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 Apr 2015 Aly H c
Katlyn Orthman
Yes I'm alone when I cry
Yes I always hold it inside
And yes I wish I could hide
Because all your words killed me
and now I have died

Breath it in
Reflect on my sins
Let me reach inside my soul
Tell me what you find
I don't know

Call my name
I'm not ashamed
Hold me tight
Just for tonight
I won't be shy
Just ask me why
I cry

I can walk in the dark
I always have
I can find peace  In this house
Of nightmares
And ****** screams of scare
Holding onto the slivers
Of reality that remain mine for now
I can't let go
If I do
I will be in the dark simply
No meaning
Just another lost soul
 Apr 2015 Aly H c
Fenix Flight
The girl who is too freaky
even for the misfits and outcasts
she doesnt belong anywhere
so she wanders the night alone

Her eyes watering with unshed tears
but she steels herself away from the pain
She locks her emotions deep down inside
Hardening herself to the world.

Her pain went unoticed
no matter how much she screamed
no matter how much she pleaded
on her knees begging for somone to listen

She might as well have been screaming into the wind
Her words fell on uncaring deaf ears
her cries and pleads brushed under the rug
Her heart breaking into dispair filled peices.

picking up the pieces of her heart
she took them and hid them from the harsh cruel world
emotionless and empty is how she now survives
because of the world the chewed her up and spat her out.
 Apr 2015 Aly H c
Hello Cruel world
As I woke today feeling bad and hoping that today would be the day everything changed for me its get worse, the pain the feeling that I’m no good, I’m worthless and pathetic, unlovable and I was once weak now I’m weaker and full of pain for no matter how much I love and care for you. You don’t feel the same way about me and I know for sure now after today. You hate me and to be honestly I hate myself so much and really long for die so much and wish it would come.  If only I was brave enough to end my life I know you and everyone would be so much better off with me. You don’t really care and let face it never really did why would anyone love a pathetic weak **** like me, my heart is broken, the blood is in my veins wanted to be released and how I need to released it now, it calls to me and longs to be release and i longs to released it , I can't fight it anyone the long to be gone and to release myself from society and this world is getting greater and greater.
 Mar 2015 Aly H c
Levi Franco
My blood churns and swirls
As it goes down the drain.
It should hurt, it should sting
But I feel no pain.

Pleasure, warm and red leaves the cuts.
Out the slashes, comes the scars.
Self harm is not a trend.
Please, grow the **** up.
Am I the only one that has their demons feasting upon their souls?
They say it is easy to tie a noose around your mind,
To overcome the urges and temptations of ending your life with a suicide
They don't know the true pain and torment that is going on in my head
An epic battle that leaves me with restless nights in bed
"End your life already" they say, as they prey on me during my weakest hours
Sometimes I give into the voices, carrying the sharp blade to my wrist
Crying as I struggle to mutter three powerful words that keeps me going
Choking on my sobs, my lungs deflate with a desire to say that God loves me
I try to convince myself that God is trying to test my faith
And to just wait, wait and wait
Then my Demons will eventually go AWAY.....

~Imperfect Desire **
 Mar 2015 Aly H c
Dog Limerick
 Mar 2015 Aly H c
Dogs are odd funny creatures,
they're big and small with all sorts of features.

And every once in a while,
if given a smile,
They can be the very best teachers.
Just a silly limerick to brighten your day.
 Mar 2015 Aly H c
Andrea Fann
 Mar 2015 Aly H c
Andrea Fann
the sparks are dancing in the night

my fire

but slowly
       deeper in
   my fire-heart is caving in

my hope
      are you
    my soul ablaze
 Mar 2015 Aly H c
Amitav Radiance
There so much fire around
Burning down everything
Instead of providing light
On the path that leads to happiness
Fire spiraled out of control
But the fire within has extinguished
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