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 Feb 2015 Anon
Justin G
In the light
Shadows are prisoners
And prisoners we are to our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am no prisoner
I am but a listener
I guide the light
and shape
the stars
I am detailed
craftily inked
I am what links
us all

In the darkness
Our shadows are free
And we are free from our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am beyond free
I am everywhere
and omniscient
I shade what most
aren't aware of
I am the protector
The keeper
of all secrets
I am defined
by none

But if shadows could speak
will anyone still feel lonesome?
Open your eyes
to see others
Close your eyes
to see yourself
Open your eyes
to see what happens
Close your eyes
to see what happened
Open your eyes
to see what others have done
Close your eyes
to see what you have done
Open your eyes
to know others’ mind
Close your eyes
to know your mind
 Feb 2015 Anon
Witch's Brew
 Feb 2015 Anon
       o    (              (             (                  
O   )     (                      )        
            )                (      o
    (              (      (                       O  
   )     o              )   O       )        o
(    O              (     o      (         ) 
)    o                              )    (
**make me a cauldron of a witch's
brew•let it bubble and boil...;
simmer and stew• allow the con-
coction to churn•feed it with raw an-
guish and spiteful spurn•whisper my wi-
shes into shady ingredients•scatter them in
to render it potent•stir it wild...with an iron
ladle with a wooden haft•raucous incanta-
tions of a long forgotten craft• give
me a vial of the witch's brew•let it
**** me or grant me the gifts
promised in lieu•
 Feb 2015 Anon
Time to go
 Feb 2015 Anon
He knelt
for twenty
years and
more to
fan the
flame, and
when he
the ashes
no reason
to remain.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Theodore Bird
drowning in tiny oceans.
schiele-esque nudes
     in german poetry books.
speaking in tongues.
visiting graves
     in two different territories.
ginger cats with moonstone eyes.
****** noses
     in street lamp-yellowed alleys.
You can't go back.
The time of innocence
And baby blue bottles
Is over, like your favorite movie.
Those scenes are done.
They belong to an idea now.
Your idea.
It only manifest just as that;
It can't run, crawl, or ask
For you anymore.

Being aware of everything is
God smiling at us.
We are allowed all the
Knowledge of the world
You can have it back.

You can't go back.
The days of surprise
Are dead.
**** that cancer!

Running for joy is
Now becomes need.
Crawling now becomes
Asking for anything
Transforms into a cry
For help.

You can't go back,
As much as you
Need to.

I'm sorry for that.
All of it.
All of us.
 Feb 2015 Anon
The Last Wordsmith
My best poem'll be my suicide note
the very last thing I ever wrote
a goodbye to those who don't even care
but those I love, because life's unfair.
But this ain't it it's not good enough
but I swear one day I write the right stuff
and it'll be goodbye to the whole world
and so comes the darkness, black wings unfurled
 Feb 2015 Anon
Corlene Beukes
one day
between sheets and tea
i will tell you of the way
i dreamed of you with me

there will be laughs and tears
and potholes and fears
but you will look at me
and i'll just let it all be
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