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 Apr 2015 JAM
James Stautberg
Our hearts, or our souls, or whatever metaphysical qualification you want to use that best defines what it is that makes us human, can be divided up in an infinite number of ways.
We give a little piece of our hearts, or souls, or whatever away to something when we chose to love it.
And every time we give a little piece of our heart, or soul, or whatever away we gain a little something in return.
And when we love something, a person, a pet, a place, a little compartment is created in our hearts, or souls, or whatever, so that we can carry around these feelings,
And every time we want to, we can stop and open the door to this little internal compartment we have created in ourselves and enjoy these feelings this person, or pet, or place elicits in us.
And each compartment, regardless of how many you have, has its own unique flavor.  
None feel quite the same even if they all have the same mix of excitement, anticipation, love and caring.
(Of course there are compartments for negatives too, but those compartments don't concern us right now.)
And every time we encounter these special people, pets, or places we get to add a little nuance to our compartments.  
A new depth of understanding that you only notice over time.
And we can open these compartments even when we are just thinking about these people, pets, or places and let these positive feelings wash over us because we know, eve if it isn't right now, we will, at some point, be in the presence of these wonderful things again.
And what a comforting thought that is.
Then, one day, this thing we have given ourselves to, these people, pets or places, aren't here anymore.
And, for whatever reason, they will never be coming back
no matter how debilitating that thought is.
And now we have lost a little bit of our heart, or soul, or whatever and we will never be getting it back again.
And we go back and open our compartments and the joy we used to feel washes over us in a tidal wave of filth
because knowing these feeling we used to have makes knowing we will never have them again that much worse.
And now, where love and excitement once lived
fear and loss and regret thrive.
So we try our ****-dist to keep this door to our hearts and to our souls closed.
But, we can't help but peak in from time to time
and as a new wave of pain and anxiety greet us like the old friends they have become
we say it is pain well earned
because it beats the alternative of never giving yourself to any person, pet, or place in the first place.
 Apr 2015 JAM
Too late
 Apr 2015 JAM
Maybe if the world had noticed
all the tears streaking down her cheeks,
and the nooses
that hung from her room,
all the pills
and broken dreams that littered her floor,
maybe then
she'll still be here.
short poem. procrastinating ^^

better off dead
by sleeping with sirens
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