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 May 2015 Anastasia
Mike Essig
We shall need

a very private
language for this.

Let us create it.

A language
for lovers,
not strangers.

We are those lovers,
supplicants at this altar.

These syllables
will bind us
in lovers knots.

The ceremony begins.

We shelter
in our bodies
holy flesh
steadily chanting
this communion.

Slowly touching,
slowly turning,
slowly burning,

we begin the dance.

We whirl
until we merge

and the magic
takes hold

as we pronounce

in sounds never
heard before,

the incantation
of a spell
that begins
with words,

but ends
in ecstasy.
Only one other person in the world knows this language.
 May 2015 Anastasia
Sam Knaus
It isn't until
I'm hunched over in a bathroom stall
and my mouth tastes like stomach acid
that I realise I'm not better
and I'm not sure I want to be.
I only threw up most of it.
 May 2015 Anastasia
Ilona Inezita
Those feelings—
guilt, shame, disgust
rise up
as I shove them
down my throat.
Trying to fill myself up
only to have it emptied out.
March, 2014
I am destroying my body
With every purge I take
And the sickest thing is
I am perfectly fine with it.
 Apr 2015 Anastasia
Mike Essig
 Apr 2015 Anastasia
Mike Essig
The doors
of the world
are surprisingly
open unless
you lock them

 Apr 2015 Anastasia
Iron Heart
 Apr 2015 Anastasia
My heart is iron
It feels no emotion.
No amount of sadness or happiness can effect it.

It wasn't always this way
It used to be fabric, flimsy and unstable
Always letting those annoying emotions hurt.
I was nothing more than a baby

But I changed after those words
My heart turned to ice, hard and cold but crackable
And I wouldn't settle for crackable
So then it changed to iron.

My heart is iron
And I am proud
But the iron is only a cover
For a beautiful diamond
A poem slightly about bullying. It is also a true story.
I am dedicating this poem to those who have faced bad things in their life and are still living the best they can without giving up. I am thanking them for still being kind, even without showing emotion.
 Apr 2015 Anastasia
Mike Essig
It's nothing personal.

I'm sure your feet
are beautiful
as the rest of you,
but if they
ever walk you
away from me,
I will hate them.

Fair warning...
You can't trust feet.
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