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 Apr 2015 JAM
Kelly Hogan
 Apr 2015 JAM
Kelly Hogan
I keep telling myself:
"I will find you in my dreams tonight"
But I never do.

Instead I'm running from
Things with sharp teeth
And an empty feeling I get...

When they don't catch up to me.
It's 2am and I just want some sleep. Please.
 Apr 2015 JAM
Julian C Jaynes
A friend tried to die.
He tried to escape the iron grip of life.
But he failed.
We managed to get to him in time.
We "saved" him.
He sat in a room for a day,
He was reduced to nothing more than a sack of flesh,
Only staying alive
Because the human body has an astounding capacity
For forcing you to live, above all else.
As I drew closer, he feebly reached out,
Squeezed my hand,
And held on as he proceeded to apologize.
It was all I could do not to cry.
Later, they shipped him out for rehabilitation.
They gave him drugs.
Until he adjusted to them, they affected his brain so strongly,
He couldn't complete the sentences he started.
He couldn't remember what he just started to say two seconds previously.
He went back home soon, though.
He seems okay.
But I'm not.
A part of me died the day I saw him in that hospital bed.
This was my rock,
The person I looked to when my life fell apart.
Now his life has fallen apart.
Now I have nothing to show me things will be okay.
Now I sit in a pit of depression
Deeper than any I've dug before,
And I can't see the way out.
Attempting suicide is the worst thing you can do to your loved ones.
It hurts them more than it could ever possibly hurt you.
Life gets better.
You just have to reach out.
My best friend of six years just tried to overdose. It had a very traumatic effect on me. I'm glad he's okay now, but I now deal with this stress every day of wondering whether he will try it again or not. I just had to write down my thoughts. I know it doesn't resemble a poem very well, and I hope the entire thing doesn't sound too selfish, but I also hope that someone who reads this realizes that attempting suicide is never the way to go. You hurt yourself, and many others when you try it. Reach out if you're hurting. I promise you, the friends and family that really matter will always help you. They want you to be happy, and so do I. I guess I'll shut up now.
 Apr 2015 JAM
Shield Maiden
 Apr 2015 JAM
Shield Maiden
When people call me babe, darling or love
Without meaning
Without feeling
I feel like screaming
My heart feels like it’s bleeding
Don’t you know the meaning

My desire, my want
My only passion is to hear
Those words with love
I just want to say I dont know anything about Poetry unfortunately. So every time I write, I hope that it comes out alright. So i really appreciate it if you review it so I can work on my skills. Thank you for reading :)
 Apr 2015 JAM
Hannah Beth
I want to float,
yet moreso than floating I want to fade
into the blackness of the universe beyond earth and
all there is to roam in its folds, to fly beneath and above the
stars that shine against blankets of navy that
swallow them all up come sunrise

And waking up ignites such horror and moreso
than anything in those foggy minutes
between sleep and wakefulness is
the fatigue that sparks my everlasting
longing to jet off among the galaxies and
to ****** well live there til our time ends --

Never to return --

for it is far better out there where it is so close to untouched,
than here,
in this false darkness following sleep.
a drip drop drabble of messy thoughts concerning my worrying inability to wake up these days
 Apr 2015 JAM
Kelly Hogan
It's 3am
I'm on the couch (too far from you)
Feet soaking in an old cooking ***
Filled to the brim with cold water
Fading in
Fading out.
Morning light creeps in
And I wonder if I've slept at all.
Someone want to trade skins? Mine's too sensitive.
 Apr 2015 JAM
 Apr 2015 JAM
Everything I love is blue,
The ocean holds my heart,
Gave me puddles of itself for eyes,
Told the sky to hold back the rain,
The waves crash heavy along my sides,
And the tides creep up to my knees
You are not blue, but you still hold seas in your palms.
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