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May 2019 · 177
Zia May 2019
My heart didn’t break
But my belly did ache
Fear gnawed my insides
Ain’t no one to brave the tides
But me, myself and I
I could no longer deny
I know he rues the day
He left me for another lay
I saw the signs
Didn’t I tell you
I’m good at reading
between the lines?
May 2019 · 142
Zia May 2019
Let my hands
tell you the story
of my mind
May 2019 · 226
Let me fly away
Zia May 2019
the less I say
the more you lie
the more you play
the less I sigh
the more you betray
the less I cry
why don’t you go away
I’m not going to ask why
May 2019 · 189
Shall we?
Zia May 2019
I can’t imagine loving another
Let alone living with another
So let’s make us last forever
May 2019 · 296
The Collector
Zia May 2019
My love was free
Unlike yours, on a spree
To collect any she
Willing to trust thee
May 2019 · 479
Zia May 2019
he opened the cage
and let me out
only to catch me
in his clout
May 2019 · 566
Zia May 2019
nothing like a
good cup of tea
while the clouds
bellow like an angry sea
Apr 2019 · 288
The Unforgettable One
Zia Apr 2019
You lived in my teenage dreams
Nothing has changed, it seems
Your face always dominates
Every time my mind illustrates
You’re still stuck in my head
Even when my heart lies in a new bed
Apr 2019 · 173
Not Yet Gone
Zia Apr 2019
How easily you’ve moved on
As if the pain was none
Yes, I wanted to be alone
but not for too long
Maybe it came out wrong
I never thought we’d be done
As quick as a hit-and-run

How easily you’ve moved on
As if the pain was none...
Apr 2019 · 517
State of Affairs
Zia Apr 2019
not a lot to say
but my mind doesn't
mind replays

my heart doesn't beat
as fast
as it used to
in the past

i see my eyes
in yours
we hide behind
closed doors

so much left to
and yet we'd rather lock
it all away
Oct 2018 · 444
I'm not your ho
Zia Oct 2018
To let it all go
and let it all flow
before I lose my glow
he adds as if he know
I need to take a mo
for I to further grow
Over to him I tiptoe
and I say, no
I’m not chasing rainbows
I bloom through tornadoes
Sep 2018 · 315
the winters of my summer
Zia Sep 2018
there was little wonder
near the end of our tether
we decided we wouldn't linger
smiling at each other
we said good-bye for ever

i replay the scene over and over
and I can’t help but wonder
has he moved on to another?
is she much better?

i don’t want to remember
but it’s like I have a fever
in the middle of summer​
Aug 2018 · 373
By The Fireplace
Zia Aug 2018
For him my heart races
Wearing nothing but laces
I wait for his embrace
It’s written all over my face
I want to go places
No airs and graces
I want it all in uppercase
‘Tis time to unlace...

Aug 2018 · 527
Zia Aug 2018
The bitter truths I’ve survived
The sweet lies I’ve lived
I still carry on
Like the hands
Of a clock

Aug 2018 · 293
Fresh Daisies
Zia Aug 2018
I swam in high seas
I climbed tall trees
I walked on hot coals
Walked out of black holes
I betrayed my demons
They gave me good reasons
I snatched awards
Not for rewards
And now I stand in front of you
Feeling brand new
Heart on my sleeve
You best believe
Aug 2018 · 353
Fly High
Zia Aug 2018
The freedom
To be awesome
To be my best version
is borne out of inspiration
Pushed by motivation

As I simply gawk
At a flying flock

On graceful wings
Against heavy winds
They soar and spin
My heart sings
At this magnificent sighting
Must be God’s blessings
To us all, human beings...

— The End —