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anotherdream Nov 2017
Flower flower, on your stem,
Do you not worry less and less,
What you’ll be, like one of them?

Flower flower, in the wind,
Take my heart, take me in.
I’ve wanted nothing else since.

Flower flower, how you bloom!
You shine so brightly just to be in a room.
Time controls when fate is too soon.

Flower flower, where do you live?
You’re stolen of pedals and yet you still live,
Hoping there’s more you can happily give.

Flower flower, in the grass,
Are you not crying, are you not sad?
I’m already used to it with all I’ve had.

Flower flower, show me your face,
I want to be you, I want to have grace.
So I will always have the words to say.

Flower flower, please open up,
Show us your pedals, show us your love.
There’s no reason why you shouldn’t reach for the sun.

Flower flower, hold your ground,
Don’t be alarmed when you hear the sound,
Of others mocking and playing around.

Flower flower, release your scent,
Let us know you and no longer guess,
Of your colors, shape, or past.

Flower flower, tell me your fears.
I will listen to you whenever you’re near,
And hear your voice when you fail to endear.

Flower flower, show me how.
Do they not hurt, do they not gouge?
You were tried and forsaken, yet you make no sound.

Flower flower, hear my cry.
You’ve heard so many others so why not mine?
Seems all there is to do in life is die.

Flower flower, I beg you, don’t fade.
Choose to keep on, choose to stay.
Before the wolves devour my last words I’ve always wanted to say.

Flower flower, forgive my actions.
I faded away along with the ashes,
Holding the fire, holding the rashes.

Flower flower, I can explain.
I’m so desperate to say what I’ve always to say,
Waiting for that one miraculous day.

Flower flower, I made a mistake.
I know I’ll remember it all the way to my grave.
I’ve told you nothing, so don’t bother saying what you’ll say.

Flower flower, it’s not your fault.
You were never aware of this pain as I walked through the halls.
I kept my head held high, kept my shoulders tall.

Flower flower, where will you be,
When I’m buried and no longer can see?
Guess you were the person and I was the deed.
anotherdream Nov 2017
Candle candle, in the air,
Where is your flicker,
Where is your flare?

Candle candle, in the dark,
Do you believe with all your heart,
That you and your light will never part?

Candle candle, in the night,
Do you not scoff at the sight,
Of the darkness that surrounds you?

Candle candle, light so small,
Do you not have one single flaw?
Nothing to hide, it only reflects off the nearby wall.

Candle candle, why do you flicker?
Do you barely hold on and hinder,
While bearing the cold harsh winter?

Candle candle, of golden warmth,
Why is it so easy to love, to adore,
All you are that shines brightly on the floor?

Candle candle, flame of bright,
Why so humble and yet reach for heights,
No one admires or sees, for we all are blind?

Candle candle, why so faint?
You have endless beauty of flame,
And no match to light it, only pain.

Candle candle, in my dream,
Tell me, are the things I see,
Things of old or present reality?

Candle candle, in my head,
Is the flame of my heart,
The one fire I haven’t lit yet?

Candle candle, tell me now,
Where to give up, when, and how,
So I can leave the dark and shine bright.

Candle candle, show me how,
To light my spark and take a bow,
For the candle’s voice is a small sound.

Candle candle, on the wall,
Let me glide and let me fall,
This is my choice, it’s not your call.

Candle candle, why so hot?
Draw me close just for a shot,
To see what it would’ve brought?

Candle candle, pull me close,
Tell me all, I want to know,
So that you will never hit a low.

Candle candle, listen dear,
Life is too short for sadness or fear,
Regrets, pain, or makeup-filled tears.

Candle candle, I know it’s hard,
You were never warned you would get this scarred,
And put up with the things of the dark.

Candle candle, cherish what you have,
And never even try to look back,
There are only lost memories that take what you had.

Candle candle, you were thrown out,
Rejected with force and left with doubt,
Of your flame that still yearns to shout,

Candle candle, here I stand,
Take all of me, take all that I am.
It’s my turn to play in love’s final band.
anotherdream Nov 2017
Shining star, tell me what it’s like,
To be alone and to always die.
Life is too long for smiles and lies.

Shining star, take me away,
Learn my heart, learn my ways,
So I can look up to you when it’s the day.

Shining star, how do you shine?
I have one in me and yet it’s stuck inside.
Guess I’ll have to give up and choose a side.

Shining star, why so happy?
I reach for it and yet I end up grabbing,
The lies that whisper and keep on laughing.

Shining star, tell me why,
I have to deal with this and always sigh,
Only to let my life be chosen by a person walking by.

Shining star, look down below.
There’s no more highs, only lows.
No more people, only boats.

Shining star, give me strength.
Steady me as I start to shake.
You know the ending, you know the length.

Shining star, stop my tears.
Fill me with you and no longer fears.
You know I am listening, you know I have ears.

Shining star, end my weeping.
Stop the lies, stop the believing.
You already know what I’m needing.

Shining star, give me an answer.
Tell me, is it my empty hands or,
My song that plays, no flags or banners?
anotherdream Nov 2017
When the war has begun and I stutter a cry,
I can’t even bring myself to voice the word “goodbye.”
I can’t fathom the thought that I’ll never see their immaculate face,
And finally lose at life’s last daring game.

I wave my hand in agony and pain,
Knowing deep inside there will finally be a day,
When I look into the beautiful eyes,
Of the one who turns the lowest of lows into the highest of highs.

I can’t help but recall the happiest days,
When the day would begin and love would so lightly rain.
The drops fall down like a shower of sun,
And reap what is sowed and only begun.

I stand there with shaking legs,
Denying the thought of never seeing them again.
I know they’re happy and enjoying God’s grace.
While I’m still living the pain of life and yearning to see God’s majestic face.
A poem about saying goodbye to a close friend.
anotherdream Nov 2017
When I break out a laugh and fake a smile,
I know deep inside I haven’t felt happy in a while.
But as I look across the room and notice your luminous eyes,
I knew right then it was time to try on honesty for a size,
And show you my hopes and fears.
For it’s my insecurities I hold onto so dearly.

With no one waiting on me,
There was no one to laugh and notice beautifully,
The perfections and flaws that make you who you are.
If you tried to blend in it wouldn’t be hard,
To find you among the others because you so uniquely stand out.

With every perfect piece you create love’s puzzle,
And make me feel honored and so very humbled,
To know you and yearn to know more.

As I looked across the room barely holding my head high,
I couldn’t even manage to hold in the tears from my face-drenched cry.
I couldn’t accept the thought there were people like me,
Who were always blinded by their lies and unable to see,
Their beauty and perfections that shine through the darkness.
Don't wanna say who this is about... haha
anotherdream Nov 2017
Grab onto life, never let go,
Forget the pain, you’ve come so close.
You know the path, know where it leads,
But there’s no reason to be a plant when born a tree.

You’re blinded by trails of regrets,
So stop placing money, placing bets.
You are who you are, so accept it.
It’s time to love and stop dreading it.

Life’s timer is running out.
So live in the present, live in the doubt.
Stop worrying of every choice you make.
Choices are choices, that’s why there’s mistakes.

The path ahead is so dark and gray,
For you know where you are but never the way,
To push past the darkness and head for the light.
For day to exist there has to be night.
This is a self-motivational poem about accepting myself haha.

— The End —