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 May 2019 a M b 3 R
The End
 May 2019 a M b 3 R
I was waiting for a happy ending
But now I'm just waiting for the end
hopelessness is a dark place
I can't write

The words used to spill out of my head like a waterfall but now I feel like there's a wall

A wall that blocks my brain from putting symbols together to form a word or even a sentence

The sentences on my paper must be invisible I can't see them

I don't know where they went

They meaning the words I used to write or say but now can't even think

I can't write
 Apr 2019 a M b 3 R
someday it will
come again.
someday someone
will come in.

a star
with the deepest depths in the eyes
with the gentlest of breaths
and endless soul in the smile

one day
i'll forgive this pain
not forget -
we are all destined to love again, i am sure
 Apr 2019 a M b 3 R
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Apr 2019 a M b 3 R
you dont like poetry
especially mine
why cant you understand
that every word is not exaggerated
but it is exactly what I think
just covered in silk robes
and crowned with flower petals
why can't you understand
that I dream of
green forest
and crystal clear oceans
that I am not trying to be edgy
I'm just trying to understand
 Apr 2019 a M b 3 R
And your lips
tells the greatest lie,
"I am okay."
but your eyes
says otherwise.
 Apr 2019 a M b 3 R
"Someday, you'll look up to me
I'll be on the stage with my degree.
She promised her mother.

One day, her mother was crying
As she looked at her
But instead of medal,
it was rope, in her neck.
Depression has no face
 Apr 2019 a M b 3 R
Of all the lies I believed,
I won't let you go
is my favorite.
And of all the truths I heard,
You're not enough
is my treasured one.
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