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  Dec 2014 Aimee Harris
Heather Elise
You’re the meteor shower I stay awake all night for.
my love you are made of so many stars
  Dec 2014 Aimee Harris
Sarah Savannah
How doth mine heart sing it so,
Of a love, forever to be known,
By a man and a woman bound to reality,
Yet with each other, escape to fantasy.

How doth mine heart sing it so,
Of laughter and tears that both do flow,
With ups and downs that go round and round,
Only with each other, they are found.

Oh, how doth mine heart sing it so,
That a man hath fixed my heart of woe,
And doth mine heart sing it so,
Because this strong and gentle love is ours to know.
Aimee Harris Dec 2014
When life is asleep
And my only company is Lady Lightning
And Madame Thunder
I sit wondering
If the rain against my window
Has ever trickled down yours
If the water that soaked my clothes as I walked home
Has ever run down your face
And reached your eye
A tear in reverse.

Are you seeing the same bolts of lightning that I am?
Does the light give a faint glow to your night
Where it illuminates the dark for me?
Do you hear this thunder growling?
Can you hear it shouting its presence?
Would you hear me shouting your name?
Would my voice carry over this emptiness?

Would you listen?

The rain is fading
Yet the thunder still calls
And dear God does it sound like your voice.
Midnight thunderstorms are my favourite
  Dec 2014 Aimee Harris
There are galaxies in my throat
all named after you.
  Nov 2014 Aimee Harris

summer stained your arms
with the rays of sunshine
that spill through to you
and you wear it proudly
wear the crown of thorns
placed on your head
by someone who’s long gone


last night i was singing
about seeing you again
and i don’t think i will
maybe i’ll go to the peak
of the highest mountain
and i’ll count everyone i can
and come down when it’s enough
that you might have been one of them


i’ll leak drizzle onto my palms
i’ll stay still till i rust
and then turn into dust
and people plant flowers
where my mind used to be
and the wolves and girls
will cry, cry for me
until the babies i had
finally learn to speak
Aimee Harris Nov 2014
This morning I realised
You aren't the type
To cry at your wedding.

This is the first step to forgetting
By pulling your faults out of thin air,
Taking a pin to my thoughts
And piercing holes in my fantasies
That explode into a thousand pieces
Showering me in tiny fragments
Of every name you've called me.




But I catch all those shards
Cutting my fingers
Push them into my heart and my mind
And leave myself bleeding.
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