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Ava Bean Oct 2015
I am a home.
I am the house that always smells of freshly baked cookies
The one that is always abundant in blankets and warmth
The kind of house that makes your friends' jealous
The soft place that makes them always come over
Even when they have worn out their stay.

Are wearing out your stay.
My windows have fogged over,
My door has rusted shut.
My floor boards are flooded,
And my welcome mat has ripped.

You see,
The key to keeping a home warm and cozy
Is by giving it tender loving care;
Not letting the trash and dust and ghosts pile up
Like you have done with me.
Some lines in this poem are inspired by the song "Control" by Halsey.
Ava Bean Oct 2015
"Don't beat yourself up about it,"

He said this as if by hearing those words
I would not receive the bruises and scratches
That he repeatedly gave to me.
That by hearing those words,
Every hurtful thing he told me was flawed
Could be erased
He told me not to beat myself up about it
As he was slicing me open.
Ava Bean Oct 2015
I am numb to the kindness they give me
But sensitive to the needles they ***** me with:
The ones that were supposed to numb all of me up
At once.
Ava Bean Oct 2015
I am told that I have to call someone
Whenever I feel even just a breeze of sadness.
I'm not sure who this person will be
Or how they will feel about waking up
To 9 missed calls on their lock screen
Every morning.

— The End —