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You walk with such purpose
in a world where
I can see no purpose.
I wanted to talk you,
to ask how you manage
to appear like you've found meaning
in this monochromatic world.
but i am all shades of the same color
and how could reach beyond my place
to approach someone of so many hues.
"All the world's a prison."
 Mar 2016 Autumn Whipple
Time takes everything, in the end.
You, me, sand.
Stars and planets and sorrows.
It is the only thing we answer to,
And I'm glad of it.
I don't want to roam this world,
For so long
That I forget to be scared,
Of dying.
 Mar 2016 Autumn Whipple
 Mar 2016 Autumn Whipple
I think more clearly
than I have in

I can now hold a thought
in between my

I'm just finding my
happiness; it feels

But when I talk, I'm
spewing venom in my

I'm sorry.
 Mar 2016 Autumn Whipple
Even after all this time,
I carry the hurt to know I am fine.
Bleed me,
It isn't my blood that
Keeps me alive.
It's knowing that somehow you still care,
Even after all this time.
I used to flip through my pages
There were some interesting points
  Some high, some low, some kind of just sitting in-between after the good and the bad cancelled each other out, but mostly I
       Skimmed by,

         Until I met you,

                 You can't be summed up, there's too much to you, you're too rich, too deep
Too interesting to be confined to a few measly paragraphs and sped-read through

     You deserve attention, you deserve time,

       And the more I've gotten to know you, the more I realize you're the entire book, the entire story in beautiful, vivid detail.

                *I'm going to take my time getting to the end of you, and I dog-eared the page where you entered my heart, so that if I ever forget how it feels to fall for you, I can go back to the start
There's more to you than meets the eye
Like the chapters
                    of my life
   I can't stop reading you
          And I can't wait to see
                   what happens next
The future always at the front of my mind
        But as I look behind me
With the past steadily
           trying to catch me
I realize I'll never escape the memories
           Like the first part to a trilogy
   All that matters is the ending
         And my book ends with
 Nov 2015 Autumn Whipple
here near,
you   exist
so far•fur-
ther    than
my   vision
could  ever
kilometres away is wh-
ere you are•faraway land on a distant beach•let
foreign winds drench my senses•let the offshore sand greet
my feet • let us come to a consensus....• that soon our gazes
would me-
might sur-
face by the
end of this
th the dawning of mo-
rrow's morn•grant me the wings
to take flight • put me on a plane

and render me airborne
 Nov 2015 Autumn Whipple
She was definitely dumping him
All she needed was the right opportunity
It was like that song
Fifty ways to leave your lover
Now just to get it through to him
You’re crap in the sack Jack
If only you were more like Stan
What a man
Or even Gus
Though you do have a lot in common with Gus
You always go by bus
God, you’re so last year
Out on your ear
Okay maybe that was a bit severe
Need a new plan
I’m just going to tell you straight
Before it’s too late
Don't come on all coy
There's something I have to tell you
It's about me and Roy
I’m having his boy
I know what you’re going to say
What happened to Lee
Let me see
It started on the bus
Him and Gus
I don’t want to discuss
Okay, well Stan caught them
Do I need to spell it out
Stan said they were all like brothers
Now it seems they two are lovers
Stan was devastated
I mean, was that in the plan
Anyway, Roy told him about us
Which was fatal for you and Gus
When the driver braked
Driving the bus
Stan no more
So I end this letter
Missing you Jack
Such a young age to leave
Just turned fifty, lover.
The weight of these words
rolling around in my head
are breaking my neck
one thought at a time.
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