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 Jul 2015 Anastasia
Words became lethal, hearts became cold
Those who once dug at your soul
Are now the ones who you loathe.
Everyone thought that nothing would change,
Yet in a single blink of an eye,
The chapter was turned into the last page.
And the book that was your favorite
is left at the dark side of the so-called lonely world,
abandoned and cold.
 Jul 2015 Anastasia
She wanders,
guided by her lost soul.
She spills arts,
coming from her pure heart;
She writes words no one can understand,
yet she speaks it like it was kept in her mind
for so long, just waiting for someone to find it.
She is a masterpiece of her own,
but she has a heart of stone.
 Jun 2015 Anastasia
 Jun 2015 Anastasia
In the stillness of the night
The stars are shinning bright
But it is the moon
I have been longing to see, soon
For it holds the beauty
That I will adore for eternity.
Just a random thought for the day.
 Jun 2015 Anastasia
Mike Essig
Once you understand
there is no truth
beyond magick,
you know
that sometimes
silence is a poem.
 Jun 2015 Anastasia
Abigail Night
the moon is calling out my name
like she has already made her claim
if shes out at night i will stand and stare
i hope she doesn't care

i look to her for guidance
i ask her questions but only get silence  
but i feel like she still some how gives me answers

she looks over me
tells me who i could be

I'm in love with the moon
 May 2015 Anastasia
Half awake, half past noon
grey light shines dutifully
just past my eggshell
window sill.

I try to clear my head,
collect my scattered
thoughts, straighten all
the heart strings that get
so inevitably tangled within
one another, and definitely in

the web of uncertainty you've
woven for me.

I've walked for centuries upon
a sand filled beach, a dozing meadow
mostly cement and concrete
I never thought I'd be more
concerned about someone other
than me.

You're slipping away, so ever
slow, day by day
you're getting tired,
and it's getting too late
for me to be saved.
I've found that person whose special, I'm just not special enough for him. Im too fragile, stupid weak little bird. I wasn't made to survive.
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