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I see your face,
Pale and white in the moonlight.
I look at the stars,
The stars that shine in your eyes.

The air is thick and solid,
Yet soft and smooth.
I feel paralysed,
Although all I really want to do is move...
Closer to you.

My stomach is flipping,
My heart has stopped.
I'll admit my mind is scared,
But my body begs for you.

We can be together,
I know we can.
Just come a little closer,
I'll prove that I'm your man
Heart pounding,
Legs aching.
Pulse beats
Eyes close.

Breath quickens,
Lungs breaking their cage,
Mind is blank,
Excitement builds.*

I went on a run today, it was pretty good.
That summer day,
Looking at the white clouds drifting away.
The sky is large and blue,
All problems are away from you.

The sun beams down it's light,
Oh, what a sight.
The air is clear,
So clear that you may even shed a tear.

Ok and that's it.
Summer is over...
Cant wait for next year for that one day of summer again!!
All week I look forward to seeing you,
The moment when light goes dark,
When it seems as if the world is in shadow.

I looked for you yesterday and what a sight!
I mean I didn't see you...
But those clouds that hid you away were magnificent!
Just saying it how it is haha
Everyone has their own story,
but when you sing, run, dance, love or act with someone,
you become part of theirs.
The other day my kid asked me some questions about the human body, and with my intelligence, I decided to let him know...

"Why have we got ears?"
"So that our glasses have something to rest on"

"Why do we have eyes?"
"Because otherwise our eyelids wouldn't protect anything".

"Why do we fingers?"
"well, fingernails need to grow off something!"

"Why do we have noses?"
"Because if we didn't, we'd look like Voldemort"

"why do we have *******"
"So that we can make a face with our stomachs"
Btw, I don't have a kid haha I'm 17 and single so....yeah... Lol
Life is important.
I know it's stressful.
I know it's hard.
I know it's upsetting...
But! It's yours.

I'm a pacifist,
I don't believe that violence is the answer,
You only live this life once,
So why waste it, ruining others?

Say no to Violence, respect life.
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