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a m a n d a May 2018
everyone goes through
the  m i n u t i a
the daily grind
in a unique
arrangement of
space and time.
a m a n d a Sep 2016
let's say,
just for kicks...
that when you walk in
your front door,
your cat is lying
next to a dead rat,
looking up at you proudly.

is the appropriate response,
to scoop up said rat
with two paper plates,
then fling it off the front porch?

just wondering.
a m a n d a Nov 2013
i've been staring
into the void
and it's been staring back
p u l l i n g me
whispering truths
smoke billows
and i'm dancing
like the devil got ahold
of me
it's such an odd
and very specific world
i inhabit
my own personal
                  funky town
i need someone
directly on me
pull me to the center of the earth
then propel me into space
on magma and music
and i will laugh
all the way to the moon
berries and cloves and
deep bass and drums help
keep me sane
because i don't see
the place i belong
i don't think i belong anywhere
except inside
my own creations
i paint the paper
i scratch on the wall
i paint my body
i move
like the music
was born in me do i find myself
when everyone seems to think
i'm right here?
trap music
trap me
drop the bass on me
because i can't find
a bass-less place
to be
a m a n d a May 2020
i was sitting here
searching for how to
do something mundane.
syncing accounts.
trying to find passwords.
downloading data.

i sprinkled eucalyptus around
earlier to try
to make myself feel better.

i lit a candle and everything and
even pretend made my bed.
cranked the air conditioning.
so i could cool off.
and calm down.
and r e s t.

i took 2 dove milk chocolates
and ice cold water to my room.
i just wanted to watch
Stargate Atlantis
and go to sleep.

lazily mining for data
half paying attention
and suddenly an
  intergalactic time portal
opened up before my eyes.
and boom.
(i'm here again)
in this place
of so much
l o v e
my heart pounding
as if no time has gone by.
as if you had just come around
the corner and i see your face
again for the
first time.

literally tachycardia
a loss of all logic
a stupid, stupid grin
my body shaking
in anticipation
of hearing your voice.

by accident.
gigabyte after gigabyte after gigabyte
                and year, after year, after y e a r
and no matter which
one i choose,

i find pieces of you.
    funny little pieces.
        big, honest pieces.
secret pieces.
my pieces.

tears are streaming
d o w n my face
but i don't care
because it is the only
time i can remember
what it was like.

to be a different person.
in a different time.
to overlap with you.

every click
and swipe

the reaching and
the r e t r e a t i n g.
     the coming together and
the sudden
     a ll
in g
a p

all neatly in chronological
order like i'm
reading my own story.
but seeing it from
the outside.
the entire picture.
and i can see
where i was wrong
   i n t e n s e
and stupider
and flailing.

but i have always seen you.
     always from the
           very first moment.
you were like an assault
  but in a cosmic sense.
and at the same time
a peaceful, serene, beautiful,
rare combination of atoms and ****.

and i don't think something like that
   could ever happen again.
i can't even imagine it,
   and imagining is the
only thing i'm good at.

curse the interwebs,
saving all this ****
i didn't even realize.
and thought was lost.

but also thank you,
google overlord.

i think it's ok to cry
  about loving someone,
and missing someone
so so so so much.

because nothing matters more
  than being honest
about your love.

and then i looked out
my window in despair
and i saw
a crescent moon.
a m a n d a Oct 2013
i did something
new tonight
(just an fyi)

i sat
on a wet rock
next to a creek
in the rain
with a brown umbrella
darkness looming,
   i thugged it out with jay-z
i lived for the city
       with stevie
               i raged against the machine
i found my own bravado
        with lorde
   i settled down to rose darling

and i found all
the voices
as i watched leaves
fall then
hit the water
moving in a rush

i looked up at
the grey clouds
and stared at my
black shoes
i twirled the
umbrella to
watch water
spray out

and i thought
to myself,
"am i just a big mouth?"
because that's what i feel like
a big yapping

yet i am
almost always
clothed in
s i l e n c e
   no words are
uttered from my
the majority
of each day

then why do i
feel so
when i live
in my mind
when i consider
my life
the tick. tick. tick.

all i do
think think think
and it
gets me
but deeper
into this
abyss of
memory and

what are
the rest of
the humans doing?
am i in
s p a c e?
i seem to
in a different

and now i'm letting you know.
a m a n d a Sep 2017
so proud
of the

that can only
be achieved
if i find myself
*remembering again.
a m a n d a Dec 2020
sometimes you don't even realize
that all you are doing
is struggling
trying to align
a false construct
of what a life should be
with a life
you can actually
live with.

but if you can
break free
               s h o u l d.
a m a n d a Jan 2019
trust me, it's a thing.
a m a n d a Sep 2016
i was screaming,
right out loud,
as loud
as i could.

crying for
my gramma,
because she
is gone,
and she is
someone that
i loved.

and as
i was screaming
her name,
my phone lit up,
and made a sound.

it was my sister.
and at that moment
my little ham,
my own little nephew,
blood of my blood
had realized
that he was
going to

and now i
can't breathe,
for the absolute
severing of my heart.
a m a n d a Aug 2018
i thought we all
agreed on
which things are defined
as “bad”.
a m a n d a Aug 2017
a plane taking off
a green sign
dreary rain
sad songs
blue eyes
lime spritzer
cottage cheese
a ten dollar bill
a penny on the pavement
white pants
a bad smell
weird hair
a magnet
a m a n d a Nov 2013


a m a n d a May 2013
take the back roads.
*i'm ready for you.
a m a n d a Sep 2017
is it ok
if i cry for you

just a little bit longer?

i keep saying that
this time
is the last

but then another
thought comes
another memory

and i can see your face in
the changing light
so calm
so relaxed
so beautiful

i hear your voice
in my mind
and my lip
starts to quiver

i'm sorry i am
who i am
and for whatever
i have done

i didn't even mean
to find you

i wish i didn't know
about you

it's better not to know
and not to love.

so please,
can i just cry a little more?

because right now
i imagine that
in my last days
i am old and
ugly and
everyone has died

i will be alone
and remembering
the nights with you

and that thought,
i cannot bear.
not now and
not tomorrow.

i just need to
cry for you
one last time.
(ad infinitum)
a m a n d a Aug 2017
if, being a seemingly
reasonable person,
you thought that one
would get used
to this feeling of your
guts being torn out
your heart d r o p p i n g
down into your stomach
your breath escaping
in a strangled cry -

if, indeed, you thought that -
well then you, sir,
would be completely wrong.
a m a n d a Feb 2021
what will happen
when the sun comes back?
what will happen then?
what will happen then?
a m a n d a Oct 2020
every time
a c o l o r
catches my eye
(which is very often)
in my mind
i instantly analyze it
break it down into its primary basics
then reconstruct it
in my mind with paint.

for example,
what first i took as pink,
upon further gazing
is really more of an orange.

start with white
add |this| amount of yellow
then this tiny minuscule
shard of (red)
together, white and red make pink.
yellow and red make orange.
pink and orange are different
points on
a spectrum.

and you can see how
orange and
p i n k are.
and how so very
far away.

and then that
blue-purple light
juxtaposed -
that is another thing
a m a n d a Jul 2018
is never
what you think
it is.
a m a n d a Oct 2016
everyone knows
you can't just

it strikes you.

and then you
are altered.

you can't fix it.
you can't undo it.

another human being
has a part of you

that you can
never get back.
a m a n d a Apr 2017
  i s e e
that there may be
a possibili ty
that it's me
that will
d e c i d e.
me that
a m a n d a Sep 2020
“Well, indeed, good sir! There ARE some ****** in this house!”
a m a n d a Apr 2015
(press play to continue watching)

Netflix checks in on me
more than you do.
a m a n d a Jul 2016
in the
of the
a m a n d a Jul 2018
take it
or leave it.
a m a n d a Jul 2020
|the power of the w o r d and the (art)|

to really learn
     your brain has to f l e x
you must be open
  to new ideas
and challenge
the authority
the majority
the status quo
     because seeing pattern
is an art
  an art that can has power anywhere
even to see the future
based on the words
and images
of the
we can see the possible picture
the emerging image
   each subtly,
seemingly obscure
things come together
for us
and we can see
from much farther away
than you.

and in those moments that we can see,
you should l i s t e n
  to what we say
l i s t e n to what we sing
l i s t e n to what we play
l o o k at what we show you.
        and begin
t  h e
a m a n d a Mar 2022
if you can find it within yourself
to see the art
in everything,
you will never be bored.
not for one moment.

i can promise you that.
a m a n d a Dec 2014
i remember
looking at you
in the dim light,
a m a n d a Jun 2018
a pillow shouldn’t be
thin enough to
fall through a crack.
a m a n d a Feb 2019
if you crave a taste
of the finer things
get yourself a seasonal man
he does what he wants
whenever he can
and though it may take
a fortnight
or two
his flame burns
the brightest
the reflection
of you.
a m a n d a May 2013
[ode to my vehicle]*

always mindful
not to love things or stuff

living so that it 
could all burn

and it would be nothing
but an inconvenience

always mindful
   to love the people
because for these
there are no replacements

three objects 
have escaped my plan

through my designs
and i fell in love with 3 things:

1. *old white macbook
my beautiful
whirring piece of brilliant technology

you are already gone.

2. *wedding rings


 i used to believe the
   joke of the symbolism
i fell prey to the beauty of
    well designed twisted metal
and stone.
no more.

3. asian machine love
    (a.k.a. mitsubishi outlander sport)  

i am having a hard time

having to let you go
my beautiful, black mitsubishi.

i chose you.

i researched for weeks
analyzing data

comparing machines

trying to be reasonable

and out of all the machines,

i. chose. you.

you are the perfect shape
of all vehicle shapes, mitsubishi

you fulfill my obsession with

c o l o r 


    and b  o  o  m  i  n  g SOUND

you are the perfect balance of safety
including 4WD

and fuel efficiency

your headlights are so bright
and your high beams

so magnificent
  it's almost embarrassing

mitsubishi, you little snake...
  you have a manual mode

so i can choose to be a race car driver
  whenever i want

mitsubishi outlander sport, i love you so


let's talk about your face
(you have a pig-face like me
your nose is abrupt
it's blunt and it's different

and i love it

you know i hate the cold and the snow
   so you heat my seats
you warn me about ice
  you wipe away the rain

  without me having to ask

you cast light into the dark

  all on your own




  rockford fosgate


you shake the earth

 blasting music 
through my dna

  so that i am made
of vibrations
and air

  invisible to the naked eye

or playing my science fiction audiobooks

  at a reasonable

and responsible volume

you respond to me
with such grace

showing me impossibilities

with a rearview camera

saying, "hello!" in the morning

and, "see ya!" when i leave

(and i believe you mean it)

the deer was not your fault.

or mine, or the deer's.
we were all doing what we do,

and to be quite honest,

  the deer got the **** end of the stick, mitsubishi.

the kids like
  to go in
"mandy's car"
    they like to
look through the moonroof
  and i know they are safe
you are my one machine love
with power

     and pistons

you are electric

and you boom

          well designed

i don't want to see you burn.

it would be more than an inconvenience.
but you will burn. he will burn you.
it won't be me, mitsubishi.

he will take you.
he will smile when he takes you.
he likes to take what i love.
he likes to hurt people
who have never hurt him -
not once in their lives.

he is coming for you,
and i will never forgive him.
a m a n d a Feb 2022
it takes all of my
just to keep track of the truth.
i have none left
to power a lie.
a m a n d a Feb 2014
ask for more?!
   ask for more???
have you lost your mind, man?
i mean really,
   ask for more! (said with a chuckle)

asking is admitting
asking is revealing
asking is believing
asking is expecting
asking is...

nothing is better.
nothing is nothing.
  nothing is nothing for awhile
nothing is something after too much nothing
   surely, nothing is better than asking

can i infer?
i will infer.
i will make gestures.

i will not be so dumb to act as if there were nothing
    but not so bold as to be asking for something
   i will infer
     i'll will things with my mind
i will desperately wish things
      silently, even?
that seems noble and perfectly normal
  mind reading
  making ridiculous gestures
and talking to oneself
is surely
a saner and wiser path.

ask for more!
inspired by nat's comment:
a m a n d a Nov 2013
casting to chrome
broadcasting mind blown
_ hey
_ hey
_ hey
_ hey
blasting to
he keeps me warm
take me to church
take me to CHURCH
cascade everlasting
a m a n d a Jun 2016
as soon as i
<get a grip>
i'll stop
mistaking you
someone who cares.
a m a n d a Aug 2016
I stopped
making art
for you
because you

and that's
the extent
of my savagery.
a m a n d a Jan 2021
i’m not good at remembering
dates or names or numbers
but i do remember this message
with utmost clarity

delivered to me in elementary school
sitting in a desk
facing forward
toward the chalkboard
the teacher pointing
to the word “assume”
centered on the board:

arrows were drawn
and the lesson made clear

“when you assume,
you make an
*** out of
u and me.”
a m a n d a Mar 2017
[i picture myself]
>I see my mind's eye self<
as a sculpture
made of stone
facing outward toward the sea
where the ocean meets the land
(meets woman)
face to
the waves
a barrage.
   an erosion.
a return.
a m a n d a Sep 2016
and yes,
i was high,
and thinking i had
just made up the word

and i lived,
suspended in
a golden moment,
where i was
the maker of words.

**** urban dictionary.

(it came to me
from the little
pieces of words
and thoughts
in my mind)
and so it is real
**and so it is mine.
a m a n d a Aug 2015
maybe if i
        e  a  t
all the words
i would

at the fire
the words
we coming fast
time shifting
s l o w i n g
smoke billowing
and i
breathed them in
wrapped their
essence around
my mind.

the words were
quickly moving
and lost.

but maybe if
i could eat the words
i would know.
a m a n d a Jun 2014
[warriors by your side]

it's best
   to figure out quickly
that there is no path
to be revealed in a glorious light.

there are only weapons
   used to hack your way
through the woods
in the dark.
a m a n d a May 2017
s l o w
*in the violet-white
f l o a t i n g
on the air.
a m a n d a May 2020
there are many things
i do not know
even after
40 years and i tell you
i haven’t stopped
this searching
since first i awoke
to the world
always so concerned
so amused
so incredibly internal
to a degree i cannot
describe or fathom
i only wanted
to love
and to help
and to create
and instead
the earth opened
and i fell
to another
a m a n d a Dec 2016
a golden 7
with a pink bird.

a blue veil of lace.
a m a n d a Jul 2016
not sure
of the date
of enrollment

but i suspect
i've been
the secret leader
for awhile now

i am
the bringer
of light

the harbinger
of death

and you
surprise me.
a m a n d a Nov 2020
(a note to self, really)

you don't seem to realize
that some of the things
you are asking me to describe
seem to be out of
the realm of known
things with known

so i mean,
i'm doing the best with
what i have,
ya know?
a m a n d a Jun 2014
i'm not allowed to say
i am thinking of you today.
because you don't care
what i think,
i don't tell you my ideas.
a m a n d a Dec 2022
it’s winter,
verses unwriting themselves
before they’ve begun,
and when i close my eyes
i see the moon in grey and blue and silver and white.
and for a moment the air is warm
and for a moment i am happy
because i know i didn’t imagine
that smile.
a m a n d a Jul 2018
is like having a
soap opera mind.

it's so dramatic.
stories all over the place.
strange confessions
and amnesia.
a m a n d a Nov 2016
i think it
a grave mistake
to be held
s e c r e t,
one's chest,
only by

It is a dark path.
a journey into
an obsession with
yourself and those
who agree with you.

progress only arises
from s h a r i n g

one does not
get an education
to learn only about

it is the others
who provide the
most beautiful,
complex unraveling of
your tightly wound views.

a society that
does not share ideas,
does not excel.
does not improve.
does not invent.
does not create.

a society fixated on a mantra
of sameness
will collapse
a m a n d a Nov 2017
when i try
to focus on attempting to hate you,
all that happens,
is that,
i somehow
love you now,
*even more?
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