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This teacher has it all figured out
There is only right and wrong
No shades of grey
One syllabus to rule them all

The mellow sunrise
With colours dancing between yellow and orange
Seems muffled and grey
From a classroom window

Skipping stones
Bouncing marbles
Drumming on pots
Drumming on buckets

They say,
That the teacher learns more from the students..
Then why don't the students lead the class?

This melody that he's drank
Runs in his veins all day.
And every morning,
A new melody runs.

The melody blinds his eye,
As he enters class
And shall be with him when he leaves,
The day's studies already forgotten.

Memorizing lines,
Inking notebooks,
Drumming on desks
Drumming on desks

The afternoon sun
With dancing sun rays and brightness
Seems inviting and warm
When leaving the class

Running out as soon as the bell rings
Jumping with his friends,
It's a long journey home for him
*And he has a long song for the road.
Away away she flies
Atop the ship's mast
Singing away her sorrow
Her words lost in the wind

Her tears glisten
In the moonlight
Her heart years
For her motherland

Waves crash upon the shore
Bathing the rocks with foam
A gale of wind, from the west
Billows away a young man's hat

She keeps an eye upon the horizon
A single cloud adorns it
The smell of sea salt,
And fishes fresh

The ship sails away
But she has eyes only for one
She searches but sees naught
She longs for him

Tears adorn her face
Her spirit remains maimed
But her eyes shine brighter
Than any star ever would

Humming deeply
She turns her back against the shore
Her tiny hands, clap softly
To the rhythm of the sea

Away away she flies
Atop the ship's mast
Singing away her spirit
Her words carried by the wind
A demented whisper
Tugs upon your sleeve
To gaze into the unknown
To gaze into the awe

Unleashing your fear
Fire burning in your bones
You flex your mind
Like you would a muscle

In control of everything
Watching the world in front of you
You realize you were living a lie
You realize you were ignorant

But it all didn't matter
For you were in awe of the universe
Time ceased to matter
You've spent your life being it's slave

Armoured with the love
Of  people infinite
You feel no worry
You've seen the light

You are the light
You are the energy
You are the beginning and the end
You are more than you thought you were

You are awake
This photograph of yours
Is all I have
And it's all I'll ever want
For it is more than I bargained for

Like a deep sea diver
You've broken through the surface
Of my being.
The ripples won't fade away

Our consciousness brushes against each other
It's ethereal

Our gazes meet each other from across the room
It feels like we're half a world away

It could have been a day at the beach
Or a midnight stroll
But for the life of me
I can't remember

And it doesn't bother me
For the memory of you
Is etched in my mind
And that's all I need

This song the band played, when I met your gaze
Is all I have
And all I'll ever want
For it's much more than I bargained for.
A call from the other side
Awakes her from her trance
Holding on to herself
Taking a step back

Breathing in the sunshine
And letting it fill her insides
A stain upon her soul
A burden that needs to be carried

The scent of salty water
Warmth of sand between her toes
With a weathered eye upon the horizon
She watches

This Goddess
Has eyes only for the sea
Given up her spirit to the water
It pulls her closer and closer

The Tranquillity provided here
Gives her a surreal release
Her thoughts, pregnant
With belief

Bathing herself in moonlight
With the never-ending wind for company
To the rhythmic beat of the foamy waves
*She dances
Race towards the rising sun
And retrace your steps back to me
Cause I need this time
*I need this time
This fire burns
A fever rising in my limbs
This fire grows
I resist the pain

Show me the truth
For I do not believe it
I reject it
I cannot accept it

Show me the road
For the one I walk on
Has no end
It runs in circles

Show me the light

Show me a way to accept the truth

For if this is the truth. Everything I know is wrong

Show me a way to you

*Show me the road to awe
The night is young
It leaves a pain in my chest
Fireflies flutter around
Brightening their own lives

Without even realizing

My words will forever
Be lost in the wind
But what I feel in my heart
The dreams I've dreamt

They are yours, and yours forever

My hands in my pocket
Would forever be around you
If they could
But you need not worry, my love

*For you're forever my firefly

— The End —