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  Mar 2018 aubrey sochacki
Ugo Victor
I can't sleep
Everytime I remember your words
They snap and recoil
And hurt me awake
Next time when someone
Promises me forever
I'll just smile
Look them in the eyes and ask
How long is forever to you.
aubrey sochacki Feb 2018
i wonder if you remember
what we said to each other;
if you still think about
what we could have been

i wonder if you remember
my last name; if one
day you'll google me and
read this and wonder if
it's about you.

it's about you, if you called me cute,
if you were silly,
if you liked my pickup lines,
if you never met me,
if you ignored me, if you rudely texted me,
if you viewed all my stories,
then deleted me.

this is about you. i don't know
what to say. i want to text you,
but i hid your number from
myself. i guess i'll just say i'm sorry
we ended before we even began. they
say the good die young, and i
guess that's why whatever we had
died so early. i'm sorry for
all i said and for all you
didn't say.
oejay isthay oneyay isyay orfay ouyay
  Feb 2018 aubrey sochacki
you will never be forgotten.
your name twisted into metaphors and colors and distractions will forever
be painted across pages and pages of her favorite brand of notebook,
no matter how many she burns
there will always be one she forgot,
and she will only find it once she had almost forgotten you.
she will find the one Papyrus notebook
and all of your metaphors and colors and disractions will come flooding back,
just like how the ocean in your eyes
flooded her heart all those years ago.
aubrey sochacki Feb 2018
poets say “i love you” in many different ways,
they rarely actually say the three words

they’ll say “i want to write poetry about you”
or “hold me until i’ve come up with ten metaphors about how it feels to have your arms around me”

they’ll say “you’re like a cup of iced tea on a hot summer day”
or “your eyes are like ocean waves ready to pull me out to sea”

they’ll say “you make me want to write happy poems”
or “you make me feel less depressed”

poets rarely say “i love you” because it never has held enough meaning to them, because to be loved means to be hurt.
  Jan 2018 aubrey sochacki
it was the first time i'd ever been in the passenger seat
with the music blaring next to me
your eyes never left the road
mine never left you
i felt that wind run through my hair
and a chill went down my spine
five years later, and we still have the same favorite songs
you sing the notes deeper than i do
but we have a broken sort of melody going
you're driving eighty miles an hour on a road
crowded with people; not fit for drivers like you
but i wasn't afraid for my life
i look over and smile-
if we die right now, i wouldn't mind
you say,
if we die right now, i'd be more than just fine
and we know it's true
five years later
and i still love you.
  Jan 2018 aubrey sochacki
my heart is an ocean
calm and stormy
a blue force
that hides thousands of secrets

many have wandered
out on my untameable seas
but my waves have dragged them
my love drowned them

but you
you are the only one
that can sail through my heart
the only sailor
who knows the ways
knows what will happen next
you know the semantics
know the secrets bellow
you know what places to approach
and which ones are better to stay far

and it pains me so much
that after months of sailing around
you always go back to the land
haven’t written in so long... i’ve been lacking inspiration; but the other they i cruised by the shore, and this is what came out of it
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