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 Nov 2015 Deon
Mike Essig
Just a few
sharp instants
of clarity
like ghosts
from blurry

 Oct 2015 Deon
Dark n Beautiful
I am the poem, the naked poem
Feel the poetic tone. From the moment
you laid eyes on me.
The break lines and the awkward feeling,
you get throughout each stanza,
represent my beautiful nakedness

Then comes the unprovoked aggression of my actions,
Never blanket my words,
let my audience feel the power of my strength
I am the poem that can never be ban
I rather you wouldn’t strip my words from the truth,
but embrace it with an open mind
 Oct 2015 Deon
 Oct 2015 Deon
My body has not once been a temple.

I remember years ago,
sitting poolside with my grandmother,
her spidery, veined hands touching my knee:

"Your body is a grand temple,
only those who are holy are worth admittance."

And her stern sincerity made me laugh.

My body is a wet, lush jungle.
My body has been trampled through and lived in.

Destroyed, burned,
yet always continues to rebirth itself from the rubble and debris.

Am I any less for this?

My body is a mystery,
a slow wafer on the tip of a school boy's tongue.
A dark, cool place to rest your weary head.
A place to let your feet press into the rich soil
and feel like maybe you can call this home.

I think one time,
a man with dark hair and light eyes thought he could
reduce me to mere trees and rain,
not knowing the jungle is not a safe place.

Unlike those with temples for bodies,
my heart lives deep in a hidden cave guarded with
sharp memories that feel like claws.

My memories have teeth,
and my heart has a brain.
 Oct 2015 Deon
He asked me, once:
"Would you die for me?"

I looked up at him, a smirk forming at my lips.

I slowly ashed my cigarette,
as if I was thinking of a suitable answer,
one that proclaimed my undying affection.

As I caught his eye, I said:
"Well, frankly love, I wouldn't even **** for you."
 Oct 2015 Deon
Tasmin Jade
Grow Old
 Oct 2015 Deon
Tasmin Jade
I don't want to grow old,
age and see my face fold.
I don't want my bones to brittle,
and to remember so little.

I don't want to grow old,
my body used to the cold.
I don't want to go grey,
while the rest of me fades away.

I don't want to grow old,
where the shakes take hold.
I don't want to be looked after,
in a place with no laughter.

But when I grow old,
I'll enter the years of gold.
I will watch my children,
give me grandchildren,
where I can experience youth
once again.
Just something I whipped up while I was pondering my 21st birthday coming up. I hate ageing, it's a small phobia I have.
Why is it that I can't sleep at night,
While you dream like there's no tomorrow?
And how come your smile's so bright,
While mine's full of loss and sorrow?
Is it because I'm here
And that other girl isn't?
Do you just want me to disappear?
Please don't let me go in this condition!

You're so ignorant sometimes
That you don't even know you're killing me.
The hating, yelling, and crimes are just a big catastrophe.

I'm begging,
screaming for you
To come back in my arms.
Or maybe, just maybe
Keep me away from the monster
Which you have sadly come to be.
You know those voices?
In your head?
No? Not one bit?
Well I do and I'm not lying.
They're real I swear.
I can never stop them.
They tell me what to do,
No matter what.
That's how I got here.
In this blinding white room with no windows.
In a minute or two those creatures that you call humans,
Will come and take me to do who the hell knows what.
It's only a matter of time.
I hate humans.
They're evil,
Or so the voices say.
They say they're my friends,
But I don't believe them anymore.
All they do is make things worse.
That's why the people call me "insane."
If anything they are the ones that are on the brink of insanity.
Arms grab me and pull me to my feet
And stick something pointy in my arm.
Quickly I collapse into darkness,
The place I call my safe haven.
But just as I begin to relax,  
A voice rings through my frail mind.

"You can never escape us. Never."
Will you listen to me?!
I'm running out of time.
They're coming for me quick,
You know it's because I'm sick.

Sick in the head that is.
You don't know what to say?
You're upset I killed your fiancé?

Well you just don't understand.
There's a reason behind my logic.
My stupid good for nothing logic.

You'll need to know before its too late,
Oh just why I chose this horrible fate.

The secret is... I love you!
I've wanted you since the day we met!
When I saw you with my old friend
I knew that'd be the end.
The end of me that is.

What? You don't love me?
I'm too crazy for you?
You're right.
No one would love a ******.

Why aren't you listening?!
It's too late! They're here!
Just know that I'd do anything!
Anything at all for you to be happy.

You want me to leave?
Never to return.
Maybe it's just right to leave you be.
While I die right here and burn.

Or you'll just burn with me instead!
An idea for a story I've been planning.

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