here again.
But just for a moment.
for l.c.

you may be a foreigner in my world,
but no stranger to my heart.
Sep 2016 · 449
Aya Domingo Sep 2016
The days were longer
The sun lingered
Hotter, closer, brighter,
As if it were burning
With passion for you
With the want to hold you
Maybe that's why it kissed you
Just a little bit more
Than the others
Poem 1 for my Creative Writing project :)
Jul 2016 · 605
Aya Domingo Jul 2016
I don’t think I know what home feels like yet

Maybe home is a lone, weathered bench
Tucked beneath a canopy of trees in Central Park
It might be in the enticing neon of Tokyo
Its electric fingers beckoning me to get lost in them
I see it in my unruly bedroom
In the familiar scent interlaced in the fabric of my sheets

But how would I know, right?

Maybe home is burying my head in the crook of your arm
Letting the steady rhythm of your breathing lull me to sleep
It might be when you laugh at my jokes
Your nose crinkling up, your head thrown back
I see it in the way the very earth holds its breath
Just to listen to you speak

But how would I know, right?
Hiraeth (n) - a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was
Apr 2016 · 922
Aya Domingo Apr 2016
There is comfort
That sits at the end of the sunlit hallway
A familiar soul resting
Against the trademark white and blue

I find warmth in your jacket-clad grasp
And in your groggy, yet reassuring smile
Our voices contain remnants of 2 in the morning
But your eyes still twinkle beneath your heavy eyelids

There is sweetness
In the words that roll off your tongue
And in your unexpected embraces
That melt my heart into honey

I find shelter in the familiar roars of laughter
That ricochet and bounce against the walls
The same ones that have held me
Since my younger and simpler days

There is light
That radiates from your face
A brilliance impossible to ignore, a candle igniting another
And I long to bathe in that heat day after day

I find sorrow in knowing
That it won’t be yours that greets me
In that sunlit hallway anymore
Not for a while, not for a long time

There is hurt
In the way you say “see you soon”
But there is also love in your goodbyes
For I know a warm “hello” is sure to follow

I find peace because I am sure
That there will always be
Other sunlit hallways for us to walk into
But this time I will be holding your hand
SY 2015-2016
Dec 2015 · 582
Grow Up
Aya Domingo Dec 2015
We were the kings and queens
Standing tall and proud with our scraped knees and missing teeth
Wielding illustration board swords and construction paper crowns
As we ruled our backyard kingdoms with justice and innocence

We were the greatest heroes that ever lived
We donned our stark-white towel capes and sprinkled baby powder pixie dust on our backs
Our feet never left the pavement
But we soared higher than the cotton candy clouds

We were astronauts orbiting the cold darkness of space
Protected only by our tin foil and cardboard helmets
We spent hours counting every twinkling star and hitching rides on each passing comet
Marveling at the earth with eyes as bright as the nebulae that pierced through the velvet blackness

We were builders, inventors, creators
We built up and tore down skyscrapers with the touch of a hand
We formed galaxies that dripped from our tongues like honey
The earth itself moved along with our bodies that never seemed to tire

But we were only ever seen as children
They told us to stop horsing around, to stop our nonsense
But this “nonsense” was the only thing
That had ever made sense to us

“Grow up.” Those words stung like a slap to the face
“Grow up.” They left sticky teardrop trails on our cheeks
“Grow up.” Repeating over and over again until they made our ears bleed
“Grow up.” Until we had no choice

So we took off our crowns and left them to rust
Crumpled and abandoned at the bottom of our backpacks
Collecting pencil shavings and pad paper debris
Crushed by the weight of our responsibilities

We removed our capes and robes
Dropped our swords and shields
Leaving them to rot in the very closet
Where we sought courage to fight the monsters that we used to be scared of

We traded our tools and scepters
For textbook rifles and good-grade grenades
And our feeble little bodies could barely take the load
We were drafted in a war that we were too young to fight

We tucked away every trace of our childhood
In the pockets of our ripped jeans and underneath our briefcases
We hid them from prying eyes and jeering tongues
Hoping that the blossoms sprouting from our minds wouldn’t be seen through our hats

We lost touch with our past
Like an childhood friend who moved away
And although you never saw him again
You still remembered his name

Why are we so afraid to let our minds run free?
Do we fear the goldfish bowl of judgement so much
That we do our best to make it seem like we have nothing from our past left to show
And we only end up ripping up our imagination to destroy the evidence of its existence

But child, I hope you find bits and pieces of it
Whether they are wedged in between the pages of your favorite book
Or folded neatly in an old shoe box
Or perhaps sitting in your mother’s attic, gathering dust

Maybe you’ll find it in a series of knocks on your door
And I hope you let it in
And listen carefully while it speaks
Let it tell you stories of when you were royalty, a hero, an astronaut, a builder

And when it hands you a crown
A cape, a helmet, a sword
Please don’t be ashamed to use them
Don’t be afraid to remember

But if you tell it that you don’t need those things anymore
And that you no longer need them to dream, that’s okay too
Because growing up never meant letting go of your imagination
It only meant turning it into your reality
A piece I did for our school's music and poetry event called Voix.
Nov 2015 · 730
Aya Domingo Nov 2015
I used to be delighted around fire.
Blowing out candy-colored candles,
On carefully crafted cakes,
And I watched as year by year they increased.

I used to be fascinated by fire.
Eyes as bright as the flames I glared at,
Sat in my parents’ bathroom, with my parents’ lighter.
Burning pieces of tissue until the paper was nearly consumed.

I used to be afraid of fire.
Sparks danced and leapt beside our home,
Turning grass into ash, flowers into embers.
3 in the morning could’ve ended up in mourning

I used to be on fire.
Passionate and determined for all the wrong reasons,
And the world doused me in its cold, unforgiving water,
Too damp to light, too late to recover.

I was drawn to temptation like a moth to the flame,
But the fire only singed my wings,
And though the flames made me feel pain,
At least I was feeling something.

I was a charred and hopeless pile of nothing,
Smoke slowly rising from the blaze I could’ve been,
Ashes as dark and blackened as my heart,
Abandoned and pitiful like a used campfire in the woods.

Then I heard the scratch of a match,
The rubbing of rocks,
The scraping of sticks,
And then the crackle of a new and growing fire.

Someone had set me ablaze once again.
Fanning my flames even though He was scorching his fingers,
Made sure I was flourishing, made sure I never went out,
Until I grew bigger and brighter than I had ever been.

I am on fire once again, but only for the One who lit my flames,
Glowing and burning for His glory.
Hoping that one day my embers would spread far and wide enough.
To be able enough to ignite for Him, someone else’s ashes.
My piece for our Projects and Presentations class. I had to make a spoken word poem on the story of my life.
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
Aya Domingo Dec 2014
Wounded knees, mango trees,
Walking down the same old street,

Eight years old, feeling bold,
A **** on the nose and an awful cold,

Chicken pox, knee-high socks,
Folded letters in a black shoe box,

Ponytails, fairy tales,
Choir practice, don't forget to exhale,

Chapter books, nasty looks,
Never had the chance to cook,

Constant smothers, doting mother,
Shamelessly listening to The Jonas Brothers,

Toothy grins, double chin,
Constantly losing bobby pins,

Stupid drama, Oxford Comma,
No DS for Cooking Mama

Cheeks flushed, prep crush,
I still regret that very much,

Detention, pay attention,
Meet everyone's expectations,

Disappointment, good intent
Nothing that I said was meant,

Growing up, just shut up,
Remember it's okay to mess up,

Years went by, I wonder why,
When did my childhood say goodbye?
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Little Sprout
Aya Domingo Nov 2014
You are the pavement
Spat on,
Walked all over,
Lifeforms sprout
From in between your broken pieces
Life grows in you still
Apr 2014 · 694
You See, You Know, You Love
Aya Domingo Apr 2014
Sometimes I feel like the word just

Just another fragile snowflake
Embedded in the frost

Just another speck of dust
Resting on a shelf

Just another delicate flower
Embroidered on the tablecloth

Just another little human
Out of 7 billion

But You see me

And You don't just see
Mar 2014 · 507
The Ocean's Lament
Aya Domingo Mar 2014
I'll be the ocean that keeps your ship afloat.
When you're stranded and alone,
I'll keep you safe and cradle you until your lonely nights end.
I'll never let you sink.

But when the day breaks
And you feel the sun illuminate your skin
And your eyes see land ahead,
You finally feel relieved
You feel out of harm's way.
The land beckons you and you respond.
You dock your boat upon the sand.
And I'm left alone and you don't even look back.

I guess I rocked you too hard.
You never felt sheltered with me.
I guess you remembered the beasts,
That lurk within me.
They never hurt you,
I never hurt you,
So why did you try to escape from me?
I guess I'll try my hardest to accept,
That you never wanted to be with me.

But please know,
I'll always be here,
And I'll be waiting for you.
And I hope you hear my calls,
Of the waves breaking upon the shore.
Feb 2014 · 838
Aya Domingo Feb 2014
I am called un

But I am loved by One called in.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Aya Domingo Dec 2013
My hands are bound
And my legs are chained
Caged in the thought
Of never being good enough.
And I try to break the bars
I try to pick the locks
I struggle to break free
But I'm the one who locked me in
And I've already swallowed the key.

— The End —