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Lex Aug 2014
Sometimes words just come out of me.
And sometimes they fit together,
But sometimes they're just the broken puzzle pieces that make up my life.
Decided to post my bio thingy :pp
Lex Aug 2014
Winter never meets summer.
Summer never meets winter.
You've all found someone better.
she has him and her.
she has her and him and her.
he has her and her, who I wish he didn't have because I'd prefer it if he had me.
he has everyone under his spell.
she has her and her.
she has her and him.
Everyone has someone better.
And I have no one.
Lex Aug 2014
I'm sorry for thinking that you didn't love me anymore.
Someone once commented on my poem and told me that my notes would make for a good 10w. So thank you to that person :3
  Aug 2014 Lex
ern kingham
I remember the first time someone explained to me what the word gay meant.
We were in middle school
Playing on the swing set behind Stoy Elementary
"He’s so gay," she said
Bitter disgust poured out of her mouth with every syllable
I could not think as to why being happy could be such a horrible thing
And so I asked
My exact words being
“Whats so wrong with being happy?”
Now both my friends looked at me weird
“Don’t you know what gay means?”
“Doesn’t it mean to be happy?”
“You’re such a little kid, gay does not mean happy. Gay is a boy who likes another boy”
I stood there wondering why it mattered so much that a boy liked another boy;
why it was such a distasteful thing.
And why it meant gay couldn’t still mean happy.
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