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 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Ma Cherie
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Ma Cherie
Hey there girl
you know it's been awhile
since we road down back roads
just rackin' up the miles

you are so very beautiful
I love that turquoise blue
black and pink accentuate
your frame in subtle hues

the rubber we were layin'
really brings me there
remembering the miles
wind blowin' through my hair

I really miss the rides
that brought you to the end
if an unrewarding Journey
this wish to you I send

One that we could travel
behind that steering wheel
bringing  lovely thoughts to me
in which you made me feel

that engine why it purred
and sounded badass loud
drivin'  'round with you
it always made us proud

Perhaps one might have guessed
you're really just my truck
I'm sorry that your engine died
For running out of luck

I can still remember
our favorite fishing trips
Way out in the woods
You always kept your grip

down some rugged roads
  kept us safe from harm
I hear you got a new life
You didn't bite the farm!

So keep those people happy
and sing a tune for me
rembering the time
we raised ....
  a family

I'll try not to be sad
and let this be farewell
they say you're just a thing
in this I must not dwell

If energy lives on
those memories  never died
like you're beating engine
on which our lives relied.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
This is about my truck Lucy the picture is on my profile page... side by side next to my Father's truck and he has passed *sigh*  She is an F150 Flareside  the most popular vehicle 9 years in a row that's right vehicle not just truck! Now a coveted prize she's been rebuilt and I'm glad !!!
This poem is definitely for Stephan & James....and everyone too!
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Paul Butters
Dream on, my friend,
Like me.
Of a future Heaven on Earth,
Or even just a Heaven.

Peace to all Men,
And Women.
Nor more starvation,
Or Death.

A Paradise in full bloom.
Endless forest, savannas and parklands
Ringed by towering mounts.
Habitats for countless species:
Humanity united with Mother Nature.

Trivial pleasures too.
Leeds United World Champions.
British wins at Wimbledon.
Another World Cup win.

Girls Aloud joining me,
For a fish and chip tea.
More medals in Rio,
Than we got in twenty twelve.

Crank up that warp drive,
Or better still,
Open up that Uniscape
So we can go
Into a parallel universe
Of our choice.

A realm where fiction becomes fact.
Where Captain Kirk is real
And Shatner just a character
On TV.

Where Telletubbies really watch us,
And Father Christmas truly shows his face.
Golden pavements are mere trifles,
And God gives us his grace.

We have to keep on dreaming.
Our hopes must never die.
Just simply keep on dreaming,
No need to reason why.

Paul Butters

© Paul Butters 27\10\2012 (2) in Yorkshire.
Well, nearly 4 years on now and we've got Wimbledon wins AND more medals in Rio!!!!!! 10\27\12 poem in America!
if the money is stacked
in a sufficient tally
business can be done
without shilly-shally

the transaction swift
no questioning the deposit
as long as it is
of the right composite  

money buying whatever
you so fervently like
the scalper worries not
about who he'll out strike

deal making going on
behind a screen of smog
that has the appearance
well clouded in graft's fog

 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
Ma Cherie
Speaking of broken hearts
and mended fenced in mem'ries  
I am painting skies
of tangerine, saffron
& an illuminated lilac hue
against the starkly contrasted crisp cornflower blue, stretching canvas that is
along with all the
other blindingly beautiful colors of a twilight sky

And those dripping cotton candy stratospheric clouds
Ice crystals freezing into supercooled
water droplets
Streaking the sky in cirrus whispers
..I hear them whisper, "hello"...

Blinding beauty
through unadulterated sunlight
I am fleeced like a lamb
watching in awe, wonder
then stomping sounds
of coming thunder,

Finding depth and height
out  in the stratosphere
Blinded by the
After Light
or afterglow
affected by the amount of haze
I'm in a daze I am reaching

High above the fading light
of a brilliant early fall sunset
I take a big breath
of that sumptuous air
and twirl my skirted legs
my painted toes
where I know
I am back
to solid ground

Appreciating the last time
I say sleep well
to you  my dear
summertimes sweet mem'ries
and the fun we had this year.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Wow....idk. Felt inspired.
 Sep 2016 AprilDawn
sieving senses
shuffling choices
taking action
lyrical gymnast.
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
                              The gentleman
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
Is only place for the child
To learn
To be
Morally correct
And that is
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
Where freedom of speech ends

There slavery starts
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
 Aug 2016 AprilDawn
Mohd Arshad
'Thank you'  is
Give more to all and make their taste sweet
This is something special
You can do
without money without struggle without wasting your valuable time
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