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 Jun 2017 Angel
She's planting out her window box
Young shoots are showing through
She thinks about the Springtime
And the garden she once knew

There were primroses and daffodils
Sweet violets white and blue
She thinks about her husband
And when their love was new

Buds and blooms open up
They scent and colour Summer long
She thinks about those happy days
When they were young and strong

Sunset's falling sooner now
Petals drop, the show is done
She gathers up her Winter shawl
Prepares for what’s to come
Delighted to be the daily
Thank you He Po
And thank you Eli Yo
 Jun 2017 Angel
I sip at my beer in gentle fright
At the local community open-mike night
Never done this thing before
How it would go I wasn't too sure

My turn came soon, I think is this wise?
My casual air a thin disguise
Get close to the mike, speak slow and clear
They won't understand if they can't hear

I reel off the poems
They laugh and they clap
So in a month's time
Perhaps I'll go back...
last night

Tell us about your open-mike experiences.
 Jan 2017 Angel
David Noonan
Taking two words to describe yourself
You just smiled "Annie Hall"
I had only seen Manhatten but somehow
Knew, knew how hard i'd fall
As for my turn
Well you just placed a finger on my lips
And then so softly whispered
Sentimental boy

That was then, as for now
Maybe the final credits have rolled
Our picturehouse now in ruins
No more screenings nor stories to be told
Like that derelict Ballroom of Romance
We visited at the edge of town
Summer nights, flagons of cider and your  
Sentimental boy

Recreating it's history
By it's broken down and boarded up wall
Slow dancing in the moonlight
Stopping only to swear we'd heard a call
Rising from the paupers graveyard
Dancing silhouetted in the stars
Ghosts of dead lovers to an old fashioned tune
Sentimental boy

This town now has changed so much
But none so more than we
Yet so often on a warm summers night
By that paupers graveyard you'd still meet me
Humming some half remembered melody
Whilst wishing on the brightest star
Please oh please, won't you just let me be....

                                                      ­               your
                                                sentimental boy
* Rural Ireland in the 1950s/1960s offered little in entertainment or socializing, save for dance halls. These became known as Ballrooms of Romance but were little more than large sheds and most lay unused and derelict by the late 80s/90s

** In modern Ireland a flagon usually refers to a two-litre bottle of cider. Very popular for underage bush  (street) drinking due to its relative low cost per quantity

*** Paupers Graveyards were a field of unmarked and unkept graves of the poor and destitute . Originating from Famine times  (1844-1849) they were common sites all over the country. 150 years later the only signs that remained were often a single cross on a mound of the field
 Jan 2017 Angel
I was always happy. Cool, calm.
Tried to keep positive.
But things aren't turning out that way these days.

It seems stupid. For me to be feeling this way.
It's not like me. There's something. It keeps on bubbling up in my mind.
Yes, I'm still happy. Or act like it.

I feel left out. Like a extra. And suddenly words don't seem what they really mean to say. Left out. Left out. My brains rings with confusion.
"It's a part of life." They say.

Sure! I believe them. I'm just. Struggling. The world seems darker, and friends seem more evil than I thought. Is it only me?

"They. Her. She. Them." All my friends. No "we, us." Let me just say. One is loved. One is talked about. One is liked. One is popular. And this one... isn't. Then again, "It's a part of life."

I like my friends. They don't like me back. They don't call my name. They don't notice me. They don't want to be partners with me.

I am the only one who reaches. I think they are fantastic friends. And I wonder what they think of me. One leans on other. They smile and pat. I lean on one. They don't enjoy. Joke like. But no.

Am I different? I hope one of my friends can read this and see my inner. Is it just me? My cries shout out on my fingers as I type. Am I not the same! Am I separated! Do I not fit!

It feels stupid. These thoughts. Crawling to me at night, seeping into my thoughts. I feel like a extra. A one that doesn't matter if is gone.

But these thoughts. Don't worry. Just. I guess "It's a Part of Life."
I guess I feel really emotional at the moment... this is based on a true story. Yes. This is me. I hope one of my friends read this(I know she's on hello poetry- if you're the friend- that's you!) and realize my inner. I look very happy on the outside. But have many secrets on the inner. Thanks. : )
 Jan 2017 Angel
Stones settle on the riverbed
The water rushes on for now, but
Someday where the river is fed
Will dry, and the river will bow

To her, o' earth so dear

And the stones will still remain
Unmoved, but not quite the same
A little worn away, some but a sliver
Having lived with the mighty river
 Jan 2017 Angel
 Jan 2017 Angel
Wide awake, though I was sure I was going to slip into the dark of unconsciousness the moment I reached the mattress

Lying there, I listened to the sound of other people dreaming

My own mind wandering around today, tomorrow, and the unknown

I felt strangely calm, as if knowing somehow that everything I ever worried about, whether it happened or not, was purely irrelevant

Because, whatever tomorrow or the next day may bring, I know I will walk through whatever awaits me

I know I will face joy and pain and that we will laugh and cry and argue, just as we always have

My life is changing, but I will not desperately attempt to keep what is not mine

Some things and some people we are only borrowing for a while

I feel, in my heart, that this is not the end of my reality, just a reality

And I'm perfectly alright with that
 Jan 2017 Angel
Scott Hamsun
Michael Louviere was a man of the people,
Who held in his hand a book of the law,
And outside his belt a gun for his safety,
But never would he have used it for ******,
I'm told he helped many but never killed any,
But Sylvester Holt did not believe it,
He said the actions of one create a whole guilty people,
And he took the matters into his own  hands,
And killed poor young Michael for serving his people.

So I'm sorry young man, you been born with white skin,
In a world with the permissions to ****** and to maim,
But just to have freedom depends on your name,
But if you think its good I suppose ill let you,
Work for a cause that is just out to get you,
And keeping in line with the others before him,
Sylvester took the bait and the hook nearly gored him,
But the worm could've lived it was just his misfortune.

Sylvester laid down with a bullet in his chest,
And the gun in his hand had a burning hot barrel,
He assumed death was better than life and life only,
But in his last second he pulled out a small knife,
And cut in his gun small violent furrow,
It was then that he realized this all wasn't worth it,
He saw those two notches and handed himself in,
To a lifetime of no pain and and unwoken rest.
 Jan 2017 Angel
No one buys used *** dolls.
Why did I expect you to?
Take me off the shelf,
Please I encourage it.
Pop me.
Deflate me until I'm so flat
Running me over makes no difference.
Running has never been an option.
You can't run
When you're made of air,
And shadows.
I just sit hear silently praying
That is isn't another test drive.
Run me over.
Run me over.
Run me over.
I am a mess.
Am I too clean for cutting?
 Jan 2017 Angel
Anne Curtin
 Jan 2017 Angel
Anne Curtin








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